
view locale/translations.en.lua @ 641:26d6d5cb4c7c

Improved language selection and made it available public
author bsw
date Mon Jun 25 19:42:26 2012 +0200 (2012-06-25)
parents a9fd951b67bb
children 6236e222f007
line source
1 #!/usr/bin/env lua
2 return {
3 ["#{count} cancelled"] = false;
4 ["#{count} days ago"] = false;
5 ["#{count} finished"] = false;
6 ["#{count} in discussion"] = false;
7 ["#{count} in verification"] = false;
8 ["#{count} in voting"] = false;
9 ["#{count} more areas in this unit"] = false;
10 ["#{count} new"] = false;
11 ["#{count} of them have an area delegation set"] = false;
12 ["#{count} of your outgoing delegation(s) are broken"] = false;
13 ["#{date} at #{time}"] = false;
14 ["#{interested_issues_to_vote_count} issue(s) you are interested in"] = false;
15 ["#{issues_to_vote_count} issue(s)"] = false;
16 ["#{name}\n\n"] = false;
17 ["#{number} Image(s) has been deleted"] = false;
18 ["#{number} Image(s) has been updated"] = false;
19 ["#{policy_name} ##{issue_id}"] = false;
20 ["#{policy} ##{id}"] = false;
21 ["#{time_left} left"] = false;
22 ["(#{more_count} duplicates removed)"] = false;
23 ["(new window)"] = false;
24 ["+ #{weight}"] = false;
25 ["+getElementById("] = false;
26 ["A-Z"] = false;
27 ["API Key"] = false;
28 ["API key has been created"] = false;
29 ["API key has been deleted"] = false;
30 ["API keys"] = false;
31 ["Abandon global delegation for this area"] = false;
32 ["Abandon unit and area delegations for this issue"] = false;
33 ["Abandon unit delegation for this area"] = false;
34 ["About site"] = false;
35 ["Abstention"] = false;
36 ["Abstention [many entries]"] = "Abstention";
37 ["Abstention [single entry]"] = "Abstention";
38 ["Accept invitation"] = false;
39 ["Accepted at"] = false;
40 ["Access level"] = false;
41 ["Active?"] = false;
42 ["Add alternative initiative to issue"] = false;
43 ["Add my interest"] = false;
44 ["Add new suggestion"] = false;
45 ["Add new unit"] = false;
46 ["Add suggestion"] = false;
47 ["Add to my contacts"] = false;
48 ["Address"] = false;
49 ["Admin"] = false;
50 ["Admin menu"] = false;
51 ["Admin?"] = false;
52 ["Admission time"] = false;
53 ["Admitted"] = false;
54 ["All areas"] = false;
55 ["All areas in my units"] = false;
56 ["All issues"] = false;
57 ["All of them"] = false;
58 ["All units"] = false;
59 ["Any"] = false;
60 ["Any phase"] = false;
61 ["Any state"] = false;
62 ["Apply global delegation for this area (Currently: #{delegate_name} [#{scope}])"] = false;
63 ["Apply global or area delegation for this issue (Currently: #{delegate_name} [#{scope}])"] = false;
64 ["Apply unit delegation for this area (Currently: #{delegate_name} [#{scope}])"] = false;
65 ["Apply unit or area delegation for this issue (Currently: #{delegate_name} [#{scope}])"] = false;
66 ["Approval (#th preference) [many entries]"] = "Approval (#th preference)";
67 ["Approval (#th preference) [single entry]"] = "Approval (#th preference)";
68 ["Approval (first preference) [many entries]"] = "Approval (first preference)";
69 ["Approval (first preference) [single entry]"] = "Approval (first preference)";
70 ["Approval (second preference) [many entries]"] = "Approval (second preference)";
71 ["Approval (second preference) [single entry]"] = "Approval (second preference)";
72 ["Approval (third preference) [many entries]"] = "Approval (third preference)";
73 ["Approval (third preference) [single entry]"] = "Approval (third preference)";
74 ["Approval [many entries]"] = "Approval";
75 ["Approval [single entry]"] = "Approval";
76 ["Approved"] = false;
77 ["Are you sure?"] = false;
78 ["Area"] = false;
79 ["Area '#{name}'"] = false;
80 ["Area delegation"] = false;
81 ["Area list of '#{unit_name}'"] = false;
82 ["Areas"] = false;
83 ["Author"] = false;
84 ["Avatar"] = false;
85 ["Back"] = false;
86 ["Back to timeline"] = false;
87 ["Ballot of '#{member_name}' for issue ##{issue_id}"] = false;
88 ["Become a member"] = false;
89 ["Birthday"] = false;
90 ["Broken delegations"] = false;
