
view locale/ @ 1202:30b3bf5db1bb

Fixed listening to non-local IPv4 interfaces
author bsw
date Sun Jul 12 20:46:57 2015 +0200 (2015-07-12)
parents fef745f9e22f
children b27b327be05e
line source
1 #!/usr/bin/env lua
2 return {
3 ["#{closed_ago} ago"] = false;
4 ["#{count} Neutral"] = false;
5 ["#{count} No"] = false;
6 ["#{count} Yes, alternative choice"] = false;
7 ["#{count} Yes, first choice"] = false;
8 ["#{count} canceled"] = false;
9 ["#{count} finished"] = false;
10 ["#{count} in discussion"] = false;
11 ["#{count} in verification"] = false;
12 ["#{count} in voting"] = false;
13 ["#{count} matching issues found"] = false;
14 ["#{count} matching members found"] = false;
15 ["#{count} more areas in this unit"] = false;
16 ["#{count} new"] = false;
17 ["#{count} of them have an area delegation set"] = false;
18 ["#{count} of your outgoing delegation(s) are broken"] = false;
19 ["#{count} supporter"] = false;
20 ["#{duration}"] = false;
21 ["#{interested_issues_to_vote_count} issue(s) you are interested in"] = "#{interested_issues_to_vote_count} téged érdeklõ téma";
22 ["#{interval_text} [interval]"] = false;
23 ["#{interval_text} ago"] = false;
24 ["#{interval_text} left"] = false;
25 ["#{interval} ago"] = false;
26 ["#{issues_to_vote_count} issue(s)"] = "#{issues_to_vote_count} téma";
27 ["#{issue} is in voting"] = false;
28 ["#{name}\n\n"] = "#{name}\n\n";
29 ["#{number} Image(s) has been deleted"] = "#{number} kép törölve";
30 ["#{number} Image(s) has been updated"] = "#{number} kép aktualizálva";
31 ["#{percentage}%"] = false;
32 ["#{policy_name} ##{issue_id}"] = false;
33 ["#{policy} ##{id}"] = false;
34 ["#{result}: #{yes_count} Yes (#{yes_percent}), #{no_count} No (#{no_percent}), #{neutral_count} Abstention (#{neutral_percent})"] = false;
35 ["#{result}: No votes (0)"] = false;
36 ["(+ #{count} potential)"] = false;
37 ["(1) Admission"] = false;
38 ["(1) Admission phase"] = false;
39 ["(2) Discussion"] = false;
40 ["(2) Discussion phase"] = false;
41 ["(3) Verification"] = false;
42 ["(3) Verification phase"] = false;
43 ["(4) Voting"] = false;
44 ["(4) Voting phase"] = false;
45 ["(5) Result"] = false;
46 ["(invited)"] = false;
47 ["(new window)"] = "(új ablak)";
48 ["+ #{weight}"] = "+ #{weight}";
49 ["+ add new subject area"] = false;
50 ["+getElementById("] = "+getElementById(";
51 ["1 matching issue found"] = false;
52 ["1 matching member found"] = false;
53 ["4 phases of a decision"] = false;
54 ["A short title (80 chars max)"] = false;
55 ["API key has been created"] = "API-kulcs létrehozva";
56 ["API key has been deleted"] = "API-kulcs törölve";
57 ["Abandon global delegation for this area"] = "Globális delegálás mellõzése ennél a témakörnél";
58 ["Abandon unit and area delegations for this issue"] = "Egység- és témakör-delegációk mellõzése ennél a témánál";
59 ["Abandon unit delegation"] = false;
60 ["Abandon unit delegation for this area"] = "Egységdelegáció mellõzése ennél a témánál";
61 ["About site"] = "Impresszum";
62 ["Abstention"] = "Tartózkodás";
63 ["Abstention [many entries]"] = "Tartózkodás";
64 ["Abstention [single entry]"] = "Tartózkodás";
65 ["Accepted at"] = "Elfoadás idõpontja";
66 ["Account history"] = false;
67 ["Activated"] = false;
68 ["Active?"] = "Aktív?";
69 ["Add a new competing initiative to issue"] = false;
70 ["Add a new suggestion for improvement"] = false;
71 ["Address"] = "Cím";
72 ["Admin?"] = "Admin?";
73 ["Administrative notice:"] = false;
74 ["Admission"] = false;
75 ["Admission time"] = "Felvétel idõpontja";
76 ["Admitted"] = "Felvéve";
77 ["All areas in my units"] = false;
78 ["All fields are optional. Please enter only data which should be published."] = false;
79 ["All initiatives failed 2nd quorum"] = false;
80 ["All units"] = "Minden egység";
81 ["Allowed policies"] = false;
82 ["Apply global delegation for this area (Currently: #{delegate_name} [#{scope}])"] = "Globális delegáció alkalmazása ennél a témakörnél (jelenleg: #{delegate_name} [#{scope}])";
83 ["Apply global or area delegation for this issue (Currently: #{delegate_name} [#{scope}])"] = "Globális vagy témakör-delegáció ennél a témánál (jelenleg: #{delegate_name} [#{scope}])";
84 ["Apply unit delegation for this area (Currently: #{delegate_name} [#{scope}])"] = "Egységdelegáció ennél a témakörnél (jelenleg: #{delegate_name} [#{scope}])";
85 ["Apply unit or area delegation for this issue (Currently: #{delegate_name} [#{scope}])"] = "Egység- vagy témakör-delegáció ennél a témánál (jelenleg: #{delegate_name} [#{scope}])";
86 ["Approval (#th preference) [many entries]"] = "Egyetértés (#. preferenciák)";
87 ["Approval (#th preference) [single entry]"] = "Egyetértés (#. preferencia)";
88 ["Approval (first preference) [many entries]"] = "Egyetértés (elsõdleges preferenciák)";
89 ["Approval (first preference) [single entry]"] = "Egyetértés (elsõdleges preferencia)";
90 ["Approval (second preference) [many entries]"] = "Egyetértés (másodlagos preferenciák)";
91 ["Approval (second preference) [single entry]"] = "Egyetértés (másodlagos preferencia)";
92 ["Approval (third preference) [many entries]"] = "Egyetértés (harmadlagos preferenciák)";
93 ["Approval (third preference) [single entry]"] = "Egyetértés (harmadlagos preferencia)";
94 ["Approval [many entries]"] = "Egyetértés";
95 ["Approval [single entry]"] = "Egyetértés";
96 ["Approved"] = "Elfogadva";
97 ["Are you aware that revoking an initiative is irrevocable?"] = false;
98 ["Area"] = "Témakör";
99 ["Area delegation"] = "Témakör delegálása";
100 ["As long as you are interested in this issue yourself, the delegation is suspended for this issue, but it will be applied again in the voting phase unless you vote yourself."] = false;
101 ["As soon as one initiative of this issue reaches the 1st quorum of #{quorum} support, the issue will proceed to discussion phase."] = false;
102 ["Author"] = "Szerzõ";
103 ["Available policies"] = false;
104 ["Avatar"] = "Avatár";
105 ["Ballot of '#{member_name}'"] = false;
106 ["Become a member"] = "Csatlakozás";
107 ["Before creating a new issue, please check any existant issues before, if the topic is already in discussion."] = false;
108 ["Best not admitted initiative"] = false;
109 ["Birthday"] = "Születésnap";
110 ["Broken delegations"] = false;
111 ["Calculation"] = "Kiszámítás";
112 ["Can't remove last initiator"] = "Nem távolítható el az utolsó kezdeményezõ";
113 ["Can't send confirmation email"] = "Nem lehet elküldeni a megerõsítõ emailt";
114 ["Cancel"] = "Megszakítás";
115 ["Cancel issue"] = false;
116 ["Cancel issue ##{id}"] = false;
117 ["Canceled by administrative intervention"] = false;
118 ["Change email address"] = "Email-cím módosítása";
119 ["Change order"] = "Elrendezés módosítása";
120 ["Check and enter personal data"] = false;
121 ["Check your #{scope} delegation to '#{trustee_name}' for '#{context}'"] = false;
122 ["Check your delegations!"] = false;
123 ["Check your outgoing delegations"] = false;
124 ["Choose a formatting engine:"] = false;
