
view app/main/delegation/show.lua @ 1145:904f6807f7fa

Added support for upcoming moonbridge bases WebMCP
author bsw
date Sat Mar 21 15:26:39 2015 +0100 (2015-03-21)
parents 286bbd976e84
children 32cc544d5a5b
line source
1 local voting_right_unit_id
2 local current_trustee_id
3 local current_trustee_name
5 local head_text
7 local unit = Unit:by_id(param.get("unit_id", atom.integer))
8 local area = Area:by_id(param.get("area_id", atom.integer))
9 local issue = Issue:by_id(param.get("issue_id", atom.integer))
10 local initiative = Initiative:by_id(param.get("initiative_id", atom.integer))
12 if initiative then
13 issue = initiative.issue
14 end
16 if unit then
17 unit:load_delegation_info_once_for_member_id(app.session.member_id)
18 voting_right_unit_id =
19 if unit.delegation_info.own_delegation_scope == 'unit' then
20 current_trustee_id = unit.delegation_info.first_trustee_id
21 current_trustee_name = unit.delegation_info.first_trustee_name
22 end
23 execute.view { module = "unit", view = "_head", params = { unit = unit } }
24 head_text = _"Set unit delegation"
25 end
27 if area then
28 area:load_delegation_info_once_for_member_id(app.session.member_id)
29 voting_right_unit_id = area.unit_id
30 if area.delegation_info.own_delegation_scope == 'area' then
31 current_trustee_id = area.delegation_info.first_trustee_id
32 current_trustee_name = area.delegation_info.first_trustee_name
33 end
34 execute.view { module = "area", view = "_head", params = { area = area } }
35 head_text = _"Set area delegation"
36 end
38 if issue then
39 issue:load("member_info", { member_id = app.session.member_id })
40 voting_right_unit_id = issue.area.unit_id
41 if issue.member_info.own_delegation_scope == 'issue' then
42 current_trustee_id = issue.member_info.first_trustee_id
43 current_trustee_name = issue.member_info.first_trustee_name
44 end
45 execute.view { module = "issue", view = "_head", params = { issue = issue } }
46 head_text = _"Set issue delegation"
47 end
49 local delegation
50 local unit_id
51 local area_id
52 local issue_id
53 local initiative_id
55 local scope = "unit"
57 local inline = param.get("inline", atom.boolean)
60 unit_id = param.get("unit_id", atom.integer)
62 if param.get("initiative_id", atom.integer) then
63 initiative_id =
64 issue_id = initiative.issue_id
65 scope = "issue"
66 end
68 if param.get("issue_id", atom.integer) then
69 issue_id = param.get("issue_id", atom.integer)
70 scope = "issue"
71 end
73 if param.get("area_id", atom.integer) then
74 area_id = param.get("area_id", atom.integer)
75 scope = "area"
76 end
80 local delegation
81 local issue
83 if issue_id then
84 issue = Issue:by_id(issue_id)
85 delegation = Delegation:by_pk(, nil, nil, issue_id)
86 if not delegation then
87 delegation = Delegation:by_pk(, nil, issue.area_id)
88 end
89 if not delegation then
90 delegation = Delegation:by_pk(, issue.area.unit_id)
91 end
92 elseif area_id then
93 delegation = Delegation:by_pk(, nil, area_id)
94 if not delegation then
95 local area = Area:by_id(area_id)
96 delegation = Delegation:by_pk(, area.unit_id)
97 end
98 end
100 if not delegation then
101 delegation = Delegation:by_pk(, unit_id)
102 end
104 local contact_members = Member:build_selector{
105 is_contact_of_member_id = app.session.member_id,
106 voting_right_for_unit_id = voting_right_unit_id,
107 active = true,
108 order = "name"
109 }:exec()
111 local preview_trustee_id = param.get("preview_trustee_id", atom.integer)
113 ui.script{ static = "js/update_delegation_info.js" }
116 ui.section( function ()
118 ui.sectionHead( function ()
119 ui.heading{ level = 1, content = head_text }
120 end )
122 ui.sectionRow( function ()
124 ui.form{
125 attr = { class = "wide section", id = "delegationForm" },
126 module = "delegation",
127 action = "update",
128 params = {
129 unit_id = unit and or nil,