91 ["By delegation"] = false;
92 ["Calculation"] = false;
93 ["Can't remove last initiator"] = false;
94 ["Can't send confirmation email"] = false;
95 ["Cancel"] = false;
96 ["Cancel password reset"] = false;
97 ["Cancel refuse of invitation"] = false;
98 ["Cancel registration"] = false;
99 ["Cancelled"] = false;
100 ["Cancelled (before accepted due to revocation)"] = false;
101 ["Cancelled (during discussion due to revocation)"] = false;
102 ["Cancelled (during verification due to revocation)"] = false;
103 ["Cancelled (issue not accepted)"] = false;
104 ["Cancelled (no initiative admitted)"] = false;
105 ["Change area delegation"] = false;
106 ["Change email"] = false;
107 ["Change email address"] = false;
108 ["Change issue delegation"] = false;
109 ["Change login"] = false;
110 ["Change name"] = false;
111 ["Change notification settings"] = false;
112 ["Change order"] = false;
113 ["Change password"] = false;
114 ["Change unit delegation"] = false;
115 ["Change vote"] = false;
116 ["Change your login"] = false;
117 ["Change your notification email address"] = false;
118 ["Change your password"] = false;
119 ["Change your screen name"] = false;
120 ["Choose initiator"] = false;
121 ["Choose member"] = false;
122 ["Closed"] = false;
123 ["Closed issues"] = false;
124 ["Closed user group, please login to participate."] = false;
125 ["Collective opinion of supporters"] = false;
126 ["Commit suggestion"] = false;
127 ["Compare"] = false;
128 ["Configure notifications now"] = false;
129 ["Confirm"] = false;
130 ["Confirmation code"] = false;
131 ["Confirmation code invalid!"] = false;
132 ["Confirmed address"] = false;
133 ["Contacts"] = false;
134 ["Content"] = false;
135 ["Counting of votes"] = false;
136 ["Counting starts soon"] = false;
137 ["Create / edit area"] = false;
138 ["Create / edit policy"] = false;
139 ["Create alternative initiative"] = false;
140 ["Create new area"] = false;
141 ["Create new issue"] = false;
142 ["Create new policy"] = false;
143 ["Create new unit"] = false;
144 ["Created at"] = false;
145 ["Current draft"] = false;
146 ["Current name"] = false;
147 ["Current status"] = false;
148 ["Current trustee"] = false;
149 ["Current votings in areas you are member of and issues you are interested in:"] = false;
150 ["Currently no API key is set."] = false;
151 ["Currently required"] = false;
152 ["Database download"] = false;
153 ["Date format is not valid. Please use following format: YYYY-MM-DD"] = false;
154 ["Default Policy"] = false;
155 ["Degree"] = false;
156 ["Delegate area"] = false;
157 ["Delegate issue"] = false;
158 ["Delegate unit"] = false;
159 ["Delegation abandoned"] = false;
160 ["Delegation turned off for area"] = false;
161 ["Delegation turned off for issue"] = false;
162 ["Delegations"] = false;
163 ["Delete"] = false;
164 ["Delete filter"] = false;
165 ["Description"] = false;
166 ["Details"] = false;
167 ["Developer settings"] = false;
168 ["Diff"] = false;
169 ["Direct"] = false;
170 ["Direct and by delegation"] = false;
171 ["Direct majority"] = false;
172 ["Direct majority denumerator"] = false;
173 ["Direct majority non negative"] = false;
174 ["Direct majority numerator"] = false;
175 ["Direct majority positive"] = false;
176 ["Disapproval (prefer to last block) [many entries]"] = "Disapproval (prefer to last block)";
177 ["Disapproval (prefer to last block) [single entry]"] = "Disapproval (prefer to last block)";
178 ["Disapproval (prefer to lower block) [many entries]"] = "Disapproval (prefer to lower block)";
179 ["Disapproval (prefer to lower block) [single entry]"] = "Disapproval (prefer to lower block)";
180 ["Disapproval (prefer to lower blocks) [many entries]"] = "Disapproval (prefer to lower blocks)";
181 ["Disapproval (prefer to lower blocks) [single entry]"] = "Disapproval (prefer to lower blocks)";
182 ["Disapproval [many entries]"] = "Disapproval";
183 ["Disapproval [single entry]"] = "Disapproval";
184 ["Discard voting"] = false;
185 ["Discuss with initiators"] = false;