125 ["Choose a member to invite"] = false;
126 ["Choose an initiator to remove"] = false;
127 ["Choose member"] = "Tag kiválasztása";
128 ["Choose timing"] = false;
129 ["Choose your delegatee"] = false;
130 ["Closed"] = "Zárva";
131 ["Closed issues"] = "Zárt témák";
132 ["Closed user group"] = false;
133 ["Collective opinion of supporters"] = "Támogatók kollektív véleménye";
134 ["Collective rating"] = false;
135 ["Compare"] = "Összehasonlítás";
136 ["Comparision of revisions #{id1} and #{id2}"] = false;
137 ["Competing initiatives"] = false;
138 ["Competing initiatives failed the 2nd quorum (#{num}/#{den}):"] = false;
139 ["Competing initiatives in pairwise comparison to best initiative:"] = false;
140 ["Competing initiatives in pairwise comparison to winner:"] = false;
141 ["Configure notifications now"] = "Értesítések konfigurálása most";
142 ["Confirm"] = "Megerõsítés";
143 ["Confirm notification address"] = false;
144 ["Confirm your email address"] = false;
145 ["Confirmation code"] = "Megerõsítõ kód";
146 ["Confirmation code invalid!"] = "Érvénytelen megerõsítõ kód!";
147 ["Contacts"] = "Kapcsolatok";
148 ["Create a new issue"] = false;
149 ["Create new policy"] = "Új irányelv létrehozása";
150 ["Create new unit"] = "Új egység létrehozása";
151 ["Created at"] = "Létrehozás idõpontja:";
152 ["Current delegatee"] = false;
153 ["Current name"] = "Jelenlegi név";
154 ["Current phase is already closed."] = false;
155 ["Current status"] = "Jelenlegi állapot";
156 ["Current unit and area delegations need confirmation"] = false;
157 ["Current votings in areas you are member of and issues you are interested in:"] = "Jelenleg folyamatban lévõ szavazások a téma- és az érdeklõdési köreidben:";
158 ["Currently no API key is set."] = "Jelenleg nincs API-kulcs beállítva.";
159 ["Currently required"] = "Jelenleg szükséges";
160 ["Currently this is the only initiative in this issue, because nobody started a competing initiative (yet)."] = false;
161 ["Date format is not valid. Please use following format: YYYY-MM-DD"] = "Érvénytelen dátumformátum. Kérlek, ÉV-HÓ-NAP formátumot használj (tehát pl. 1999-09-09";
162 ["Deactivate member"] = false;
163 ["Default Policy"] = "Alapértelmezett irányelv";
164 ["Degree"] = "Fok";
165 ["Delegate area"] = false;
166 ["Delegate issue"] = false;
167 ["Delegate unit"] = false;
168 ["Delegation abandoned"] = "Delegáció mellõzve";
169 ["Delegation turned off for area"] = "Témakör delegációja leállítva";
170 ["Delegation turned off for issue"] = "Téma delegációja leállítva";
171 ["Delegations"] = "Delegációk";
172 ["Describe how the proposal and/or the reasons of the initiative could be improved"] = false;
173 ["Description"] = "Leírás";
174 ["Details"] = "Részletek";
175 ["Developer settings"] = "Fejlesztõi beállítások";
176 ["Did the initiator implement this suggestion?"] = false;
177 ["Direct majority"] = "Közvetlen többség";
178 ["Direct majority denominator"] = false;
179 ["Direct majority non negative"] = "Nemnegatív közvetlen többség";
180 ["Direct majority numerator"] = "Közvetlen többség számlálója";
181 ["Direct majority positive"] = "Pozitív közvetlen többség";
182 ["Disapproval (prefer to last block) [many entries]"] = "Elutasítás (de inkább ezek, mint a legutóbb elutasított blokk)";
183 ["Disapproval (prefer to last block) [single entry]"] = "Elutasítás (de inkább ez, mint a legutóbb elutasított blokk)";
184 ["Disapproval (prefer to lower block) [many entries]"] = "Elutasítás (de inkább ezek, mint a lenti elutasított blokk)";
185 ["Disapproval (prefer to lower block) [single entry]"] = "Elutasítás (de inkább ez, mint a lenti elutasított blokk)";
186 ["Disapproval (prefer to lower blocks) [many entries]"] = "Elutasítás (de inkább ezek, mint a lenti elutasított blokkok)";
187 ["Disapproval (prefer to lower blocks) [single entry]"] = "Elutasítás (de inkább ez, mint a lenti elutasított blokkok)";
188 ["Disapproval [many entries]"] = "Elutasítás";
189 ["Disapproval [single entry]"] = "Elutasítás";
190 ["Disapproved"] = false;
191 ["Discard my vote"] = false;
192 ["Discussion"] = "Tárgyalás";
193 ["Discussion #{time_info}"] = false;
194 ["Discussion URL"] = "Tárgyalás URL-je";
195 ["Discussion started"] = "Tárgyalás elindítva";
196 ["Discussion time"] = "Tárgyalás ideje";
197 ["Do you really want to irrevocably deactive this member?"] = false;
198 ["Do you want to suggest to support another initiative?"] = false;
199 ["Download"] = "Letöltés";
200 ["Download database export"] = "Exportált adatbázis letöltése";
201 ["Download documents"] = "Dokumentumok letöltése";
202 ["Draft history"] = false;
203 ["Draft revision #{id}"] = false;
204 ["During the discussion phase, the issue is debated on while the initiators improve the proposals and reasons in their initiatives. Supporters of initiatives can write and rate suggestions for improvement."] = false;
205 ["During the verification phase, existing initiatives cannot be changed anymore. Initiatives need to pass the 2nd quorum of #{quorum} at end of verification phase to become admitted for voting."] = false;
206 ["During the voting phase, votes for all admitted initiatives in this issue can be cast. The final result will be calculated as soon as this phase ends."] = false;
207 ["Edit again"] = false;
208 ["Edit initiative"] = "Kezdeményezés szerkesztése";
209 ["Edit voting comment"] = false;
210 ["Edit your profile data"] = false;
211 ["Eligible as winner"] = "Gyõztesként választható";
212 ["Eligible members (#{count})"] = false;
213 ["Eligible voters"] = false;
214 ["Email address"] = "Email-cím";
215 ["Email address confirmation"] = "Email-cím megerõsítése";
216 ["Email address for notifications"] = false;
217 ["Email address is confirmed now"] = "Email-cím megerõsítve";
218 ["Email address too short!"] = "Email-cím túl rövid!";
219 ["Email confirmation request"] = "Email-cím megerõsítési kérelem";
220 ["Emphasis"] = false;
221 ["Enter a new email address:"] = false;
222 ["Enter a new login name"] = false;
223 ["Enter a new password:"] = false;
224 ["Enter a new screen name:"] = false;
225 ["Enter a title for your initiative (max. 140 chars):"] = false;
226 ["Enter your current password:"] = false;
227 ["Enter your new password again please:"] = false;
228 ["Enter your proposal and/or reasons"] = false;
229 ["Enter your proposal and/or reasons:"] = false;
230 ["Error while converting image. Please note, that only JPG files are supported!"] = "Hiba a kép konvertálása során. Ne feledd, hogy csak a JPG-fájlok támogatottak.";
231 ["Error while updating member, database reported:<br /><br /> (#{errormessage})"] = "Hiba a tag frissítése során. Adatbázis hibaüzenete:<br /><br /> (#{errormessage})";
232 ["Etherpad authentication failed"] = "Hiba az etherpad-bejelentkezés során";
233 ["External memberships"] = "Külsõ tagságok";
234 ["External posts"] = "Külsõ tisztségek";
235 ["Failed #{sign}#{num}/#{den}"] = false;
236 ["Failed 1st quorum"] = false;
237 ["Finish delegation check"] = false;
