
diff update/core-update.v3.1.0-v3.2.1.sql @ 517:e4f619e87664

Fixed accidental PostgreSQL 9.5 dependency (because of UPSERT aka ON CONFLICT clause)
author jbe
date Sat Apr 30 17:03:48 2016 +0200 (2016-04-30)
parents update/core-update.v3.1.0-v3.2.0.sql@ab05fb3bf974
line diff
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/update/core-update.v3.1.0-v3.2.1.sql	Sat Apr 30 17:03:48 2016 +0200
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
     1.4 +BEGIN;
     1.5 +
     1.6 +CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "liquid_feedback_version" AS
     1.7 +  SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('3.2.1', 3, 2, 1))
     1.8 +  AS "subquery"("string", "major", "minor", "revision");
     1.9 +
    1.10 +ALTER TABLE "member" ADD COLUMN "disable_notifications"    BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE;
    1.11 +ALTER TABLE "member" ADD COLUMN "notification_counter"     INT4    NOT NULL DEFAULT 1;
    1.12 +ALTER TABLE "member" ADD COLUMN "notification_sample_size" INT4    NOT NULL DEFAULT 3;
    1.13 +ALTER TABLE "member" ADD COLUMN "notification_dow"         INT4    CHECK ("notification_dow" BETWEEN 0 AND 6);
    1.14 +ALTER TABLE "member" ADD COLUMN "notification_hour"        INT4    DEFAULT floor(random() * 24) CHECK ("notification_hour" BETWEEN 0 AND 23);
    1.15 +ALTER TABLE "member" ADD COLUMN "notification_sent"        TIMESTAMP;
    1.16 +ALTER TABLE "member" ADD
    1.17 +  CONSTRAINT "notification_dow_requires_notification_hour"
    1.18 +  CHECK ("notification_dow" ISNULL OR "notification_hour" NOTNULL);
    1.19 +
    1.20 +UPDATE "member" SET "disable_notifications" = TRUE WHERE "notify_level" = 'none'::"notify_level";
    1.21 +
    1.22 +DROP VIEW "selected_event_seen_by_member";
    1.23 +DROP VIEW "event_seen_by_member";
    1.24 +
    1.25 +ALTER TABLE "member" DROP COLUMN "notify_level";
    1.26 +
    1.27 +DROP TYPE "notify_level";
    1.28 +
    1.29 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "member"."disable_notifications"    IS 'TRUE if member does not want to receive notifications';
    1.30 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "member"."notification_counter"     IS 'Sequential number of next scheduled notification message (used as a seed for pseudo-random initiative selection algorithm)';
    1.31 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "member"."notification_sample_size" IS 'Number of featured initiatives per issue in scheduled notification messages';
    1.32 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "member"."notification_dow"         IS 'Day of week for scheduled notifications (NULL to receive a daily digest)';
    1.33 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "member"."notification_hour"        IS 'Time of day when scheduled notifications are sent out';
    1.34 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "member"."notification_sent"        IS 'Timestamp of last scheduled notification mail that has been sent out';
    1.35 +
    1.36 +ALTER TABLE "rendered_member_statement" ALTER COLUMN "member_id" SET DATA TYPE INT4;
    1.37 +
    1.38 +DROP VIEW "expired_session";
    1.39 +
    1.40 +ALTER TABLE "session" ALTER COLUMN "member_id" SET DATA TYPE INT4;
    1.41 +
    1.42 +CREATE VIEW "expired_session" AS
    1.43 +  SELECT * FROM "session" WHERE now() > "expiry";
    1.44 +CREATE RULE "delete" AS ON DELETE TO "expired_session" DO INSTEAD
    1.45 +  DELETE FROM "session" WHERE "ident" = OLD."ident";
    1.46 +
    1.47 +COMMENT ON VIEW "expired_session" IS 'View containing all expired sessions where DELETE is possible';
    1.48 +COMMENT ON RULE "delete" ON "expired_session" IS 'Rule allowing DELETE on rows in "expired_session" view, i.e. DELETE FROM "expired_session"';