186 ["Discussion"] = false;
187 ["Discussion URL"] = false;
188 ["Discussion on issue"] = false;
189 ["Discussion started"] = false;
190 ["Discussion starts soon"] = false;
191 ["Discussion time"] = false;
192 ["Discussion with initiators"] = false;
193 ["Download"] = false;
194 ["Download database export"] = false;
195 ["Download documents"] = false;
196 ["Draft"] = false;
197 ["Draft history"] = false;
198 ["Edit"] = false;
199 ["Edit areas"] = false;
200 ["Edit draft"] = false;
201 ["Edit initiative"] = false;
202 ["Edit my page"] = false;
203 ["Edit my profile"] = false;
204 ["Edit profile"] = false;
205 ["Edit unit"] = false;
206 ["Eligible as winner"] = false;
207 ["Eligible voters"] = false;
208 ["Email address"] = false;
209 ["Email address confirmation"] = false;
210 ["Email address is confirmed now"] = false;
211 ["Email address too short!"] = false;
212 ["Email confirmation request"] = false;
213 ["Empty help text: #{id}.#{lang}.txt"] = false;
214 ["Error while converting image. Please note, that only JPG files are supported!"] = false;
215 ["Error while resolving openid. Internal message: '#{errmsg}'"] = false;
216 ["Error while updating member, database reported:<br /><br /> (#{errormessage})"] = false;
217 ["Etherpad authentication failed"] = false;
218 ["Event #{id} -> #{num} members"] = false;
219 ["Everything"] = false;
220 ["External memberships"] = false;
221 ["External posts"] = false;
222 ["Finish voting"] = false;
223 ["Finished"] = false;
224 ["Finished (with winner)"] = false;
225 ["Finished (without winner)"] = false;
226 ["Friday"] = false;
227 ["Frozen"] = false;
228 ["Fully frozen at"] = false;
229 ["Generate API key"] = false;
230 ["Global delegation"] = false;
231 ["Global search"] = false;
232 ["Half frozen at"] = false;
233 ["Hello\n\n"] = false;
234 ["Hello "] = false;
235 ["Help #{id}"] = false;
236 ["Help for: #{text}"] = false;
237 ["Hide"] = false;
238 ["Hide filter details"] = false;
239 ["Hide this help message"] = false;
240 ["Hint"] = false;
241 ["History"] = false;
242 ["Home"] = false;
243 ["I consider suggestion as"] = false;
244 ["I like to receive notifications by email about events in my areas and issues:"] = false;
245 ["Id"] = false;
246 ["Identification"] = false;
247 ["If this link is not working, please open following url in your web browser:\n\n"] = false;
248 ["Ignore Areas"] = false;
249 ["Ignore initiative"] = false;
250 ["Ignore member"] = false;
251 ["Images"] = false;
252 ["Incoming delegations"] = false;
253 ["Index"] = false;
254 ["Indirect majority"] = false;
255 ["Indirect majority denumerator"] = false;
256 ["Indirect majority non negative"] = false;
257 ["Indirect majority numerator"] = false;
258 ["Indirect majority positive"] = false;
259 ["Information about the available policies"] = false;
260 ["Initiated"] = false;
261 ["Initiative"] = false;
262 ["Initiative ##{id}"] = false;
263 ["Initiative details"] = false;
264 ["Initiative events"] = false;
265 ["Initiative i#{id}: #{name}"] = false;
266 ["Initiative is revoked now"] = false;
267 ["Initiative quorum"] = false;
268 ["Initiative quorum denumerator"] = false;
269 ["Initiative quorum numerator"] = false;
270 ["Initiative revoked"] = false;
271 ["Initiative successfully created"] = false;
272 ["Initiative successfully updated"] = false;
273 ["Initiative: "] = false;
274 ["Initiatives in this area (last created first)"] = false;
275 ["Initiatives in this area (last updated first)"] = false;
276 ["Initiatives that invited you to become initiator:"] = false;
277 ["Initiator invites"] = false;
278 ["Initiators"] = false;
279 ["Interest not existent"] = false;
280 ["Interest removed"] = false;
281 ["Interest updated"] = false;
282 ["Interested"] = false;
283 ["Internal posts"] = false;
284 ["Interval format:"] = false;
285 ["Invalid query"] = false;
286 ["Invalid username or password!"] = false;
287 ["Invitation has been refused"] = false;
288 ["Invitation to LiquidFeedback"] = false;
289 ["Invite an initiator to initiative"] = false;