238 ["Finish voting"] = "Szavazás lezárása";
239 ["Finished with winner"] = false;
240 ["For numbered items use a digit (e.g. 1) followed by a dot (.) and a space"] = false;
241 ["For which issue phases do you like to receive notification emails?"] = false;
242 ["Forgot login name?"] = false;
243 ["Forgot password?"] = false;
244 ["Formatting help"] = false;
245 ["Free timing:"] = false;
246 ["Frozen"] = "Befagyasztva";
247 ["Fully frozen at"] = "Teljesen befagyasztva ekkor:";
248 ["Generate API key"] = "API-kulcs létrehozása";
249 ["Global delegation"] = "Globális delegáció";
250 ["Go back to home page"] = false;
251 ["Half frozen at"] = "Félig befagyasztva ekkor:";
252 ["Headlines"] = false;
253 ["Hello\n\n"] = "Helló\n\n";
254 ["Hello "] = "Helló ";
255 ["Hello,\n\n"] = false;
256 ["Help #{id}"] = "Súgó: #{id}";
257 ["Hide"] = "Elrejtés";
258 ["Hide inactive"] = false;
259 ["Hint"] = "Tipp";
260 ["History"] = "Történet";
261 ["Home"] = "Kezdõlap";
262 ["How important is your suggestions for you?"] = false;
263 ["How this member voted"] = false;
264 ["I do not like to hear from this member"] = false;
265 ["I do not like to receive notifications by email"] = false;
266 ["I don't like any of the initiative in this issue and I want to add my opinion or counter proposal"] = false;
267 ["I don't like this initiative and I want to add my opinion or counter proposal"] = false;
268 ["I don't like to vote this issue (myself):"] = false;
269 ["I like this initiative and I want to support it"] = false;
270 ["I like to change/revoke my vote:"] = false;
271 ["I like to receive notifications"] = false;
272 ["I like to vote on this issue:"] = false;
273 ["I understand, that this is not revocable"] = false;
274 ["I want to change account settings"] = false;
275 ["I want to change the interface language"] = false;
276 ["I want to customize my profile"] = false;
277 ["I want to deactive this member irrevocably"] = false;
278 ["I want to delegate my vote"] = false;
279 ["I want to delegate this issue"] = false;
280 ["I want to delegate this organizational unit"] = false;
281 ["I want to delegate this subject area"] = false;
282 ["I want to download all data"] = false;
283 ["I want to improve this initiative"] = false;
284 ["I want to know whats going on"] = false;
285 ["I want to learn more about LiquidFeedback"] = false;
286 ["I want to logout"] = false;
287 ["I want to manage my saved contacts"] = false;
288 ["I want to participate in this issue"] = false;
289 ["I want to participate in this subject area"] = false;
290 ["I want to save this member as contact (i.e. to use as delegatee)"] = false;
291 ["I want to start a new initiative"] = false;
292 ["I want to stay informed"] = false;
293 ["I want to take a look at other organizational units"] = false;
294 ["I'm interested in this issue"] = false;
295 ["I'm supporting this initiative"] = false;
296 ["Id"] = "Azonosító";
297 ["Identification"] = "Azonosítás";
298 ["If this link is not working, please open following url in your web browser:\n\n"] = "Ha a link nem mûködik, úgy nyisd meg a következõ URL-t a böngészõdbõl:\n\n";
299 ["If you cannot find any appropriate existing issue, "] = false;
300 ["Implicitly admitted"] = false;
301 ["Incoming delegations"] = "Bejövõ delegációk";
302 ["Incoming delegations for '#{member_name}'"] = false;
303 ["Incoming delegations for '#{member}'"] = false;
304 ["Indent sub items with spaces"] = false;
305 ["Index"] = "Index";
306 ["Indirect majority"] = "Közvetett többség";
307 ["Indirect majority denominator"] = false;
308 ["Indirect majority non negative"] = "Nemnegatív közvetett többség";
309 ["Indirect majority numerator"] = "Közvetett többség számlálója";
310 ["Indirect majority positive"] = "Pozitív közvetett többség";
311 ["Individual ratings"] = false;
312 ["Initiative is revoked now"] = "Kezdeményezés visszavonás alatt";
313 ["Initiative not admitted"] = false;
314 ["Initiative quorum"] = "Kezdeményezés-határozatképesség";
315 ["Initiative quorum denominator"] = false;
316 ["Initiative quorum numerator"] = "Kezdeményezés-határozatképesség számlálója";
317 ["Initiative revoked"] = "Kezdeményezés visszavonva";
318 ["Initiative successfully created"] = "Kezdeményezés létrehozva";
319 ["Initiative successfully updated"] = "Kezdeményezés frissítve";
320 ["Initiative: "] = "Kezdeményezés: ";
321 ["Initiatives"] = false;
322 ["Initiatives and issues"] = false;
323 ["Initiatives created by this member"] = false;
324 ["Initiatives that invited you to become initiator:"] = "Kezdeményezések, amelyekhez meghívtak kezdeményezõnek:";
325 ["Initiator invites"] = "Kezdeményezõ-meghívások";
326 ["Initiators"] = "Kezdeményezõk";
327 ["Interest already removed"] = false;
328 ["Interest removed"] = "Éredklõdés eltávolítva";
329 ["Interest updated"] = "Érdeklõdés frissítve";
330 ["Interested members"] = false;
331 ["Internal posts"] = "Belsõ tisztségek";
332 ["Interval format:"] = "Intervallum formátuma";
333 ["Introduction"] = false;
334 ["Invalid login name or password!"] = false;
335 ["Invalid timing"] = false;
336 ["Invitation has been refused"] = "Elutasították a meghívást";
337 ["Invitation to LiquidFeedback"] = "Meghívás a LiquidFeedbackhez";
338 ["Invite an initiator to initiative"] = "Kezdeményezõ meghívása a kezdeményezéshez";
339 ["Invite code"] = "Meghívókód";
340 ["Invite member"] = false;
341 ["Invited"] = "Meghívva";
342 ["Issue #"] = false;
343 ["Issue ##{id}"] = "Téma: ##{id}";
344 ["Issue ##{issue_id}: #{initiative_name}"] = false;
345 ["Issue delegation"] = "Témadelegáció";
346 ["Issue has been canceled"] = false;
347 ["Issue quorum"] = "Téma-határozatképesség";
348 ["Issue quorum denominator"] = false;
349 ["Issue quorum numerator"] = "Téma-határozatképesség-számláló";
350 ["Issue reached next phase"] = "A téma eljutott a következõ fázisba";
351 ["Issues in admission phase"] = false;
352 ["Issues in discussion phase"] = false;
353 ["Issues in verification phase"] = false;
354 ["Issues in voting phase"] = false;
355 ["Issues:"] = false;
356 ["JavaScript is disabled or not available."] = "JavaScript deaktiválva vagy nem elérhetõ.";
357 ["Last activity (updated daily)"] = "Legutóbbi aktivitás (naponta frissítve)";
358 ["Last counting:"] = false;
359 ["Latest approved issue"] = false;
360 ["Latest disapproved issue"] = false;
361 ["Latest events"] = false;
362 ["Links"] = false;
363 ["LiquidFeedback"] = false;
364 ["Lists"] = false;
365 ["Lists must be preceeded and followed by at least one blank line"] = false;
366 ["Lock member?"] = false;
367 ["Locked?"] = "Zárva?";
368 ["Login"] = "Bejelentkezés";
369 ["Login name"] = "Bejelentkezési név";
370 ["Login name request"] = false;
371 ["Login-Name: "] = false;
372 ["Logout successful"] = "Sikeres kijelentkezés";
373 ["Make your choice by placing the initiatives"] = false;
374 ["Member"] = "Tag";
375 ["Member has been removed from initiators"] = "Tag eltávolítva a kezdeményezõk közül";
376 ["Member has been removed from your contacts"] = "Tag eltávolítva a kapcsolataid közül";