130 area_id = area and or nil,
131 issue_id = issue and or nil,
132 initiative_id = initiative_id
133 },
134 routing = {
135 default = {
136 mode = "redirect",
137 module = area and "area" or initiative and "initiative" or issue and "issue" or "unit",
138 view = "show",
139 id = area and or initiative and or issue and or,
140 }
141 },
142 content = function()
143 local records
144 if issue then
145 local delegate_name = ""
146 local scope = _"no delegation set"
147 local area_delegation = Delegation:by_pk(app.session.member_id, nil, issue.area_id)
148 if area_delegation then
149 delegate_name = area_delegation.trustee and or _"abandoned"
150 scope = _"area"
151 else
152 local unit_delegation = Delegation:by_pk(app.session.member_id, issue.area.unit_id)
153 if unit_delegation then
154 delegate_name =
155 scope = config.single_unit_id and _"global" or _"unit"
156 end
157 end
158 local text_apply
159 local text_abandon
160 if config.single_unit_id then
161 text_apply = _("Apply global or area delegation for this issue (Currently: #{delegate_name} [#{scope}])", { delegate_name = delegate_name, scope = scope })
162 text_abandon = _"Abandon unit and area delegations for this issue"
163 else
164 text_apply = _("Apply unit or area delegation for this issue (Currently: #{delegate_name} [#{scope}])", { delegate_name = delegate_name, scope = scope })
165 text_abandon = _"Abandon unit and area delegations for this issue"
166 end
168 records = {
169 { id = -1, name = text_apply },
170 { id = 0, name = text_abandon }
171 }
172 elseif area then
173 local delegate_name = ""
174 local scope = _"no delegation set"
175 local unit_delegation = Delegation:by_pk(app.session.member_id, area.unit_id)
176 if unit_delegation then
177 delegate_name =
178 scope = config.single_unit_id and _"global" or _"unit"
179 end
180 local text_apply
181 local text_abandon
182 if config.single_unit_id then
183 text_apply = _("Apply global delegation for this area (Currently: #{delegate_name} [#{scope}])", { delegate_name = delegate_name, scope = scope })
184 text_abandon = _"Abandon global delegation for this area"
185 else
186 text_apply = _("Apply unit delegation for this area (Currently: #{delegate_name} [#{scope}])", { delegate_name = delegate_name, scope = scope })
187 text_abandon = _"Abandon unit delegation for this area"
188 end
189 records = {
190 {
191 id = -1,
192 name = text_apply
193 },
194 {
195 id = 0,
196 name = text_abandon
197 }
198 }
200 else
201 records = {
202 {
203 id = -1,
204 name = _"No delegation"
205 }
206 }
208 end
209 -- add current trustee
210 if current_trustee_id then
211 records[#records+1] = {id="_", name= "--- " .. _"Current delegatee" .. " ---"}
212 records[#records+1] = { id = current_trustee_id, name = current_trustee_name }
213 end
214 -- add initiative authors
215 if initiative then
216 records[#records+1] = {id="_", name= "--- " .. _"Initiators" .. " ---"}
217 for i,record in ipairs(initiative.initiators) do
218 records[#records+1] = record.member
219 end
220 end
221 -- add saved members
222 if #contact_members > 0 then
223 records[#records+1] = {id="_", name= "--- " .. _"Saved contacts" .. " ---"}
224 for i, record in ipairs(contact_members) do
225 records[#records+1] = record
226 end
227 end
229 local disabled_records = {}
230 disabled_records["_"] = true
231 disabled_records[app.session.member_id] = true
233 local value = current_trustee_id
234 if preview_trustee_id then
235 value = preview_trustee_id
236 end
237 if preview_trustee_id == nil and delegation and not delegation.trustee_id then
238 value = 0
239 end
241 ui.heading{ level = 2, content = _"Choose your delegatee" }
244 attr = { onchange = "updateDelegationInfo();" },
245 name = "trustee_id",
246 foreign_records = records,
247 foreign_id = "id",
248 foreign_name = "name",
249 disabled_records = disabled_records,