290 ["Invite code"] = false;
291 ["Invite initiator"] = false;
292 ["Invited"] = false;
293 ["Issue"] = false;
294 ["Issue ##{id}"] = false;
295 ["Issue accepted"] = false;
296 ["Issue canceled"] = false;
297 ["Issue delegation"] = false;
298 ["Issue details"] = false;
299 ["Issue events"] = false;
300 ["Issue finished"] = false;
301 ["Issue finished without voting"] = false;
302 ["Issue frozen"] = false;
303 ["Issue pad"] = false;
304 ["Issue quorum"] = false;
305 ["Issue quorum denumerator"] = false;
306 ["Issue quorum numerator"] = false;
307 ["Issue reached next phase"] = false;
308 ["Issues:"] = false;
309 ["JavaScript is disabled or not available."] = false;
310 ["Last activity (updated daily)"] = false;
311 ["Last snapshot:"] = false;
312 ["Latest events"] = false;
313 ["License"] = false;
314 ["LiquidFeedback"] = false;
315 ["Lock member?"] = false;
316 ["Locked?"] = false;
317 ["Login"] = false;
318 ["Login name"] = false;
319 ["Logout"] = false;
320 ["Logout successful"] = false;
321 ["Manage filter"] = false;
322 ["Manage timeline filters"] = false;
323 ["Member"] = false;
324 ["Member '#{member}'"] = false;
325 ["Member has been removed from initiators"] = false;
326 ["Member has been removed from your contacts"] = false;
327 ["Member has not approved latest draft"] = false;
328 ["Member inactive?"] = false;
329 ["Member is already saved in your contacts!"] = false;
330 ["Member is now invited to be initiator"] = false;
331 ["Member list"] = false;
332 ["Member menu"] = false;
333 ["Member name"] = false;
334 ["Member name history for '#{name}'"] = false;
335 ["Member of area"] = false;
336 ["Member page"] = false;
337 ["Member successfully registered"] = false;
338 ["Member successfully updated"] = false;
339 ["Member voting"] = false;
340 ["Member: '#{identification}' (#{name})"] = false;
341 ["Members"] = false;
342 ["Membership not existent"] = false;
343 ["Membership removed"] = false;
344 ["Membership updated"] = false;
345 ["Memberships"] = false;
346 ["Missing help text: #{id}.#{lang}.txt"] = false;
347 ["Mobile phone"] = false;
348 ["Monday"] = false;
349 ["Move down"] = false;
350 ["Move up"] = false;
351 ["My areas"] = false;
352 ["My areas and issues"] = false;
353 ["My opinion"] = false;
354 ["My units"] = false;
355 ["Name"] = false;
356 ["New"] = false;
357 ["New address"] = false;
358 ["New draft"] = false;
359 ["New draft has been added to initiative"] = false;
360 ["New drafts for #{count} initiative(s) you are supporting"] = false;
361 ["New initiative"] = false;
362 ["New initiative draft"] = false;
363 ["New issue"] = false;
364 ["New password"] = false;
365 ["New passwords does not match."] = false;
366 ["New passwords is too short."] = false;
367 ["New suggestion"] = false;
368 ["Newest"] = false;
369 ["No"] = false;
370 ["No changes to your images were made"] = false;
371 ["No default"] = false;
372 ["No delegation"] = false;
373 ["No events selected to list"] = false;
374 ["No more events available"] = false;
375 ["No multistage majority"] = false;
376 ["No notifications at all"] = false;
377 ["No reverse beat path"] = false;
378 ["Not a member"] = false;
379 ["Not accepted yet"] = false;
380 ["Not approved"] = false;
381 ["Not approved (rank #{rank})"] = false;
382 ["Not voted"] = false;
383 ["Not voted (not admitted)"] = false;
384 ["Not voted (revoked from initiator)"] = false;
385 ["Not voted issues"] = false;
386 ["Notification address unconfirmed"] = false;
387 ["Notification email"] = false;
388 ["Notification level not set yet"] = false;
389 ["Notification settings"] = false;
390 ["Number of incoming delegations, follow link to see more details"] = false;
391 ["OK"] = false;
392 ["Old password"] = false;
393 ["Old password is wrong"] = false;
394 ["Oldest"] = false;
395 ["On that page please enter the confirmation code:\n\n"] = false;
396 ["On that page please enter the invite key:\n\n"] = false;
397 ["On that page please enter the reset code:\n\n"] = false;