377 ["Member has not approved latest draft"] = "Ez a tag még nem fogadta el a legújabb vázlatot";
378 ["Member inactive?"] = false;
379 ["Member is already saved in your contacts!"] = "Ez a tag már el van mentve a kapcsolataid közé!";
380 ["Member is not participating in any of the #{count} areas in this unit"] = false;
381 ["Member is not participating in the only area of the unit"] = false;
382 ["Member is now invited to be initiator"] = "Tag meghívva kezdeményezõnek";
383 ["Member list"] = "Taglista";
384 ["Member name"] = "Tagnév";
385 ["Member successfully deactivated"] = false;
386 ["Member successfully registered"] = "Tag regisztrálva";
387 ["Member successfully updated"] = "Tag frissítve";
388 ["Members"] = "Tagok";
389 ["Memberships"] = "Tagságok";
390 ["Missing help text: #{id}.#{lang}.txt"] = "Hiányzó súgószöveg: #{id}.#{lang}.txt";
391 ["Mobile phone"] = "Mobil";
392 ["Move down"] = "Lejjebb helyezni";
393 ["Move up"] = "Feljebb helyezni";
394 ["My areas"] = "Témaköreim";
395 ["Name"] = "Név";
396 ["New"] = "Új";
397 ["New area"] = false;
398 ["New draft for initiative '#{initiative_name}'"] = false;
399 ["New drafts for #{count} initiative(s) you are supporting"] = false;
400 ["New initiative"] = "Új kezdeményezés";
401 ["New initiative draft"] = "Új vázlat a kezdeményezéshez";
402 ["New issue"] = "Új téma";
403 ["New member"] = false;
404 ["New organizational unit"] = false;
405 ["New passwords does not match."] = "A megadott jelszavak nem egyeznek";
406 ["New passwords is too short."] = "Az új jelszó túl rövid.";
407 ["New policy"] = false;
408 ["New suggestion"] = "Új javaslat";
409 ["No"] = "Nem";
410 ["No (not yet)"] = false;
411 ["No admission needed"] = false;
412 ["No changes to your images were made"] = "Nem lettek módosítva a képeid";
413 ["No default"] = "Nincs alapértelmezés";
414 ["No delegation"] = "Nincs delegáció";
415 ["No matching issues found"] = false;
416 ["No matching members found"] = false;
417 ["No more events available"] = false;
418 ["No multistage majority"] = "Nincs többszintû többség";
419 ["No published contacts"] = false;
420 ["No results for this selection"] = false;
421 ["No reverse beat path"] = "Nincs visszaút";
422 ["No suggestions"] = false;
423 ["No suggestions yet"] = false;
424 ["Not a member"] = "Nem tag";
425 ["Not voted issues"] = "Nem szavazott témák";
426 ["Notification address unconfirmed"] = "Az értesítési email-cím nincs megerõsítve";
427 ["Notification email"] = "Értesítõ email";
428 ["Notification level not set yet"] = "Még nem lett beállítva az értesítési szint";
429 ["Notifications"] = false;
430 ["Notifications are only send to you about events in the subject areas you subscribed, the issues you are interested in and the initiatives you are supporting."] = false;
431 ["Number of incoming delegations, follow link to see more details"] = "Bejövõ delegációk száma; további részletek a linken";
432 ["Old password is wrong"] = "A régi jelszó hibás";
433 ["On that page please enter the confirmation code:\n\n"] = "Ezen az oldalon add meg a következõ megerõsítõ kódot:\n\n";
434 ["On that page please enter the invite key:\n\n"] = "Ezen az oldalon add meg a következõ meghívókulcsot:\n\n";
435 ["On that page please enter the reset code:\n\n"] = "Ezen az oldalon add meg a következõ visszaállítási kódot :\n\n";
436 ["One issue"] = "Egy téma";
437 ["One issue you are interested in"] = "Egy téged érdeklõ téma";
438 ["One more area in this unit"] = false;
439 ["One of them have an area delegation set"] = false;
440 ["Only for issues reaching the discussion phase"] = "Csak a tárgyalási fázisba eljutó témákhoz.";
441 ["Only for issues reaching the verification phase"] = false;
442 ["Only for issues reaching the voting phase"] = "Csak a szavazati fázisba eljutó témákhoz.";
443 ["Open initiatives you are supporting which has been updated their draft:"] = "Nyitott, általad támogatott, frissített vázlatú kezdeményezések:";
444 ["Open issues"] = "Nyitott témák";
445 ["Open the appropriate subject area where your issue fits in and follow the instruction on that page."] = false;
446 ["Options"] = "Opciók";
447 ["Organizational unit"] = "Szervezeti egység";
448 ["Organizational units"] = false;
449 ["Organizational units and subject areas"] = false;
450 ["Other failures"] = "További hibák";
451 ["Outgoing delegations"] = "Kimenõ delegációk";
452 ["Page not found"] = false;
453 ["Paragraphs"] = false;
454 ["Parent unit"] = false;
455 ["Password"] = "Jelszó";
456 ["Password has been reset successfully"] = "Jelszó sikeresen visszaállítva";
457 ["Password reset request"] = "Jelszó-visszaállítás kérelmezése";
458 ["Passwords don't match!"] = "A jelszavak nem egyeznek!";
459 ["Passwords must consist of at least 8 characters!"] = "A jelszónak legalább 8 karakterbõl kell állnia!";
460 ["Personal information"] = false;
461 ["Phase durations"] = false;
462 ["Phone"] = "Telefon";
463 ["Photo"] = "Fénykép";
464 ["Please choose a login name. This name will not be shown to others and is used only by you to login into the system. The login name is case sensitive."] = "Válassz magadnak egy bejelentkezési nevet. Ezt mások nem fogják látni, csak te fogod használni a bejelentkezéshez. A bejelentkezési név kisbetû-nagybetû-érzékeny.";
465 ["Please choose a member"] = "Válassz egy tagot";
466 ["Please choose a name, i.e. your real name or your nick name. This name will be shown to others to identify you."] = "Válassz magadnak egy nevet, amit mások is láthatnak. Ez lehet kitalált, becenév vagy a valós neved is.";
467 ["Please choose a password and enter it twice. The password is case sensitive."] = "Válassz egy jelszót és írd be kétszer. A jelszó kisbetû-nagybetû-érzékeny.";
468 ["Please choose a policy"] = "Válassz egy irányelvet";
469 ["Please choose a policy for the new issue:"] = false;
470 ["Please choose an area name"] = false;
471 ["Please choose two different versions of the draft to compare"] = "Válaszd ki a vázlat két különbözõ, összehasonlítandó változatát";
472 ["Please confirm your email address"] = false;
473 ["Please confirm your email address by clicking the following link:\n\n"] = "A következõ linkre kattintva erõsítheted meg az email-címedet:";
474 ["Please decide for each delegation to confirm or to revoke it!"] = false;
475 ["Please enter a meaningful title for your initiative!"] = false;
476 ["Please enter the email reset code you have received:"] = "Írd be a visszaállítási kódodat:";
477 ["Please enter the invite code you've received"] = false;
478 ["Please enter your email address. This address will be used for automatic notifications (if you request them) and in case you've lost your password. This address will not be published. After registration you will receive an email with a confirmation link."] = "Írd be az email-címedet. Ide kapod majd az automatikus értesítõket (ha kérsz ilyeneket), és a jelszavad esetleges elvesztése esetén is szükség lesz rá. Ez a címed nem lesz közzétéve. A regisztrációt követõen ide kapod majd a megerõsítõ linket tartalmazó mailt is.";