250 value = value
251 }
253 ui.container{ content = _"You can choose only members which you have been saved as contact before." }
255 ui.field.hidden{ name = "preview" }
257 slot.put("<br />")
258 ui.tag { tag = "input", content = "", attr = {
259 type = "submit",
260 value = _"Save",
261 class = "btn btn-default",
262 } }
264 slot.put("<br /><br /><br />")
265 if initiative then
267 module = "initiative",
268 view = "show",
269 id =,
270 content = function()
271 slot.put(_"Cancel")
272 end,
273 }
274 elseif issue then
276 module = "issue",
277 view = "show",
278 id =,
279 content = function()
280 slot.put(_"Cancel")
281 end,
282 }
283 elseif area then
285 module = "area",
286 view = "show",
287 id =,
288 content = function()
289 slot.put(_"Cancel")
290 end,
291 }
292 else
294 module = "index",
295 view = "index",
296 content = function()
297 slot.put(_"Cancel")
298 end,
299 }
300 end
302 end
303 }
305 end ) end )
306 -- ------------------------
308 ui.sidebar( "tab-members", function ()
310 ui.sidebarHead( function ()
311 ui.heading { level = 1, content = _"Preview of delegation" }
312 end )
314 local preview_inherit = false
315 local tmp_preview_trustee_id = preview_trustee_id
316 if preview_trustee_id == -1 then
317 preview_inherit = true
318 tmp_preview_trustee_id = nil
319 end
320 local delegation_chain = Member:new_selector()
321 :add_field("delegation_chain.*")
322 :join({ "delegation_chain(?,?,?,?,?,?)",, unit_id, area_id, issue_id, tmp_preview_trustee_id, preview_inherit }, "delegation_chain", " = delegation_chain.member_id")
323 :add_order_by("index")
324 :exec()
326 for i, record in ipairs(delegation_chain) do
327 local style
328 local overridden = (not issue or issue.state ~= 'voting') and record.overridden
329 ui.sidebarSection( function ()
330 if record.scope_in then
331 if not overridden then
332 local text = _"delegated to"
333 ui.image{
334 attr = { class = "delegation_arrow", alt = text, title = text },
335 static = "delegation_arrow_24_vertical.png"
336 }
337 else
338 local text = _"delegated to"
339 ui.image{
340 attr = { class = "delegation_arrow delegation_arrow_overridden", alt = text, title = text },
341 static = "delegation_arrow_24_vertical.png"
342 }
343 end
344 ui.tag{
345 attr = { class = "delegation_scope" .. (overridden and " delegation_scope_overridden" or "") },
346 content = function()
347 if record.scope_in == "unit" then
348 slot.put(config.single_object_mode and _"Global delegation" or _"Unit delegation")
349 elseif record.scope_in == "area" then
350 slot.put(_"Area delegation")
351 elseif record.scope_in == "issue" then
352 slot.put(_"Issue delegation")
353 end
354 end
355 }
356 end
357 ui.container{
358 attr = { class = overridden and "delegation_overridden" or "" },
359 content = function()
360 execute.view{
361 module = "member",
362 view = "_show_thumb",
363 params = { member = record }
364 }
365 end
366 }
367 if issue and issue.state ~= 'voting' and record.participation and not record.overridden then
368 ui.container{
369 attr = { class = "delegation_participation" },
370 content = function()
371 if i == #delegation_chain then
372 ui.tag{ content = _"This member is currently participating in this issue." }
373 else
374 ui.tag{ content = _"This member is participating, the remaining delegation chain is suspended during discussing." }
375 end
376 end
377 }
378 end
379 slot.put("<br style='clear: left'/>")
380 end )
381 end
383 if preview_trustee_id == 0 or not preview_trustee_id == null and delegation and not delegation.trustee_id then
384 ui.image{
385 static = "icons/16/table_go_crossed.png"
386 }
387 if issue_id then
388 slot.put(_"Delegation turned off for issue")
389 elseif area_id then
390 slot.put(_"Delegation turned off for area")
391 end
392 end
395 end )

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