    1.49 +
    1.50 +CREATE TABLE "subscription" (
    1.51 +        PRIMARY KEY ("member_id", "unit_id"),
    1.52 +        "member_id"             INT4            REFERENCES "member" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
    1.53 +        "unit_id"               INT4            REFERENCES "unit" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE );
    1.54 +CREATE INDEX "subscription_unit_id_idx" ON "subscription" ("unit_id");
    1.55 +
    1.56 +COMMENT ON TABLE "subscription" IS 'An entry in this table denotes that the member wishes to receive notifications regardless of his/her privileges in the given unit';
    1.57 +
    1.58 +CREATE TABLE "ignored_area" (
    1.59 +        PRIMARY KEY ("member_id", "area_id"),
    1.60 +        "member_id"             INT4            REFERENCES "unit" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
    1.61 +        "area_id"               INT4            REFERENCES "area" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE );
    1.62 +CREATE INDEX "ignored_area_area_id_idx" ON "ignored_area" ("area_id");
    1.63 +
    1.64 +COMMENT ON TABLE "ignored_area" IS 'An entry in this table denotes that the member does not wish to receive notifications for the given subject area unless he/she declared interested in a particular issue';
    1.65 +
    1.66 +ALTER TABLE "ignored_initiative" DROP CONSTRAINT "ignored_initiative_pkey";
    1.67 +DROP INDEX "ignored_initiative_member_id_idx";
    1.68 +
    1.69 +ALTER TABLE "ignored_initiative" ADD PRIMARY KEY ("member_id", "initiative_id");
    1.70 +CREATE INDEX "ignored_initiative_initiative_id_idx" ON "ignored_initiative" ("initiative_id");
    1.71 +
    1.72 +COMMENT ON TABLE "ignored_initiative" IS 'An entry in this table denotes that the member does not wish to receive notifications for the given initiative';
    1.73 +
    1.74 +ALTER TABLE "notification_sent" RENAME TO "notification_event_sent";
    1.75 +ALTER INDEX "notification_sent_singleton_idx" RENAME TO "notification_event_sent_singleton_idx";
    1.76 +
    1.77 +CREATE TABLE "notification_initiative_sent" (
    1.78 +        PRIMARY KEY ("member_id", "initiative_id"),
    1.79 +        "member_id"             INT4            REFERENCES "member" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
    1.80 +        "initiative_id"         INT4            REFERENCES "initiative" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
    1.81 +        "last_draft_id"         INT8            NOT NULL,
    1.82 +        "last_suggestion_id"    INT8 );
    1.83 +CREATE INDEX "notification_initiative_sent_initiative_idx" ON "notification_initiative_sent" ("initiative_id");
    1.84 +
    1.85 +COMMENT ON TABLE "notification_initiative_sent" IS 'Information which initiatives have been promoted to a member in a scheduled notification mail';
    1.86 +
    1.87 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "notification_initiative_sent"."last_draft_id"      IS 'Current (i.e. last) draft_id when initiative had been promoted';
    1.88 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "notification_initiative_sent"."last_suggestion_id" IS 'Current (i.e. last) draft_id when initiative had been promoted';
    1.89 +
    1.90 +CREATE TABLE "newsletter" (
    1.91 +        "id"                    SERIAL4         PRIMARY KEY,
    1.92 +        "published"             TIMESTAMPTZ     NOT NULL,
    1.93 +        "unit_id"               INT4            REFERENCES "unit" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
    1.94 +        "include_all_members"   BOOLEAN         NOT NULL,