398 ["One issue"] = false;
399 ["One issue you are interested in"] = false;
400 ["One more area in this unit"] = false;
401 ["One of them have an area delegation set"] = false;
402 ["One step back"] = false;
403 ["Only for issues reaching the discussion phase"] = false;
404 ["Only for issues reaching the frozen phase"] = false;
405 ["Only for issues reaching the voting phase"] = false;
406 ["Open"] = false;
407 ["Open initiatives you are supporting which has been updated their draft:"] = false;
408 ["Open issues"] = false;
409 ["OpenID"] = false;
410 ["OpenID Login"] = false;
411 ["Opinions"] = false;
412 ["Options"] = false;
413 ["Organizational unit"] = false;
414 ["Other failures"] = false;
415 ["Outgoing delegations"] = false;
416 ["Pad"] = false;
417 ["Parent unit"] = false;
418 ["Participants"] = false;
419 ["Participate in this area"] = false;
420 ["Password"] = false;
421 ["Password (repeat)"] = false;
422 ["Password has been reset successfully"] = false;
423 ["Password reset request"] = false;
424 ["Passwords don't match!"] = false;
425 ["Passwords must consist of at least 8 characters!"] = false;
426 ["Phases"] = false;
427 ["Phone"] = false;
428 ["Photo"] = false;
429 ["Please choose a login name. This name will not be shown to others and is used only by you to login into the system. The login name is case sensitive."] = false;
430 ["Please choose a member"] = false;
431 ["Please choose a name, i.e. your real name or your nick name. This name will be shown to others to identify you."] = false;
432 ["Please choose a password and enter it twice. The password is case sensitive."] = false;
433 ["Please choose a policy"] = false;
434 ["Please choose two different versions of the draft to compare"] = false;
435 ["Please choose two versions of the draft to compare"] = false;
436 ["Please confirm your email address"] = false;
437 ["Please confirm your email address by clicking the following link:\n\n"] = false;
438 ["Please enter the email reset code you have received:"] = false;
439 ["Please enter the invite code you've received."] = false;
440 ["Please enter your email address. This address will be used for automatic notifications (if you request them) and in case you've lost your password. This address will not be published. After registration you will receive an email with a confirmation link."] = false;
441 ["Please enter your login name. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password."] = false;
442 ["Please enter your new password twice."] = false;
443 ["Please select your preferred notification level"] = false;
444 ["Policies"] = false;
445 ["Policy"] = false;
446 ["Policy '#{name}'"] = false;
447 ["Policy list"] = false;
448 ["Population"] = false;
449 ["Posts"] = false;
450 ["Potential supported"] = false;
451 ["Potential supporters"] = false;
452 ["Potentially supported"] = false;
453 ["Preview"] = false;
454 ["Profession"] = false;
455 ["Profile"] = false;
456 ["Publish"] = false;
457 ["Published"] = false;
458 ["Quorum"] = false;
459 ["Real name"] = false;
460 ["Refresh support to current draft"] = false;
461 ["Refuse invitation"] = false;
462 ["Register"] = false;
463 ["Register new member"] = false;
464 ["Registration"] = false;
465 ["Rejected"] = false;
466 ["Remove"] = false;
467 ["Remove from contacts"] = false;
468 ["Remove initiator"] = false;
469 ["Remove initiator from initiative"] = false;
470 ["Rendered"] = false;
471 ["Repeat new password"] = false;
472 ["Request password reset link"] = false;
473 ["Resend activation email to '#{email}'"] = false;
474 ["Reset code"] = false;
475 ["Reset code is invalid!"] = false;
476 ["Reset link has been send for this member"] = false;
477 ["Reset password"] = false;
478 ["Revoke initiative"] = false;
479 ["Revoked at"] = false;
480 ["Saturday"] = false;
481 ["Save"] = false;
482 ["Save current filter"] = false;
483 ["Save timeline filters"] = false;
484 ["Saved as contact"] = false;
485 ["Saved contacts"] = false;
486 ["Schulze rank"] = false;
487 ["Screen name"] = false;
