
diff update/core-update.v1.2.9-v1.3.0.sql @ 89:d7eadecc7b05

Merged planned changes for version 1.3.0 with latest bugfix for version 1.2.9
author jbe
date Fri Oct 29 18:36:36 2010 +0200 (2010-10-29)
parents update/core-update.v1.2.8-v1.3.0.sql@3a86196ed0bf
children 20be30c73831
line diff
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/update/core-update.v1.2.9-v1.3.0.sql	Fri Oct 29 18:36:36 2010 +0200
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
     1.4 +BEGIN;
     1.5 + 
     1.6 +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "liquid_feedback_version" AS
     1.7 +  SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('1.3.0', 1, 3, 0))
     1.8 +  AS "subquery"("string", "major", "minor", "revision");
     1.9 +
    1.10 +ALTER TABLE "supporter" ADD COLUMN
    1.11 +  "auto_support" BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE;
    1.12 +
    1.13 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "supporter"."auto_support" IS 'Supporting member does not want to confirm new drafts of the initiative';
    1.14 +
    1.15 +
    1.16 +-- update comment for column "fully_frozen" of table "issue"
    1.17 +
    1.18 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "issue"."fully_frozen" IS 'Point in time, when "verification_time" has elapsed and voting has started; Frontends must ensure that for fully_frozen issues additionally to the restrictions for half_frozen issues a) initiatives are not created, b) no interest is created or removed, c) no supporters are added or removed, d) no opinions are created, changed or deleted.';
    1.19 +
    1.20 +
    1.21 +-- update comment for column "autoreject" of table "membership"
    1.22 +
    1.23 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "membership"."autoreject" IS 'TRUE = member votes against all initiatives, if he is neither direct_ or delegating_voter; Entries in the "interest" table can override this setting.';
    1.24 +
    1.25 +
    1.26 +-- allow column "autoreject" of table "interest" to be NULL
    1.27 +-- (thus defaulting to "membership")
    1.28 +
    1.29 +ALTER TABLE "interest" ALTER COLUMN "autoreject" DROP NOT NULL;
    1.30 +
    1.31 +
    1.32 +-- new table "ignored_issue" to allow members to ignore particular issues in certain states
    1.33 +
    1.34 +CREATE TABLE "ignored_issue" (
    1.35 +        PRIMARY KEY ("issue_id", "member_id"),
    1.36 +        "issue_id"              INT4            REFERENCES "issue" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
    1.37 +        "member_id"             INT4            REFERENCES "member" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
    1.38 +        "new"                   BOOLEAN         NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
    1.39 +        "accepted"              BOOLEAN         NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
    1.40 +        "half_frozen"           BOOLEAN         NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
    1.41 +        "fully_frozen"          BOOLEAN         NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE );
    1.42 +CREATE INDEX "ignored_issue_member_id_idx" ON "ignored_issue" ("member_id");
    1.43 +
    1.44 +COMMENT ON TABLE "ignored_issue" IS 'Table to store member specific options to ignore issues in selected states';
    1.45 +
    1.46 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "ignored_issue"."new"          IS 'Selects issues which are neither closed nor accepted';
    1.47 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "ignored_issue"."accepted"     IS 'Selects issues which are accepted but not (half_)frozen or closed';
    1.48 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "ignored_issue"."half_frozen"  IS 'Selects issues which are half_frozen but not fully_frozen or closed';
    1.49 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "ignored_issue"."fully_frozen" IS 'Selects issues which are fully_frozen (in voting) and not closed';
    1.50 +
    1.51 +
    1.52 +-- allow area and issue delegations with trustee_id set to NULL
    1.53 +-- (indicating that global or area delegation is void for that area or issue)
    1.54 +
    1.55 +ALTER TABLE "delegation" ALTER COLUMN "trustee_id" DROP NOT NULL;
    1.56 +
    1.57 +ALTER TABLE "delegation" ADD CONSTRAINT "no_global_delegation_to_null"