479 ["Please enter your email address. You will receive an email with your login name."] = false;
480 ["Please enter your login name. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password."] = "Írd be a bejelentkezési nevedet - majd mailben kapni fogsz egy linket a jelszavad visszaáálításához.";
481 ["Please enter your new password twice."] = "Írd be kétszer az új jelszavadat:";
482 ["Please select your preferred notification level"] = false;
483 ["Policies"] = "Irányelvek";
484 ["Policy"] = "Irányelv";
485 ["Policy '#{name}'"] = "'#{name}' irányelv";
486 ["Policy list"] = "Irányelvek listája";
487 ["Polling mode"] = false;
488 ["Population"] = "Népesség";
489 ["Posts"] = "Tisztségek";
490 ["Preference comparison"] = false;
491 ["Preference voting"] = false;
492 ["Preview"] = "Elõnézet";
493 ["Preview of delegation"] = false;
494 ["Preview of voting ballot"] = false;
495 ["Private contacts"] = false;
496 ["Profession"] = "Foglalkozás";
497 ["Publish"] = "Közzététel";
498 ["Publish now"] = false;
499 ["Published"] = "Közzétéve";
500 ["Published contacts"] = false;
501 ["Put **double asterisks** around a phrase to make it bold"] = false;
502 ["Put *asterisks* or around a phrase to make it italic"] = false;
503 ["Put a hypen (-) or asterisk (*) followed by a space in front of each item"] = false;
504 ["Quorums"] = false;
505 ["Reached #{sign}#{num}/#{den}"] = false;
506 ["Read and accept the terms and choose a password"] = false;
507 ["Read more"] = false;
508 ["Real name"] = "Valódi név";
509 ["Recover login name"] = false;
510 ["Register new member"] = "Új tag regisztrálása";
511 ["Registered members (#{count})"] = false;
512 ["Registration"] = "Regisztrálás";
513 ["Registration (step 1 of 3: Invite code)"] = false;
514 ["Registration (step 2 of 3: Personal information)"] = false;
515 ["Registration (step 3 of 3: Terms of use and password)"] = false;
516 ["Rejected"] = "Elutasítva";
517 ["Rejected (rank #{rank})"] = false;
518 ["Remove"] = "Eltávolítás";
519 ["Remove an initiator from initiative"] = false;
520 ["Remove initiator"] = "Kezdeményezõ eltávolítása";
521 ["Rendered"] = "Formattálva";
522 ["Request email with login name"] = false;
523 ["Request password reset link"] = "Jelszó-visszaállítási link kérelmezése";
524 ["Resend activation email to '#{email}'"] = "Aktivációs email újbóli elküldése a '#{email}' címre";
525 ["Reset code"] = "Visszaállító kód";
526 ["Reset code is invalid!"] = "Érvénytelen visszaállító kód!";
527 ["Reset password"] = "Jelszó visszaállítása";
528 ["Revoke initiative"] = "Kezdeményezés visszavonása";
529 ["Revoke now"] = false;
530 ["Revoked (during admission)"] = false;
531 ["Revoked (during discussion)"] = false;
532 ["Revoked (during verification)"] = false;
533 ["Revoked at"] = "Visszavonás idõpontja:";
534 ["Rules of procedure"] = false;
535 ["Save"] = "Mentés";
536 ["Save new password"] = false;
537 ["Save voting comment"] = false;
538 ["Saved contacts"] = "Elmentett kapcsolatok";
539 ["Schulze rank"] = "Schulze-rang";
540 ["Screen name"] = "Screen-név";
541 ["Search"] = "Keresés";
542 ["Search results for: '#{search}'"] = "Keresési találatok ('#{search}')";
543 ["Search term (only complete words)"] = "Keresési kulcs(ok) (csak egész szavakkal)";
544 ["Select a notification level"] = false;
545 ["Select language \"#{langcode}\""] = "\"#{langcode}\" nyelv választása";
546 ["Send invite?"] = "Mehet a meghívó?";
547 ["Separate each paragraph with at least one blank line"] = false;
548 ["Set URL"] = "URL beállítása";
549 ["Set area delegation"] = false;
550 ["Set issue delegation"] = false;
551 ["Set unit delegation"] = "Egységdelegáció beállítása";
552 ["Should the initiator implement this suggestion?"] = false;
553 ["Show"] = "Mutasd";
554 ["Show all members"] = false;
555 ["Show full history"] = false;
556 ["Show full member list"] = false;
557 ["Show inactive"] = false;
558 ["Show less"] = false;
559 ["Show member"] = "Tag mutatása";
560 ["Show more and rate this"] = false;
561 ["Show my voting ballot"] = false;
562 ["Show older events"] = "Régebbi események mutatása";
563 ["Show policies in use"] = "Aktív irányelvek mutatása";
564 ["Show policies not in use"] = "Deaktivált irányelvek mutatása";
565 ["Show voting ballot"] = false;
566 ["Sorry, but there is not confirmed email address for your account. Please contact the administrator or support."] = "A fiókodhoz nem tartozik megerõsített email-cím. Lépj kapcsolatba az adminnal vagy a támogatókkal.";
567 ["Sorry, but you are currently not invited"] = "Sajnos jelenleg nem vagy meghívva";
568 ["Sorry, you have reached your personal flood limit. Please be slower..."] = "Elérted a személyes floodlimitedet. Lassíts.";
569 ["Sorry, your contingent for creating initiatives has been used up. Please try again later."] = "Egyelõre kimerítetted a kezdeményezés-létrehozási lehetõségeidet. Próbáld újra késõbb.";
570 ["Source"] = "Forrásszöveg";
571 ["Statement"] = "Állítás";
572 ["Status"] = "Állapot";
573 ["Status quo: #{rank}"] = "Status quo: #{rank}";
574 ["Strict direct majority"] = "Szigorú közvetlen többség";
575 ["Strict indirect majority"] = "Szigorú közvetett többség";
576 ["Structured discussion"] = false;
577 ["Stylesheet URL has been updated"] = "Stíluslap URL-je frissítve";
578 ["Subject area subscribed"] = false;
579 ["Subject areas"] = false;
580 ["Subscribed members (#{count})"] = false;
581 ["Subscription already removed"] = false;
582 ["Subscription removed"] = false;
583 ["Suggest no initiative"] = "Null-javaslat (egyetlen kezdeményezést sem)";
584 ["Suggestion"] = "Javaslat";
585 ["Suggestion currently implemented"] = "Javaslat jelenleg beépítve";
586 ["Suggestion currently not implemented"] = "A javaslat jelenleg nincs beépítve";
587 ["Suggestion does not exist anymore"] = "A javaslat már nem létezik";
588 ["Suggestion for improvement #{id}"] = false;
589 ["Suggestions"] = "Javaslatok";
590 ["Suggestions for improvement (#{count})"] = false;
591 ["Syntax help"] = "Szintaxis-súgó";
592 ["System administration"] = false;
593 ["System settings"] = false;
594 ["Take a look through the existing issues. Maybe someone else started a debate on your topic (and you can join it) or the topic has been decided already in the past."] = false;
595 ["Tell others about this initiative:"] = false;
596 ["Terms of use"] = "Felhasználási feltételek";
597 ["The code you've entered is invalid"] = "Az általad megadott kód érvénytelen!";
598 ["The draft of this initiative has been updated!"] = "Kezdeményezés vázlata frissítve!";
599 ["The drafts do not differ"] = "Nincs különbség a vázlatok között";
600 ["The initiative draft has been updated again in the meanwhile, support not updated!"] = false;
601 ["The initiative text has been updated"] = false;
602 ["The initiators suggest to support the following initiative:"] = "A kezdeményezõk a következõ kezdeményezés támogatását javasolják:";