488 ["Search"] = false;
489 ["Search context"] = false;
490 ["Search for issues"] = false;
491 ["Search for members"] = false;
492 ["Search initiatives"] = false;
493 ["Search issues"] = false;
494 ["Search members"] = false;
495 ["Search results for: '#{search}'"] = false;
496 ["Search term (only complete words)"] = false;
497 ["Select language \"#{langcode}\""] = false;
498 ["Send invite?"] = false;
499 ["Set URL"] = false;
500 ["Set delegation for Area '#{name}'"] = false;
501 ["Set delegation for Issue ##{number} in Area '#{area_name}'"] = false;
502 ["Set global delegation"] = false;
503 ["Set new password"] = false;
504 ["Set unit delegation"] = false;
505 ["Settings"] = false;
506 ["Show"] = false;
507 ["Show areas in use"] = false;
508 ["Show areas not in use"] = false;
509 ["Show diff"] = false;
510 ["Show filter details"] = false;
511 ["Show help text"] = false;
512 ["Show member"] = false;
513 ["Show member history"] = false;
514 ["Show older events"] = false;
515 ["Show only events which match... (or associtated)"] = false;
516 ["Show policies in use"] = false;
517 ["Show policies not in use"] = false;
518 ["Show profile"] = false;
519 ["So I'm"] = false;
520 ["Software"] = false;
521 ["Sorry, but there is not confirmed email address for your account. Please contact the administrator or support."] = false;
522 ["Sorry, but you are currently not invited"] = false;
523 ["Sorry, it was not possible to verify your OpenID."] = false;
524 ["Sorry, you have reached your personal flood limit. Please be slower..."] = false;
525 ["Sorry, your contingent for creating initiatives has been used up. Please try again later."] = false;
526 ["Source"] = false;
527 ["Start search"] = false;
528 ["State"] = false;
529 ["Statement"] = false;
530 ["Status"] = false;
531 ["Status quo: #{rank}"] = false;
532 ["Step 1/3: Invite code"] = false;
533 ["Step 2/3: Personal information"] = false;
534 ["Step 3/3: Terms of use and password"] = false;
535 ["Stop ignoring initiative"] = false;
536 ["Stop ignoring member"] = false;
537 ["Strict direct majority"] = false;
538 ["Strict indirect majority"] = false;
539 ["Stylesheet URL"] = false;
540 ["Stylesheet URL has been updated"] = false;
541 ["Suggest no initiative"] = false;
542 ["Suggested initiative"] = false;
543 ["Suggestion"] = false;
544 ["Suggestion ##{id}"] = false;
545 ["Suggestion currently implemented"] = false;
546 ["Suggestion currently not implemented"] = false;
547 ["Suggestion does not exist anymore"] = false;
548 ["Suggestion for initiative: '#{name}'"] = false;
549 ["Suggestions"] = false;
550 ["Sunday"] = false;
551 ["Support this initiative"] = false;
552 ["Supported"] = false;
553 ["Supporters"] = false;
554 ["Syntax help"] = false;
555 ["Terms of use"] = false;
556 ["The code you've entered is invalid"] = false;
557 ["The draft of this initiative has been updated!"] = false;
558 ["The drafts do not differ"] = false;
559 ["The initiators suggest to support the following initiative:"] = false;
560 ["This email address is too short!"] = false;
561 ["This identifier is not allowed for this instance."] = false;
562 ["This initiative"] = false;
563 ["This initiative compared to alternative initiatives"] = false;
564 ["This initiative has been revoked at #{revoked}"] = false;
565 ["This initiative has not been admitted! It failed the quorum of #{quorum}."] = false;
566 ["This initiative is already revoked"] = false;
567 ["This initiative is revoked"] = false;
568 ["This invite key is connected with the following information:"] = false;
569 ["This issue has been cancelled. It failed the quorum of #{quorum}."] = false;
570 ["This issue is already closed."] = false;
571 ["This issue is already frozen."] = false;
572 ["This login is already taken, please choose another one!"] = false;
573 ["This login is too short!"] = false;
574 ["This member account has been created at #{created}"] = false;
575 ["This member has rejected to become initiator of this initiative"] = false;