    1.58 +  CHECK ("trustee_id" NOTNULL OR "scope" != 'global');
    1.59 +
    1.60 +
    1.61 +-- disable and delete "copy_autoreject" trigger on table "interest"
    1.62 +
    1.63 +DROP TRIGGER "copy_autoreject" ON "interest";
    1.64 +DROP FUNCTION "copy_autoreject_trigger"();
    1.65 +
    1.66 +
    1.67 +-- update comments on delegation views
    1.68 +
    1.69 +COMMENT ON VIEW "active_delegation" IS 'Helper view for views "global_delegation", "area_delegation" and "issue_delegation": Contains delegations where the truster_id refers to an active member and includes those delegations where trustee_id is NULL';
    1.70 +
    1.71 +COMMENT ON VIEW "area_delegation" IS 'Resulting area delegations from active members; can include rows with trustee_id set to NULL';
    1.72 +
    1.73 +COMMENT ON VIEW "issue_delegation" IS 'Resulting issue delegations from active members; can include rows with trustee_id set to NULL';
    1.74 +
    1.75 +
    1.76 +--
    1.77 +
    1.78 +DROP FUNCTION "delegation_chain"
    1.79 +  ( "member"."id"%TYPE,
    1.80 +    "area"."id"%TYPE,
    1.81 +    "issue"."id"%TYPE );
    1.82 +
    1.83 +DROP FUNCTION "delegation_chain"
    1.84 +  ( "member"."id"%TYPE,
    1.85 +    "area"."id"%TYPE,
    1.86 +    "issue"."id"%TYPE,
    1.87 +    "member"."id"%TYPE );
    1.88 +
    1.89 +DROP TYPE "delegation_chain_row";
    1.90 +
    1.91 +CREATE TYPE "delegation_chain_row" AS (
    1.92 +        "index"                 INT4,
    1.93 +        "member_id"             INT4,
    1.94 +        "member_active"         BOOLEAN,
    1.95 +        "participation"         BOOLEAN,
    1.96 +        "overridden"            BOOLEAN,
    1.97 +        "scope_in"              "delegation_scope",
    1.98 +        "scope_out"             "delegation_scope",
    1.99 +        "disabled_out"          BOOLEAN,
   1.100 +        "loop"                  "delegation_chain_loop_tag" );
   1.101 +
   1.102 +COMMENT ON TYPE "delegation_chain_row" IS 'Type of rows returned by "delegation_chain"(...) functions';
   1.103 +
   1.104 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "delegation_chain_row"."index"         IS 'Index starting with 0 and counting up';
   1.105 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "delegation_chain_row"."participation" IS 'In case of delegation chains for issues: interest, for areas: membership, for global delegation chains: always null';
   1.106 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "delegation_chain_row"."overridden"    IS 'True, if an entry with lower index has "participation" set to true';
   1.107 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "delegation_chain_row"."scope_in"      IS 'Scope of used incoming delegation';
   1.108 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "delegation_chain_row"."scope_out"     IS 'Scope of used outgoing delegation';
   1.109 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "delegation_chain_row"."disabled_out"  IS 'Outgoing delegation is explicitly disabled by a delegation with trustee_id set to NULL';
   1.110 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "delegation_chain_row"."loop"          IS 'Not null, if member is part of a loop, see "delegation_chain_loop_tag" type';
   1.111 +
   1.112 +
   1.113 +CREATE FUNCTION "delegation_chain"
   1.114 +  ( "member_id_p"           "member"."id"%TYPE,
   1.115 +    "area_id_p"             "area"."id"%TYPE,
   1.116 +    "issue_id_p"            "issue"."id"%TYPE,
   1.117 +    "simulate_trustee_id_p" "member"."id"%TYPE )
   1.118 +  RETURNS SETOF "delegation_chain_row"
   1.119 +  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' STABLE AS $$
   1.120 +    DECLARE
   1.121 +      "issue_row"          "issue"%ROWTYPE;
   1.122 +      "visited_member_ids" INT4[];  -- "member"."id"%TYPE[]
   1.123 +      "loop_member_id_v"   "member"."id"%TYPE;
   1.124 +      "output_row"         "delegation_chain_row";
   1.125 +      "output_rows"        "delegation_chain_row"[];
   1.126 +      "delegation_row"     "delegation"%ROWTYPE;
   1.127 +      "row_count"          INT4;
   1.128 +      "i"                  INT4;
   1.129 +      "loop_v"             BOOLEAN;
   1.130 +    BEGIN
   1.131 +      SELECT * INTO "issue_row" FROM "issue" WHERE "id" = "issue_id_p";
   1.132 +      "visited_member_ids" := '{}';
   1.133 +      "loop_member_id_v"   := NULL;