603 ["The title is the figurehead of your iniative. It should be short but meaningful! As others identifies your initiative by this title, you cannot change it later!"] = false;
604 ["This delegation is suspended, because you voted yourself."] = false;
605 ["This email address is too short!"] = "Ez az email-cím túl rövid!";
606 ["This initiative"] = "Ez a kezdeményezés";
607 ["This initiative has been revoked at #{revoked} by:"] = false;
608 ["This initiative has not been admitted! It failed the 2nd quorum of #{quorum}."] = false;
609 ["This initiative is already revoked"] = "Ezt a kezdeményezést már visszavonták";
610 ["This initiative is revoked"] = "Ezt a kezdeményezést visszavonták";
611 ["This invite key is connected with the following information:"] = "Ehhez a meghívókulcshoz a következõ adatok kapcsolódnak:";
612 ["This is the only initiative in this issue, because nobody started a competing initiative."] = false;
613 ["This issue is already closed."] = "Téma már lezárva.";
614 ["This issue is already frozen."] = "Téma már befagyasztva.";
615 ["This issue is closed"] = false;
616 ["This login is already taken, please choose another one!"] = "Ez a bejelentkezési név más foglalt, válassz másikat!";
617 ["This login is too short!"] = "Ez a bejelentkezési név túl rövid!";
618 ["This member account has been created at #{created}"] = "Felhasználói fiók létrehozásának idõpontja: #{created}";
619 ["This member has rejected to become initiator of this initiative"] = "Ez a tag elutasította a kezdeményezõi meghívást ehhez a kezdeményezéshez";
620 ["This member is already initiator of this initiative"] = "Ez a tag már kezdeményezõje ennek a kezdeményezésnek";
621 ["This member is already invited to become initiator of this initiative"] = "Ezt a tagot már meghívták kezdeményezõnek ehhez a kezdeményezéshez";
622 ["This member is currently participating in this issue."] = false;
623 ["This member is inactive"] = false;
624 ["This member is locked"] = false;
625 ["This member is participating, the remaining delegation chain is suspended during discussing."] = false;
626 ["This name is already taken, please choose another one!"] = "Ez a név már foglalt, kérlek, válassz másikat";
627 ["This name is too short!"] = "Ez a név túl rövid!";
628 ["This screen name is too short!"] = false;
629 ["This service is provided by:"] = "Szolgáltató:";
630 ["This service is provided using the following software components:"] = "Ez a szolgáltatás a következõ szoftverkomponeneseket használja:";
631 ["This suggestion has been meanwhile deleted"] = "Idõközben törölték ezt a javaslatot";
632 ["This title is really too short!"] = "Ez a cím tényleg túl rövid!";
633 ["This title is too long!"] = false;
634 ["Title"] = "Cím";
635 ["To create a competing initiative see below."] = false;
636 ["Trustee has no voting right in this unit"] = "A meghatalmazottadnak nincs szavazati joga ebben az egységben";
637 ["Underline main headlines with ==="] = false;
638 ["Underline sub headlines with ---"] = false;
639 ["Unit"] = "Egység";
640 ["Unit delegation"] = "Egységdelegáció";
641 ["Unit list"] = "Egységek listája";
642 ["Unknown author"] = "Ismeretlen szerzõ";
643 ["Updated drafts"] = "Frissített vázlatok";
644 ["Upload avatar/photo"] = false;
645 ["Use [Text]( for links"] = false;
646 ["Use terms"] = "Felhasználási feltételek";
647 ["Verification"] = false;
648 ["Verification #{time_info}"] = false;
649 ["Verification started"] = "Megkezdõdött az ellenõrzés";
650 ["Verification time"] = "Ellenõrzési idõ";
651 ["Vote delegation"] = false;
652 ["Voted no"] = "Nemmel szavazott";
653 ["Voted yes"] = "Igennel szavazott";
654 ["Voters"] = false;
655 ["Voting"] = "Szavazás";
656 ["Voting #{time_info}"] = false;
657 ["Voting comment"] = false;
658 ["Voting comment (last updated: #{timestamp})"] = false;
659 ["Voting comment (optional)"] = false;
660 ["Voting comment available"] = false;
661 ["Voting for this issue has already begun."] = "Már megkezdõdött a szavazás errõl a témáról.";
662 ["Voting has not started yet."] = "Még nem kezdõdött el a szavazás.";
663 ["Voting started"] = "A szavazás megkezdõdött";
664 ["Voting time"] = "Szavazás idõpontja";
665 ["We couldn't deliver a confirmation mail to this address. Please check entered email address."] = "Nem sikerült kiküldeni a megerõsítõ emailt erre a címre. Ellenõrizd, hogy helyesen gépelted-e be a címet.";
666 ["We have sent an email with activation link already in the last hour. Please try again later."] = "Már küldtünk aktivációs emailt az elmúlt órában. Próbáld újra késõbb.";
667 ["Website"] = "Weboldal";
668 ["What can I do here?"] = false;
669 ["What this member is currently supporting"] = false;
670 ["Wiki engine"] = "Wiki-motor";
671 ["Wiki engine for statement"] = "Állítás wiki-motorja";
672 ["Withdraw membership"] = "Tagság feladása";
673 ["Yes"] = "Igen";
674 ["Yes, it's implemented"] = false;
675 ["You already voted this issue"] = false;
676 ["You are already initiator"] = "Már kezdeményezõ vagy";
677 ["You are already supporting the latest draft"] = "Már támogatod a legfrissebb vázlatot";
678 ["You are currently not invited to any initiative."] = "Jelenleg nem vagy meghívva egyetlen kezdeményezéshez sem.";
679 ["You are currently not supporting this initiative directly. By adding suggestions to this initiative you will automatically become a potential supporter."] = "Jelenleg nem támogatod közvetlenül ezt a kezdeményezést. Javaslatok hozzáadásával azonban automatikusan a potenciális támogatójává fogsz válni.";
680 ["You are initiator of this initiative"] = "Kezdeményezõje vagy ennek a kezdeményezésnek";
681 ["You are interested in this issue"] = "Érdekel ez a téma";
682 ["You are invited to #{count} initiative(s)"] = false;
683 ["You are invited to LiquidFeedback. To register please click the following link:\n\n"] = "Meghívtak a LiquidFeedbackhez. Regisztráláshoz kattints a következõ linkre:";
684 ["You are invited to become initiator of '#{initiative_name}'"] = false;
685 ["You are invited to become initiator of this initiative"] = false;
686 ["You are member"] = "Tag vagy";
687 ["You are not eligible to participate"] = false;
688 ["You are not entitled to vote in this unit"] = false;
689 ["You are not participating in any of the #{count} areas in this unit"] = false;
690 ["You are not participating in the only area of the unit"] = false;
691 ["You are now initiator of this initiative"] = "Most te vagy a kezdeményezõje ennek a kezdeményezésnek";
692 ["You are subscribed for this subject area"] = false;
693 ["You are supporter"] = false;
694 ["You are supporting this initiative"] = false;
695 ["You blocked this member (i.e. you will not be notified about this members actions)"] = false;
696 ["You can change your email address only once per hour. Please try again later."] = "Óránként csak egyszer változtathatod meg az emailcímedet. Próbáld újra késõbb.";
697 ["You can change your text again anytime during admission and discussion phase"] = false;