576 ["This member is already initiator of this initiative"] = false;
577 ["This member is already invited to become initiator of this initiative"] = false;
578 ["This member is inactive"] = false;
579 ["This member is locked"] = false;
580 ["This member is participating, the rest of delegation chain is suspended while discussing"] = false;
581 ["This name is already taken, please choose another one!"] = false;
582 ["This name is really too short!"] = false;
583 ["This name is too short!"] = false;
584 ["This service is provided by:"] = false;
585 ["This service is provided using the following software components:"] = false;
586 ["This site is using"] = false;
587 ["This suggestion has been meanwhile deleted"] = false;
588 ["This title is really too short!"] = false;
589 ["This username is too short!"] = false;
590 ["Thursday"] = false;
591 ["Timeline"] = false;
592 ["Title"] = false;
593 ["Title (80 chars max)"] = false;
594 ["Title of initiative"] = false;
595 ["Today at #{time}"] = false;
596 ["Traditional wiki syntax"] = false;
597 ["Trustee"] = false;
598 ["Trustee has no voting right in this unit"] = false;
599 ["Tuesday"] = false;
600 ["Unconfirmed address"] = false;
601 ["Unit"] = false;
602 ["Unit '#{name}'"] = false;
603 ["Unit delegation"] = false;
604 ["Unit list"] = false;
605 ["Unit: '#{name}'"] = false;
606 ["Units"] = false;
607 ["Unknown author"] = false;
608 ["Updated drafts"] = false;
609 ["Upload avatar/photo"] = false;
610 ["Upload images"] = false;
611 ["Use terms"] = false;
612 ["Verification started"] = false;
613 ["Verification starts soon"] = false;
614 ["Verification time"] = false;
615 ["Version"] = false;
616 ["Voted"] = false;
617 ["Voted no"] = false;
618 ["Voted proposal"] = false;
619 ["Voted yes"] = false;
620 ["Voting"] = false;
621 ["Voting details"] = false;
622 ["Voting for this issue has already begun."] = false;
623 ["Voting for this issue is currently running!"] = false;
624 ["Voting has not started yet."] = false;
625 ["Voting proposal"] = false;
626 ["Voting started"] = false;
627 ["Voting starts soon"] = false;
628 ["Voting time"] = false;
629 ["We couldn't deliver a confirmation mail to this address. Please check entered email address."] = false;
630 ["We have sent an email with activation link already in the last hour. Please try again later."] = false;
631 ["Website"] = false;
632 ["Wednesday"] = false;
633 ["Wiki engine"] = false;
634 ["Wiki engine for statement"] = false;
635 ["Withdraw"] = false;
636 ["Withdraw membership"] = false;
637 ["Yes"] = false;
638 ["Yesterday at #{time}"] = false;
639 ["You are already initiator"] = false;
640 ["You are already not supporting this initiative"] = false;
641 ["You are already supporting the latest draft"] = false;
642 ["You are currently not invited to any initiative."] = false;
643 ["You are currently not supporting this initiative directly. By adding suggestions to this initiative you will automatically become a potential supporter."] = false;
644 ["You are initiator of this initiative"] = false;
645 ["You are interested"] = false;
646 ["You are interested in this issue"] = false;
647 ["You are invited to #{count} initiative(s)"] = false;
648 ["You are invited to LiquidFeedback. To register please click the following link:\n\n"] = false;
649 ["You are invited to become initiator of this initiative."] = false;
650 ["You are member"] = false;
651 ["You are not participating in any of the #{count} areas in this unit"] = false;
652 ["You are not participating in the only area of the unit"] = false;
653 ["You are now initiator of this initiative"] = false;
654 ["You are participating in this area"] = false;
655 ["You are potential supporter"] = false;
656 ["You are potential supporter of this initiative"] = false;
657 ["You are potential supporter of this initiative via delegation"] = false;
658 ["You are supporter"] = false;
659 ["You are supporter of this initiative"] = false;
660 ["You are supporter of this initiative via delegation"] = false;