   1.134 +      "output_rows"        := '{}';
   1.135 +      "output_row"."index"         := 0;
   1.136 +      "output_row"."member_id"     := "member_id_p";
   1.137 +      "output_row"."member_active" := TRUE;
   1.138 +      "output_row"."participation" := FALSE;
   1.139 +      "output_row"."overridden"    := FALSE;
   1.140 +      "output_row"."disabled_out"  := FALSE;
   1.141 +      "output_row"."scope_out"     := NULL;
   1.142 +      LOOP
   1.143 +        IF "visited_member_ids" @> ARRAY["output_row"."member_id"] THEN
   1.144 +          "loop_member_id_v" := "output_row"."member_id";
   1.145 +        ELSE
   1.146 +          "visited_member_ids" :=
   1.147 +            "visited_member_ids" || "output_row"."member_id";
   1.148 +        END IF;
   1.149 +        IF "output_row"."participation" THEN
   1.150 +          "output_row"."overridden" := TRUE;
   1.151 +        END IF;
   1.152 +        "output_row"."scope_in" := "output_row"."scope_out";
   1.153 +        IF EXISTS (
   1.154 +          SELECT NULL FROM "member" 
   1.155 +          WHERE "id" = "output_row"."member_id" AND "active"
   1.156 +        ) THEN
   1.157 +          IF "area_id_p" ISNULL AND "issue_id_p" ISNULL THEN
   1.158 +            SELECT * INTO "delegation_row" FROM "delegation"
   1.159 +              WHERE "truster_id" = "output_row"."member_id"
   1.160 +              AND "scope" = 'global';
   1.161 +          ELSIF "area_id_p" NOTNULL AND "issue_id_p" ISNULL THEN
   1.162 +            "output_row"."participation" := EXISTS (
   1.163 +              SELECT NULL FROM "membership"
   1.164 +              WHERE "area_id" = "area_id_p"
   1.165 +              AND "member_id" = "output_row"."member_id"
   1.166 +            );
   1.167 +            SELECT * INTO "delegation_row" FROM "delegation"
   1.168 +              WHERE "truster_id" = "output_row"."member_id"
   1.169 +              AND ("scope" = 'global' OR "area_id" = "area_id_p")
   1.170 +              ORDER BY "scope" DESC;
   1.171 +          ELSIF "area_id_p" ISNULL AND "issue_id_p" NOTNULL THEN
   1.172 +            "output_row"."participation" := EXISTS (
   1.173 +              SELECT NULL FROM "interest"
   1.174 +              WHERE "issue_id" = "issue_id_p"
   1.175 +              AND "member_id" = "output_row"."member_id"
   1.176 +            );
   1.177 +            SELECT * INTO "delegation_row" FROM "delegation"
   1.178 +              WHERE "truster_id" = "output_row"."member_id"
   1.179 +              AND ("scope" = 'global' OR
   1.180 +                "area_id" = "issue_row"."area_id" OR
   1.181 +                "issue_id" = "issue_id_p"
   1.182 +              )
   1.183 +              ORDER BY "scope" DESC;
   1.184 +          ELSE
   1.185 +            RAISE EXCEPTION 'Either area_id or issue_id or both must be NULL.';
   1.186 +          END IF;
   1.187 +        ELSE
   1.188 +          "output_row"."member_active" := FALSE;
   1.189 +          "output_row"."participation" := FALSE;
   1.190 +          "output_row"."scope_out"     := NULL;
   1.191 +          "delegation_row" := ROW(NULL);
   1.192 +        END IF;
   1.193 +        IF
   1.194 +          "output_row"."member_id" = "member_id_p" AND
   1.195 +          "simulate_trustee_id_p" NOTNULL
   1.196 +        THEN
   1.197 +          "output_row"."scope_out" := CASE
   1.198 +            WHEN "area_id_p" ISNULL  AND "issue_id_p" ISNULL  THEN 'global'
   1.199 +            WHEN "area_id_p" NOTNULL AND "issue_id_p" ISNULL  THEN 'area'
   1.200 +            WHEN "area_id_p" ISNULL  AND "issue_id_p" NOTNULL THEN 'issue'
   1.201 +          END;
   1.202 +          "output_rows" := "output_rows" || "output_row";
   1.203 +          "output_row"."member_id" := "simulate_trustee_id_p";
   1.204 +        ELSIF "delegation_row"."trustee_id" NOTNULL THEN
   1.205 +          "output_row"."scope_out" := "delegation_row"."scope";
   1.206 +          "output_rows" := "output_rows" || "output_row";
   1.207 +          "output_row"."member_id" := "delegation_row"."trustee_id";
   1.208 +        ELSIF "delegation_row"."scope" NOTNULL THEN
   1.209 +          "output_row"."scope_out" := "delegation_row"."scope";
   1.210 +          "output_row"."disabled_out" := TRUE;
   1.211 +          "output_rows" := "output_rows" || "output_row";
   1.212 +          EXIT;