698 ["You can choose only members which you have been saved as contact before."] = false;
699 ["You can't suggest the initiative you are revoking"] = "Nem ajánlhatsz olyan kezdeményezést, amit épp visszavonsz";
700 ["You cannot change your text again later, because this issue is already in verfication phase!"] = false;
701 ["You delegated this issue"] = false;
702 ["You delegated this organizational unit"] = false;
703 ["You delegated this subject area"] = false;
704 ["You delegated this unit"] = false;
705 ["You didn't confirm your email address '#{email}' within 7 days."] = "Nem erõsítetted meg a(z) '#{email}' emailcímedet 7 napon belül.";
706 ["You didn't confirm your email address '#{email}'. You have received an email with an activation link."] = "Még nem erõsítetted meg a(z) '#{email}' emailcímedet a megerõsítõ mail aktivációs linkjével.";
707 ["You didn't save any member as contact yet."] = "Még nem mentettél el senkit a kapcsolataid közé.";
708 ["You didn't set the level of notifications you like to receive"] = "Még nem állítottad be, hogy milyen és mennyi értesítést szeretnél mirõl (ha egyáltalán)";
709 ["You do not like to vote this issue (yourself)"] = false;
710 ["You have been voted"] = false;
711 ["You have not voted #{count} issue(s) you were interested in"] = false;
712 ["You have to mark 'Are you sure' to revoke!"] = "Visszavonáshoz be kell jelölnöd a 'Biztos?'-t is!";
713 ["You have voted"] = false;
714 ["You have voted via delegation"] = false;
715 ["You may choose one of the ongoing initiatives you are currently supporting"] = false;
716 ["You need to confirm to deactivate!"] = false;
717 ["You refused to become initiator of this initiative"] = false;
718 ["You saved this member as contact (i.e. to use as delegatee)"] = false;
719 ["You saved this member as contact (i.e. to use as delegatee) and others can see it"] = false;
720 ["You've successfully registered and you can login now with your login and password!"] = "Sikeresen regisztráltál. Most már bejelentkezhetsz a neveddel és a jelszavaddal!";
721 ["Your avatar is a small photo, which will be shown always next to your name."] = false;
722 ["Your choice"] = false;
723 ["Your email address has been changed, please check for confirmation email with activation link!"] = "Megváltozott az emailcímed. A megerõsítõ mailt az aktivációs linkkel elküldtük az új címedre";
724 ["Your login has been changed to '#{login}'"] = "Bejelentkezési neved megváltoztatva: '#{login}'";
725 ["Your name has been changed"] = "Neved megváltoztatva";
726 ["Your page has been updated"] = "Oldalad frissítve";
727 ["Your password has been updated successfully"] = "Jelszó módosítva";
728 ["Your photo will be shown in your profile."] = false;
729 ["Your rating has been deleted"] = "Értékelésed törölve";
730 ["Your rating has been updated"] = "Értékelésed frissítve";
731 ["Your request has been processed."] = false;
732 ["Your suggestion has been added"] = "Javaslatod hozzáadva";
733 ["Your support has been updated to the latest draft"] = "Támogatásod frissítve a legújabb vázlat szerint";
734 ["Your vote has been discarded. Delegation rules apply if set."] = "Szavazatod visszavonva. Ha állítottál be delegációs szabályokat, úgy azok továbbra is érvényesek.";
735 ["[Name of Language]"] = "magyar nyelv";
736 ["[Not public]"] = false;
737 ["[calculating]"] = false;
738 ["[event mail] URL: #{url}"] = false;
739 ["[event mail] Area: #{name}"] = false;
740 ["[event mail] Unit: #{name}"] = false;
741 ["[event mail] Event: #{event}"] = false;
742 ["[event mail] Issue: ##{id}"] = false;
743 ["[event mail] Phase: #{phase}"] = false;
744 ["[event mail] Policy: #{policy}"] = false;
745 ["[introduction] iniatives and issues"] = false;
746 ["[introduction] organizational units"] = false;
747 ["[introduction] phase 1 admission"] = false;
748 ["[introduction] phase 2 discussion"] = false;
749 ["[introduction] phase 3 verification"] = false;
750 ["[introduction] phase 4 voting"] = false;
751 ["[introduction] preference voting"] = false;
752 ["[introduction] rules of procedure"] = false;
753 ["[introduction] subject areas"] = false;
754 ["[introduction] vote delegation"] = false;
755 ["[not displayed public]"] = "[nem nyilvános]";
756 ["abandoned"] = "mellõzve";
757 ["accept invitation"] = false;
758 ["action"] = false;
759 ["activate account"] = false;
760 ["activated"] = "aktiválva";
761 ["add my interest"] = false;
762 ["add my support"] = false;
763 ["add to my list of private contacts"] = false;
764 ["add to my list of public contacts"] = false;
765 ["add your support (see above) and rate or write new suggestions (and thereby restrict your support to certain conditions if necessary)"] = false;
766 ["all issues"] = false;
767 ["allow invitation again"] = false;
768 ["and"] = false;
769 ["and #{count} more initiatives"] = "és még #{count} további kezdeményezés";
770 ["area"] = "témakör";
771 ["at least #{count} approvals"] = "legalább #{count} egyetértés";
772 ["at least #{count} approvals or abstentions"] = "legalább #{count} egyetértés vagy tartózkodás";
773 ["author"] = false;
774 ["avatar/photo"] = false;
775 ["block this member"] = false;
776 ["browse through the competing initiatives"] = false;
777 ["but"] = false;
778 ["by A-Z"] = false;
779 ["by Z-A"] = false;
780 ["by default only those issues are shown, for which your are eligible to participate (change filters on top of the list)"] = false;
781 ["by latest activity"] = false;
782 ["cancel"] = false;
783 ["cancel issue"] = false;
784 ["cancel issue now"] = false;
785 ["cancel registration"] = false;
786 ["canceled"] = false;
787 ["change avatar/photo"] = false;
788 ["change my vote"] = false;
789 ["change vote"] = false;
790 ["change your login"] = false;
791 ["change your notification email address"] = false;
792 ["change your password"] = false;
793 ["change your screen name"] = false;
794 ["change/revoke area delegation"] = false;
795 ["change/revoke delegation"] = false;
796 ["change/revoke delegation of organizational unit"] = false;
797 ["change/revoke delegation of subject area"] = false;
798 ["change/revoke delegation only for this issue"] = false;
799 ["change/revoke delegation only for this subject area"] = false;
800 ["change/revoke issue delegation"] = false;
801 ["check your "] = false;
802 ["choose delegatee"] = false;
803 ["choose issue delegatee"] = false;
804 ["choose subject area delegatee"] = false;
805 ["collapse subject areas"] = false;
806 ["collective rating:"] = false;
807 ["compare"] = false;
808 ["compare revisions"] = false;
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813 ["day [interval time left]"] = false;
814 ["day [interval]"] = false;
815 ["days [interval ago]"] = false;
816 ["days [interval time left]"] = false;
817 ["days [interval]"] = false;
818 ["deactivated"] = "deaktiválva";
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820 ["delegates to"] = false;
821 ["delegation suspended during discussion"] = false;
822 ["delete<br /><br />"] = "törlés<br /><br />";