661 ["You can change your email address only once per hour. Please try again later."] = false;
662 ["You can't suggest the initiative you are revoking"] = false;
663 ["You didn't confirm your email address '#{email}' within 7 days."] = false;
664 ["You didn't confirm your email address '#{email}'. You have received an email with an activation link."] = false;
665 ["You didn't save any member as contact yet."] = false;
666 ["You didn't set the level of notifications you like to receive"] = false;
667 ["You have ignored this initiative"] = false;
668 ["You have ignored this member"] = false;
669 ["You have not voted #{count} issue(s) you were interested in"] = false;
670 ["You have saved this member as contact"] = false;
671 ["You have to mark 'Are you sure' to revoke!"] = false;
672 ["You have voting privileges for this unit"] = false;
673 ["You need to be logged in, to use all features of this system."] = false;
674 ["You were interested"] = false;
675 ["You were potential supporter"] = false;
676 ["You were supporter"] = false;
677 ["You've successfully registered and you can login now with your login and password!"] = false;
678 ["Your email address has been changed, please check for confirmation email with activation link!"] = false;
679 ["Your login has been changed to '#{login}'"] = false;
680 ["Your name has been changed"] = false;
681 ["Your page has been updated"] = false;
682 ["Your password has been updated successfully"] = false;
683 ["Your rating has been deleted"] = false;
684 ["Your rating has been updated"] = false;
685 ["Your suggestion has been added"] = false;
686 ["Your support has been added to this initiative"] = false;
687 ["Your support has been removed from this initiative"] = false;
688 ["Your support has been updated to the latest draft"] = false;
689 ["Your vote has been discarded. Delegation rules apply if set."] = false;
690 ["Z-A"] = false;
691 ["[Name of Language]"] = "English";
692 ["[No voting privilege]"] = false;
693 ["[Registered members only]"] = false;
694 ["[event mail] URL: #{url}"] = " URL: #{url}";
695 ["[event mail] Area: #{name}"] = " Area: #{name}";
696 ["[event mail] Unit: #{name}"] = " Unit: #{name}";
697 ["[event mail] Event: #{event}"] = " Event: #{event}";
698 ["[event mail] Issue: ##{id}"] = " Issue: ##{id}";
699 ["[event mail] Phase: #{phase}"] = " Phase: #{phase}";
700 ["[event mail] Policy: #{policy}"] = " Policy: #{policy}";
701 ["[not displayed public]"] = false;
702 ["a bit unsatisfied"] = false;
703 ["abandoned"] = false;
704 ["activated"] = false;
705 ["and #{count} more initiatives"] = false;
706 ["and one more initiative"] = false;
707 ["area"] = false;
708 ["at least #{count} approvals"] = false;
709 ["at least #{count} approvals or abstentions"] = false;
710 ["change discussion URL"] = false;
711 ["day"] = false;
712 ["days"] = false;
713 ["deactivated"] = false;
714 ["delegates to"] = false;
715 ["delete<br /><br />"] = false;
716 ["disabled"] = false;
717 ["email"] = false;
718 ["global"] = false;
719 ["i#{id}: #{name}"] = false;
720 ["implemented"] = false;
721 ["inactive"] = false;
722 ["last 24 hours"] = false;
723 ["login name"] = false;
724 ["majority"] = false;
725 ["more unsatisfied"] = false;
726 ["must"] = false;
727 ["must not"] = false;
728 ["neutral"] = false;
729 ["no reverse beat path to status quo (including ties)"] = false;
730 ["none"] = false;
731 ["not implemented"] = false;
732 ["not yet"] = false;
733 ["possibly instable result caused by multistage majority"] = false;
734 ["prohibit potentially instable results caused by multistage majorities"] = false;
735 ["reverse beat path to status quo (including ties)"] = false;
736 ["satisfied"] = false;
737 ["should"] = false;
738 ["should not"] = false;
739 ["to reset your password please click on the following link:\n\n"] = false;
740 ["unit"] = false;
741 ["until"] = false;
742 ["with winner"] = false;
743 ["without winner"] = false;
744 ["xmpp"] = false;
745 }

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