   1.213 +        ELSE
   1.214 +          "output_row"."scope_out" := NULL;
   1.215 +          "output_rows" := "output_rows" || "output_row";
   1.216 +          EXIT;
   1.217 +        END IF;
   1.218 +        EXIT WHEN "loop_member_id_v" NOTNULL;
   1.219 +        "output_row"."index" := "output_row"."index" + 1;
   1.220 +      END LOOP;
   1.221 +      "row_count" := array_upper("output_rows", 1);
   1.222 +      "i"      := 1;
   1.223 +      "loop_v" := FALSE;
   1.224 +      LOOP
   1.225 +        "output_row" := "output_rows"["i"];
   1.226 +        EXIT WHEN "output_row" ISNULL;
   1.227 +        IF "loop_v" THEN
   1.228 +          IF "i" + 1 = "row_count" THEN
   1.229 +            "output_row"."loop" := 'last';
   1.230 +          ELSIF "i" = "row_count" THEN
   1.231 +            "output_row"."loop" := 'repetition';
   1.232 +          ELSE
   1.233 +            "output_row"."loop" := 'intermediate';
   1.234 +          END IF;
   1.235 +        ELSIF "output_row"."member_id" = "loop_member_id_v" THEN
   1.236 +          "output_row"."loop" := 'first';
   1.237 +          "loop_v" := TRUE;
   1.238 +        END IF;
   1.239 +        IF "area_id_p" ISNULL AND "issue_id_p" ISNULL THEN
   1.240 +          "output_row"."participation" := NULL;
   1.241 +        END IF;
   1.242 +        RETURN NEXT "output_row";
   1.243 +        "i" := "i" + 1;
   1.244 +      END LOOP;
   1.245 +      RETURN;
   1.246 +    END;
   1.247 +  $$;
   1.248 +
   1.249 +COMMENT ON FUNCTION "delegation_chain"
   1.250 +  ( "member"."id"%TYPE,
   1.251 +    "area"."id"%TYPE,
   1.252 +    "issue"."id"%TYPE,
   1.253 +    "member"."id"%TYPE )
   1.254 +  IS 'Helper function for frontends to display delegation chains; Not part of internal voting logic';
   1.255 +
   1.256 +CREATE FUNCTION "delegation_chain"
   1.257 +  ( "member_id_p" "member"."id"%TYPE,
   1.258 +    "area_id_p"   "area"."id"%TYPE,
   1.259 +    "issue_id_p"  "issue"."id"%TYPE )
   1.260 +  RETURNS SETOF "delegation_chain_row"
   1.261 +  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' STABLE AS $$
   1.262 +    DECLARE
   1.263 +      "result_row" "delegation_chain_row";
   1.264 +    BEGIN
   1.265 +      FOR "result_row" IN
   1.266 +        SELECT * FROM "delegation_chain"(
   1.267 +          "member_id_p", "area_id_p", "issue_id_p", NULL
   1.268 +        )
   1.269 +      LOOP
   1.270 +        RETURN NEXT "result_row";
   1.271 +      END LOOP;
   1.272 +      RETURN;
   1.273 +    END;
   1.274 +  $$;
   1.275 +
   1.276 +COMMENT ON FUNCTION "delegation_chain"
   1.277 +  ( "member"."id"%TYPE,
   1.278 +    "area"."id"%TYPE,
   1.279 +    "issue"."id"%TYPE )
   1.280 +  IS 'Shortcut for "delegation_chain"(...) function where 4th parameter is null';
   1.281 +
   1.282 +
   1.283 +-- delete entries of "ignored_issue" table in "delete_member"(...) and "delete_private_data"() functions
   1.284 +
   1.285 +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "delete_member"("member_id_p" "member"."id"%TYPE)
   1.286 +  RETURNS VOID
   1.287 +  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE AS $$
   1.288 +    BEGIN
   1.289 +      UPDATE "member" SET
   1.290 +        "last_login"                   = NULL,
   1.291 +        "login"                        = NULL,
   1.292 +        "password"                     = NULL,
   1.293 +        "active"                       = FALSE,
   1.294 +        "notify_email"                 = NULL,
   1.295 +        "notify_email_unconfirmed"     = NULL,
   1.296 +        "notify_email_secret"          = NULL,
   1.297 +        "notify_email_secret_expiry"   = NULL,
   1.298 +        "notify_email_lock_expiry"     = NULL,
   1.299 +        "password_reset_secret"        = NULL,
   1.300 +        "password_reset_secret_expiry" = NULL,
   1.301 +        "organizational_unit"          = NULL,
   1.302 +        "internal_posts"               = NULL,
   1.303 +        "realname"                     = NULL,
   1.304 +        "birthday"                     = NULL,
   1.305 +        "address"                      = NULL,
   1.306 +        "email"                        = NULL,
   1.307 +        "xmpp_address"                 = NULL,
   1.308 +        "website"                      = NULL,
   1.309 +        "phone"                        = NULL,
   1.310 +        "mobile_phone"                 = NULL,