823 ["developer settings"] = false;
824 ["direct interest"] = false;
825 ["discard"] = false;
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827 ["do not notify me about this voting anymore"] = false;
828 ["download database"] = false;
829 ["draft ID"] = false;
830 ["draft history (#{count})"] = false;
831 ["edit profile data"] = false;
832 ["edit proposal and/or reasons"] = false;
833 ["email"] = "email";
834 ["ends in #{state_time_left}"] = false;
835 ["ends soon"] = false;
836 ["failed #{quorum}"] = false;
837 ["finished"] = false;
838 ["global"] = "globális";
839 ["hide details"] = false;
840 ["i#{id}: #{name}"] = "i#{id}: #{name}";
841 ["if you like to implement a suggestion in your proposal and/or reasons, update your initiative draft"] = false;
842 ["implemented"] = "beépítve";
843 ["implemented:"] = false;
844 ["in all phases"] = false;
845 ["in my areas"] = false;
846 ["in my units"] = false;
847 ["inactive"] = false;
848 ["initiated by me"] = false;
849 ["interest via delegation"] = false;
850 ["interested directly or via delegation"] = false;
851 ["invite another initiator"] = false;
852 ["is implemented"] = false;
853 ["is not implemented"] = false;
854 ["issue"] = false;
855 ["issue view"] = false;
856 ["login name"] = "bejelentkezési név";
857 ["login to participate"] = false;
858 ["logout"] = false;
859 ["make this contact private"] = false;
860 ["make this contact public"] = false;
861 ["member inactive"] = false;
862 ["month [interval ago]"] = false;
863 ["month [interval time left]"] = false;
864 ["month [interval]"] = false;
865 ["months [interval ago]"] = false;
866 ["months [interval time left]"] = false;
867 ["months [interval]"] = false;
868 ["must"] = "kell";
869 ["must be implemented"] = false;
870 ["must not"] = "tilos";
871 ["my issues"] = false;
872 ["neutral"] = "semleges";
873 ["newest first"] = false;
874 ["no delegation set"] = false;
875 ["no reverse beat path to status quo (including ties)"] = "nincs visszaút a status quo-hoz (döntetlenekkel sem)";
876 ["none"] = "nincs";
877 ["not admitted"] = false;
878 ["not implemented"] = "nincs beépítve";
879 ["not voted by me"] = false;
880 ["not yet"] = "még nem";
881 ["notification settings"] = false;
882 ["notifications"] = false;
883 ["notifications settings"] = false;
884 ["oldest first"] = false;
885 ["one step back"] = false;
886 ["open the appropriate subject area for your issue and follow the instruction on that page."] = false;
887 ["open the organizational unit, subject area or issue you like to delegate and follow the instruction on that page."] = false;
888 ["or swipe"] = false;
889 ["ordered by delegation count"] = false;
890 ["phase ends soon"] = false;
891 ["possibly instable result caused by multistage majority"] = "eredmény instabil lehet a többszintû többség miatt";
892 ["preference voting"] = false;
893 ["proceed with registration"] = false;
894 ["prohibit potentially instable results caused by multistage majorities"] = "többszintû többség miatt potenciálisan instabil eredmények tiltása";
895 ["public administrative notice:"] = false;
896 ["publish avatar/photo"] = false;
897 ["publish my rating"] = false;
898 ["publish profile data"] = false;
899 ["publish suggestion"] = false;
900 ["published at"] = false;
901 ["reached #{quorum}"] = false;
902 ["refresh my support"] = false;
903 ["refuse invitation"] = false;
904 ["remove an initiator"] = false;
905 ["remove from my contact list"] = false;
906 ["remove my interest"] = false;
907 ["remove my support"] = false;
908 ["reverse beat path to status quo (including ties)"] = "visszaút a status quo-hoz (döntetlenekkel együtt)";
909 ["revoke"] = false;
910 ["revoke initiative"] = false;
911 ["revoked"] = false;
912 ["search"] = false;
913 ["select tabs"] = false;
914 ["should"] = "kellene";
915 ["should be implemented"] = false;
916 ["should not"] = "nem kellene";
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918 ["show details"] = false;
919 ["show differences"] = false;
920 ["show other subject areas"] = false;
921 ["show saved contacts"] = false;
922 ["show subject areas"] = false;
923 ["show vote"] = false;
924 ["start a new competing initiative"] = false;
925 ["start an initiative in a new issue"] = false;
926 ["structured discussion"] = false;
927 ["subscribe"] = false;
928 ["subscribe subject areas or add your interested to issues and you will be notified about changes (follow the instruction on the area or issue page)"] = false;
929 ["subscribed"] = false;
930 ["suggestions (#{count}) ↓"] = false;
931 ["supporter"] = false;
932 ["supporter with restricting suggestions"] = false;
933 ["take a look at the competing initiatives"] = false;
934 ["take a look at the suggestions (see left) and rate them"] = false;
935 ["take a look at the suggestions of your supporters"] = false;
936 ["take a look on the issues (see left)"] = false;
937 ["the following login is connected to this email address:\n\n"] = false;
938 ["this issue is in verification phase, therefore the initiative text cannot be updated anymore"] = false;
939 ["this issue is in voting phase, therefore the initiative text cannot be updated anymore"] = false;
940 ["timeline"] = false;
941 ["to argue about suggestions, just add your arguments to your reasons in the initiative draft, so your supporters can learn about your opinion"] = false;
942 ["to reset your password please click on the following link:\n\n"] = "A jelszavad visszaállításához klikkelj erre a linkre:\n\n";
943 ["to show more info and learn what you can do"] = false;
944 ["today at #{time}"] = false;
945 ["unblock member"] = false;
946 ["unconfirmed address"] = false;
947 ["unit"] = "egység";
948 ["unit / area"] = false;
949 ["unsubscribe"] = false;
950 ["until"] = "(a)míg";
951 ["update area"] = false;
952 ["update member"] = false;
953 ["update policy"] = false;
954 ["update unit"] = false;
955 ["variable"] = false;
956 ["via delegation"] = false;
957 ["vote delegation"] = false;
958 ["vote now"] = false;
959 ["voted and not voted by me"] = false;
960 ["voted by me"] = false;
961 ["voted directly by me"] = false;
962 ["voted no"] = false;
963 ["voted via delegation"] = false;
964 ["voted yes"] = false;
965 ["without"] = false;
966 ["without quorum"] = false;
967 ["write a new suggestion"] = false;
968 ["written and rated by the supportes of this initiative to improve the proposal and its reasons"] = false;
969 ["xmpp"] = "Fecsegés (XMPP)";
970 ["year [interval ago]"] = false;
971 ["year [interval time left]"] = false;
972 ["year [interval]"] = false;
973 ["years [interval ago]"] = false;
974 ["years [interval time left]"] = false;
975 ["years [interval]"] = false;
976 ["yesterday at #{time}"] = false;
977 ["you are interested"] = false;
978 ["you are subscribed"] = false;
979 ["you have #{count} incoming delegations"] = false;
980 ["you restricted your support by rating suggestions as must or must not"] = false;
981 ["you voted"] = false;
982 }

Impressum / About Us