    1.95 +        "sent"                  TIMESTAMPTZ,
    1.96 +        "subject"               TEXT            NOT NULL,
    1.97 +        "content"               TEXT            NOT NULL );
    1.98 +CREATE INDEX "newsletter_unit_id_idx" ON "newsletter" ("unit_id", "published");
    1.99 +CREATE INDEX "newsletter_all_units_published_idx" ON "newsletter" ("published") WHERE "unit_id" ISNULL;
   1.100 +CREATE INDEX "newsletter_published_idx" ON "newsletter" ("published");
   1.101 +
   1.102 +COMMENT ON TABLE "newsletter" IS 'Contains newsletters created by administrators to be sent out and for further reference';
   1.103 +
   1.104 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "newsletter"."published"           IS 'Timestamp when the newsletter is to be sent out (and made available in the frontend)';
   1.105 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "newsletter"."unit_id"             IS 'If set, only members with voting right in the given unit are considered to be recipients';
   1.106 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "newsletter"."include_all_members" IS 'TRUE = include all members regardless of their ''disable_notifications'' setting';
   1.107 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "newsletter"."sent"                IS 'Timestamp when the newsletter has been mailed out';
   1.108 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "newsletter"."subject"             IS 'Subject line (e.g. to be used for the email)';
   1.109 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "newsletter"."content"             IS 'Plain text content of the newsletter';
   1.110 +
   1.111 +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "issue_requires_first_initiative_trigger"()
   1.113 +  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE AS $$
   1.114 +    BEGIN
   1.115 +      IF NOT EXISTS (
   1.116 +        SELECT NULL FROM "initiative" WHERE "issue_id" = NEW."id"
   1.117 +      ) THEN
   1.118 +        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot create issue without an initial initiative.' USING
   1.119 +          ERRCODE = 'integrity_constraint_violation',
   1.120 +          HINT    = 'Create issue, initiative, and draft within the same transaction.';
   1.121 +      END IF;
   1.122 +      RETURN NULL;
   1.123 +    END;
   1.124 +  $$;
   1.125 +
   1.126 +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "initiative_requires_first_draft_trigger"()
   1.128 +  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE AS $$
   1.129 +    BEGIN
   1.130 +      IF NOT EXISTS (
   1.131 +        SELECT NULL FROM "draft" WHERE "initiative_id" = NEW."id"
   1.132 +      ) THEN
   1.133 +        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot create initiative without an initial draft.' USING
   1.134 +          ERRCODE = 'integrity_constraint_violation',
   1.135 +          HINT    = 'Create issue, initiative and draft within the same transaction.';
   1.136 +      END IF;
   1.137 +      RETURN NULL;
   1.138 +    END;
   1.139 +  $$;
   1.140 +
   1.141 +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "suggestion_requires_first_opinion_trigger"()
   1.143 +  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE AS $$
   1.144 +    BEGIN
   1.145 +      IF NOT EXISTS (
   1.146 +        SELECT NULL FROM "opinion" WHERE "suggestion_id" = NEW."id"
   1.147 +      ) THEN
   1.148 +        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot create a suggestion without an opinion.' USING
   1.149 +          ERRCODE = 'integrity_constraint_violation',
   1.150 +          HINT    = 'Create suggestion and opinion within the same transaction.';
   1.151 +      END IF;
   1.152 +      RETURN NULL;