   1.311 +        "profession"                   = NULL,
   1.312 +        "external_memberships"         = NULL,
   1.313 +        "external_posts"               = NULL,
   1.314 +        "statement"                    = NULL
   1.315 +        WHERE "id" = "member_id_p";
   1.316 +      -- "text_search_data" is updated by triggers
   1.317 +      DELETE FROM "setting"            WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.318 +      DELETE FROM "setting_map"        WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.319 +      DELETE FROM "member_relation_setting" WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.320 +      DELETE FROM "member_image"       WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.321 +      DELETE FROM "contact"            WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.322 +      DELETE FROM "area_setting"       WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.323 +      DELETE FROM "issue_setting"      WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.324 +      DELETE FROM "initiative_setting" WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.325 +      DELETE FROM "suggestion_setting" WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.326 +      DELETE FROM "membership"         WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.327 +      DELETE FROM "delegation"         WHERE "truster_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.328 +      DELETE FROM "ignored_voting"     WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.329 +      DELETE FROM "direct_voter" USING "issue"
   1.330 +        WHERE "direct_voter"."issue_id" = "issue"."id"
   1.331 +        AND "issue"."closed" ISNULL
   1.332 +        AND "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.333 +      RETURN;
   1.334 +    END;
   1.335 +  $$;
   1.336 +
   1.337 +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "delete_private_data"()
   1.338 +  RETURNS VOID
   1.339 +  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE AS $$
   1.340 +    BEGIN
   1.341 +      UPDATE "member" SET
   1.342 +        "last_login"                   = NULL,
   1.343 +        "login"                        = NULL,
   1.344 +        "password"                     = NULL,
   1.345 +        "notify_email"                 = NULL,
   1.346 +        "notify_email_unconfirmed"     = NULL,
   1.347 +        "notify_email_secret"          = NULL,
   1.348 +        "notify_email_secret_expiry"   = NULL,
   1.349 +        "notify_email_lock_expiry"     = NULL,
   1.350 +        "password_reset_secret"        = NULL,
   1.351 +        "password_reset_secret_expiry" = NULL,
   1.352 +        "organizational_unit"          = NULL,
   1.353 +        "internal_posts"               = NULL,
   1.354 +        "realname"                     = NULL,
   1.355 +        "birthday"                     = NULL,
   1.356 +        "address"                      = NULL,
   1.357 +        "email"                        = NULL,
   1.358 +        "xmpp_address"                 = NULL,
   1.359 +        "website"                      = NULL,
   1.360 +        "phone"                        = NULL,
   1.361 +        "mobile_phone"                 = NULL,
   1.362 +        "profession"                   = NULL,
   1.363 +        "external_memberships"         = NULL,
   1.364 +        "external_posts"               = NULL,
   1.365 +        "statement"                    = NULL;
   1.366 +      -- "text_search_data" is updated by triggers
   1.367 +      DELETE FROM "invite_code";
   1.368 +      DELETE FROM "setting";
   1.369 +      DELETE FROM "setting_map";
   1.370 +      DELETE FROM "member_relation_setting";
   1.371 +      DELETE FROM "member_image";
   1.372 +      DELETE FROM "contact";
   1.373 +      DELETE FROM "session";
   1.374 +      DELETE FROM "area_setting";
   1.375 +      DELETE FROM "issue_setting";
   1.376 +      DELETE FROM "initiative_setting";
   1.377 +      DELETE FROM "suggestion_setting";
   1.378 +      DELETE FROM "ignored_voting";
   1.379 +      DELETE FROM "direct_voter" USING "issue"
   1.380 +        WHERE "direct_voter"."issue_id" = "issue"."id"
   1.381 +        AND "issue"."closed" ISNULL;
   1.382 +      RETURN;
   1.383 +    END;
   1.384 +  $$;
   1.385 +
   1.386 +
   1.387 +COMMIT;

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