

age author description
2015-03-21 jbe Updated documentation; Switched version string to "2.0.0"
2015-03-21 jbe Bugfix/code-cleanup regarding initializers/finalizers: correctly detect yield-values and remove finalizers upon execution
2015-03-21 jbe Bugfix in request.redirect{...}: allow params to be nil
2015-03-21 jbe Allow POST param "_webmcp_id" to overwrite/set the id field in routing information
2015-03-21 jbe Removed Lua 5.1 compatibility code in webmcp_accelerator.c
2015-03-21 jbe Tiny optimization in slot.put_into(...)
2015-03-20 jbe Register mondelefant.class_prototype.get_reference(...) and mondelefant.class_prototype.get_foreign_key_reference_name(...) functions in mondelefant_native.c for use through Lua code
2015-03-20 jbe Added missing parenthesis in env/request/force_absolute_baseurl.lua
2015-03-20 jbe Proper handling of 404's and mime types for static file delivery
2015-03-20 jbe Clean json library in root Makefile
2015-03-20 jbe Added missing file libraries/extos/extos.autodoc.lua (accidentally not been tracked)
2015-03-20 jbe Support for external redirects and redirects to static files
2015-03-20 jbe Renamed local variable in mcp.lua to avoid shaddowing of global "request" variable
2015-03-20 jbe Added missing parenthesis in env/slot/__init.lua
2015-03-20 jbe New configuration options "min_requests_per_connect" and "max_requests_per_connect"; Bugfix: Send headers added with request.add_header(...) also in case of 303 Redirect
2015-03-17 jbe Added newline at end of file framework/env/slot/put.lua
2015-03-17 jbe Replaced request.add_initializer(...) and request.add_variable(...) with request.for_each(...) and request.configure(...) which both execute the passed function once in any case when being called
2015-03-16 jbe Added demo-app/app/main/_postfork/01-db.lua
2015-03-15 jbe Work on __init.lua files to support handling multiple requests per connect
2015-03-15 jbe Allow tables as sub-values of request variables (won't be cloned)
2015-03-15 jbe Initialize global variable 'app' on every request
2015-03-15 jbe Code optimization in slot.reset_all{...}
2015-03-15 jbe Remove env/ui_deprecated
2015-03-14 jbe New functions request.add_initializer(...) and request.add_variable(...) to allow per-request initialization; Merged request.process() with request.handler(...)
2015-03-02 jbe Work on demo application (to fit modified WebMCP API); Bugfixes of WebMCP
2015-03-01 jbe Bug in request.get_param_strings{...} fixed, which caused request._http_request.post_params to be corrupted
2015-03-01 jbe Use correct path for static file delivery
2015-03-01 jbe Bugfix in request.process(): io.open instead of file.open
2015-03-01 jbe Work on static file delivery
2015-03-01 jbe Bugfix in request.set_cookie{...}
2015-03-01 jbe Added missing pairs(...) call in for-loop in request.process() implementation
2015-03-01 jbe Added missing local declaration in framework/env/request/process.lua
2015-03-01 jbe Another bugfix in request.get_view()
2015-03-01 jbe Bugfix in request.get_view()
2015-03-01 jbe Added missing local declaration in ui.list{...} implementation
2015-03-01 jbe Send "Connection: close" header to terminate process
2015-03-01 jbe Skip application based initializers in interactive mode
2015-03-01 jbe Allow illegal routes
2015-03-01 jbe Added missing local statement in table.new(...)
2015-03-01 jbe Modified global_metatable.__newindex metamethod
2015-02-28 jbe Bugfix for globals exception (compare with _G instead of _ENV)
2015-02-28 jbe Exception for setting global variables
2015-02-28 jbe Added local variable declarations in request/default_router.lua
2015-02-28 jbe Corrected level of error() call in mcp.lua
2015-02-28 jbe Added level to error() call for setting global variables in mcp.lua
2015-02-28 jbe Allow setting certain global variables in autoloader
2015-02-28 jbe Pass _ENV to loaded chunks
2015-02-28 jbe Replace global environment as soon as possible in mcp.lua
2015-02-27 jbe Bugfix in local function pack_return_values in framework/env/execute/chunk.lua
2015-02-27 jbe Workaround for postfork-loading of multirand library
2015-02-27 jbe Added function request.get_cookie{...}
2015-02-27 jbe Added missing request.get_path() function
2015-02-27 jbe Fixed typo in execute._create_sorted_execution_list(...)
2015-02-27 jbe Initialize listeners list in framework/bin/mcp.lua
2015-02-27 jbe Removed request._app_basepath and request._app_basebase from env/request/__init.lua
2015-02-27 jbe Finished removing all references to cgi module (except demo-app); Removed partial loading mechanism
2015-02-27 jbe Use request.get_param{...} and request.get_param_strings{...} functions in request.process()
2015-02-25 jbe More work on Moonbridge integration: several changes in env/request
2015-02-22 jbe Bugfix: call execute.prefork_initializers() only once in mcp.lua
2015-02-22 jbe Simplified autoloader in mcp.lua
2015-02-22 jbe Removed unnecessary extra slash in autoloader in mcp.lua
2015-01-30 jbe Bugfixes/improvements in mcp.lua
2015-01-12 jbe Work on request.process(...), request.default_router(...), request.router(), request.handler(...)