   1.153 +    END;
   1.154 +  $$;
   1.155 +
   1.156 +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "forbid_changes_on_closed_issue_trigger"()
   1.158 +  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE AS $$
   1.159 +    DECLARE
   1.160 +      "issue_id_v" "issue"."id"%TYPE;
   1.161 +      "issue_row"  "issue"%ROWTYPE;
   1.162 +    BEGIN
   1.163 +      IF EXISTS (
   1.164 +        SELECT NULL FROM "temporary_transaction_data"
   1.165 +        WHERE "txid" = txid_current()
   1.166 +        AND "key" = 'override_protection_triggers'
   1.167 +        AND "value" = TRUE::TEXT
   1.168 +      ) THEN
   1.169 +        RETURN NULL;
   1.170 +      END IF;
   1.171 +      IF TG_OP = 'DELETE' THEN
   1.172 +        "issue_id_v" := OLD."issue_id";
   1.173 +      ELSE
   1.174 +        "issue_id_v" := NEW."issue_id";
   1.175 +      END IF;
   1.176 +      SELECT INTO "issue_row" * FROM "issue"
   1.177 +        WHERE "id" = "issue_id_v" FOR SHARE;
   1.178 +      IF (
   1.179 +        "issue_row"."closed" NOTNULL OR (
   1.180 +          "issue_row"."state" = 'voting' AND
   1.181 +          "issue_row"."phase_finished" NOTNULL
   1.182 +        )
   1.183 +      ) THEN
   1.184 +        IF
   1.185 +          TG_RELID = 'direct_voter'::regclass AND
   1.186 +          TG_OP = 'UPDATE'
   1.187 +        THEN
   1.188 +          IF
   1.189 +            OLD."issue_id"  = NEW."issue_id"  AND
   1.190 +            OLD."member_id" = NEW."member_id" AND
   1.191 +            OLD."weight" = NEW."weight"
   1.192 +          THEN
   1.193 +            RETURN NULL;  -- allows changing of voter comment
   1.194 +          END IF;
   1.195 +        END IF;
   1.196 +        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Tried to modify data after voting has been closed.' USING
   1.197 +          ERRCODE = 'integrity_constraint_violation';
   1.198 +      END IF;
   1.199 +      RETURN NULL;
   1.200 +    END;
   1.201 +  $$;
   1.202 +
   1.203 +CREATE VIEW "event_for_notification" AS
   1.204 +  SELECT
   1.205 +    "member"."id" AS "recipient_id",
   1.206 +    "event".*
   1.207 +  FROM "member" CROSS JOIN "event"
   1.208 +  JOIN "issue" ON "issue"."id" = "event"."issue_id"
   1.209 +  JOIN "area" ON "area"."id" = "issue"."area_id"
   1.210 +  LEFT JOIN "privilege" ON
   1.211 +    "privilege"."member_id" = "member"."id" AND
   1.212 +    "privilege"."unit_id" = "area"."unit_id" AND
   1.213 +    "privilege"."voting_right" = TRUE
   1.214 +  LEFT JOIN "subscription" ON
   1.215 +    "subscription"."member_id" = "member"."id" AND
   1.216 +    "subscription"."unit_id" = "area"."unit_id"
   1.217 +  LEFT JOIN "ignored_area" ON
   1.218 +    "ignored_area"."member_id" = "member"."id" AND
   1.219 +    "ignored_area"."area_id" = "issue"."area_id"
   1.220 +  LEFT JOIN "interest" ON
   1.221 +    "interest"."member_id" = "member"."id" AND
   1.222 +    "interest"."issue_id" = "event"."issue_id"
   1.223 +  LEFT JOIN "supporter" ON
   1.224 +    "supporter"."member_id" = "member"."id" AND
   1.225 +    "supporter"."initiative_id" = "event"."initiative_id"
   1.226 +  WHERE ("privilege"."member_id" NOTNULL OR "subscription"."member_id" NOTNULL)
   1.227 +  AND ("ignored_area"."member_id" ISNULL OR "interest"."member_id" NOTNULL)
   1.228 +  AND (
   1.229 +    "event"."event" = 'issue_state_changed'::"event_type" OR
   1.230 +    ( "event"."event" = 'initiative_revoked'::"event_type" AND
   1.231 +      "supporter"."member_id" NOTNULL ) );
   1.232 +
   1.233 +COMMENT ON VIEW "event_for_notification" IS 'Entries of the "event" table which are of interest for a particular notification mail recipient';
   1.234 +