2015-01-12 jbe Some code cleanup/rearrangement for request handling
2015-01-10 jbe Work on Moonbridge integration: added execute._initializers(...), new function request.get_param{...}; Code cleanup in mcp.lua and tempstore.save(...)
2015-01-10 jbe Renamed "key" argument to "name" argument in request.set_perm_param(...)
2015-01-10 jbe Storage of Moonbridge's HTTP request and request handler options in request environment
2015-01-10 jbe Changes in mcp.lua regarding configuration management (only single application allowed)
2015-01-10 jbe Moved request handling code from mcp.lua to request.handler(...)
2015-01-10 jbe Removed functions request.get_config, request.get_app_basepath, request.get_app_name
2015-01-10 jbe Pre/postfork initializers and finalizers via coroutines
2015-01-09 jbe Load "moonbridge_http" locally in framework/bin/mcp.lua
2015-01-09 jbe Code cleanup and work on Moonbridge integration
2015-01-09 jbe Correct handling of nil's in return tuples in execute.chunk{...}
2015-01-09 jbe Moonbridge invocation in framework/bin/mcp.lua
2015-01-09 jbe Removed CGI support; Created draft for new MCP program to be used with "Moonbridge Network Server for Lua Applications"
2014-08-25 jbe Use luaL_len and lua_gettable to read argument passed to json.array{...}
2014-08-14 jbe Added type checks to C functions of JSON library to avoid crashes due to wrong arguments
2014-08-14 jbe Improve performance of pairs and ipairs in JSON library
2014-08-12 jbe Require 3 arguments for json.set(...); Completed autodoc documentation for JSON library
2014-08-11 jbe Fixed inline documentation of slot.put_into(...)
2014-08-11 jbe Fix in autodoc.lua to allow ellipsis in return values
2014-08-11 jbe Fix in inline documentation of atom.integer.invalid
2014-08-11 jbe Fix in JSON documentation
2014-08-11 jbe Bugfix in autodoc.lua; Added documentation for JSON library; json.import(...) returns json.null for "null" on top-level
2014-08-11 jbe Improved performance of JSON library by storing shadow tables directly via a lightuserdata key instead of using ephemeron tables
2014-08-10 jbe Minimum decimal floating point precision of 16 in json.encode(...)
2014-08-10 jbe Dynamic determination of decimal floating point precision in json.export(...)
2014-08-10 jbe Increased decimal precision to 17 in json.export(...)
2014-08-10 jbe Increase precision of exported floats to 16 decimal digits in json.export(...)
2014-08-10 jbe Bugfix in json.export(...); Better argument checking for json.export(...)
2014-08-10 jbe Added comments to json.export(...) function
2014-08-10 jbe Finished non-recursive implementation of json.export(...)
2014-08-10 jbe Work on json.export(...) function
2014-08-09 jbe Fixed comma setting in json.export(...)
2014-08-09 jbe Reimplemented json.export(...) function without recursion (incomplete yet)
2014-08-02 jbe json.import does support even more nested levels
2014-08-02 jbe Support 715827883 nested levels in JSON parser
2014-08-02 jbe Added #undef to json.c to avoid compiler warning
2014-08-02 jbe Limit max depth of JSON documents to 50 (until a better implementation of json.export is available)
2014-08-01 jbe Throw error in mondelefant-atom-connector when encountering illegal JSON document
2014-08-01 jbe Make JSON library accessible in mondelefant-atom-connector
2014-08-01 jbe Load JSON library in WebMCP and automatically convert JSON documents in mondelefant-atom-connector
2014-08-01 jbe Completed comments and minor code cleanup in JSON library; Added emergency garbage collection for memory allocation in json.export function
2014-08-01 jbe Bugfix in json.object and json.array functions: use null-marker for nil values
2014-08-01 jbe Added json.set function to set deep values in a JSON document
2014-08-01 jbe Allow json.object and json.array functions to convert any Lua value using __pairs and __ipairs metamethods
2014-08-01 jbe Code cleanup in json.object and json.array functions
2014-08-01 jbe Bugfix in json.import function to process bytes >= 128 correctly
2014-08-01 jbe json.array and json.object functions create a new container rather than marking a table
2014-08-01 jbe Cleaned up macros for json.import function
2014-08-01 jbe Decoding of unicode escapes in JSON strings
2014-07-31 jbe Minor bugfixes in JSON library (including checking type of arguments)
2014-07-31 jbe Added missing initialized for keybuf in json_export_internal function of JSON library
2014-07-31 jbe JSON pretty printer
2014-07-31 jbe Always sort keys in JSON objects when exporting
2014-07-31 jbe Some code cleanup in json.import(...) function
2014-07-31 jbe Speed up JSON library by better approximation of required buffer length when parsing string values
2014-07-31 jbe Added __tostring metamethod to JSON arrays and JSON objects
2014-07-31 jbe Removed json.isnull function from JSON library (use json.type(...) == "null" instead)

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