   1.235 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "event_for_notification"."recipient_id" IS 'member_id of the recipient of a notification mail';
   1.236 +
   1.237 +CREATE VIEW "updated_initiative" AS
   1.238 +  SELECT
   1.239 +    "supporter"."member_id" AS "recipient_id",
   1.240 +    FALSE AS "featured",
   1.241 +    "supporter"."initiative_id"
   1.242 +  FROM "supporter"
   1.243 +  JOIN "initiative" ON "supporter"."initiative_id" = "initiative"."id"
   1.244 +  JOIN "issue" ON "issue"."id" = "initiative"."issue_id"
   1.245 +  LEFT JOIN "notification_initiative_sent" AS "sent" ON
   1.246 +    "sent"."member_id" = "supporter"."member_id" AND
   1.247 +    "sent"."initiative_id" = "supporter"."initiative_id"
   1.248 +  LEFT JOIN "ignored_initiative" ON
   1.249 +    "ignored_initiative"."member_id" = "supporter"."member_id" AND
   1.250 +    "ignored_initiative"."initiative_id" = "supporter"."initiative_id"
   1.251 +  WHERE "issue"."state" IN ('admission', 'discussion')
   1.252 +  AND "initiative"."revoked" ISNULL
   1.253 +  AND "ignored_initiative"."member_id" ISNULL
   1.254 +  AND (
   1.255 +    EXISTS (
   1.256 +      SELECT NULL FROM "draft"
   1.257 +      LEFT JOIN "ignored_member" ON
   1.258 +        "ignored_member"."member_id" = "supporter"."member_id" AND
   1.259 +        "ignored_member"."other_member_id" = "draft"."author_id"
   1.260 +      WHERE "draft"."initiative_id" = "supporter"."initiative_id"
   1.261 +      AND "draft"."id" > "supporter"."draft_id"
   1.262 +      AND "ignored_member"."member_id" ISNULL
   1.263 +    ) OR EXISTS (
   1.264 +      SELECT NULL FROM "suggestion"
   1.265 +      LEFT JOIN "opinion" ON
   1.266 +        "opinion"."member_id" = "supporter"."member_id" AND
   1.267 +        "opinion"."suggestion_id" = "suggestion"."id"
   1.268 +      LEFT JOIN "ignored_member" ON
   1.269 +        "ignored_member"."member_id" = "supporter"."member_id" AND
   1.270 +        "ignored_member"."other_member_id" = "suggestion"."author_id"
   1.271 +      WHERE "suggestion"."initiative_id" = "supporter"."initiative_id"
   1.272 +      AND "opinion"."member_id" ISNULL
   1.273 +      AND COALESCE("suggestion"."id" > "sent"."last_suggestion_id", TRUE)
   1.274 +      AND "ignored_member"."member_id" ISNULL
   1.275 +    )
   1.276 +  );
   1.277 +
   1.278 +COMMENT ON VIEW "updated_initiative" IS 'Helper view for view "updated_or_featured_initiative"';
   1.279 +
   1.280 +CREATE FUNCTION "featured_initiative"
   1.281 +  ( "recipient_id_p" "member"."id"%TYPE,
   1.282 +    "area_id_p"      "area"."id"%TYPE )
   1.283 +  RETURNS SETOF "initiative"."id"%TYPE
   1.284 +  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' STABLE AS $$
   1.285 +    DECLARE
   1.286 +      "counter_v"         "member"."notification_counter"%TYPE;
   1.287 +      "sample_size_v"     "member"."notification_sample_size"%TYPE;
   1.288 +      "initiative_id_ary" INT4[];  --"initiative"."id"%TYPE[]
   1.289 +      "match_v"           BOOLEAN;
   1.290 +      "member_id_v"       "member"."id"%TYPE;
   1.291 +      "seed_v"            TEXT;
   1.292 +      "initiative_id_v"   "initiative"."id"%TYPE;
   1.293 +    BEGIN
   1.294 +      SELECT "notification_counter", "notification_sample_size"
   1.295 +        INTO "counter_v", "sample_size_v"
   1.296 +        FROM "member" WHERE "id" = "recipient_id_p";
   1.297 +      "initiative_id_ary" := '{}';
   1.298 +      LOOP
   1.299 +        "match_v" := FALSE;
   1.300 +        FOR "member_id_v", "seed_v" IN
   1.301 +          SELECT * FROM (
   1.302 +            SELECT DISTINCT
   1.303 +              "supporter"."member_id",
   1.304 +              md5(
   1.305 +                "recipient_id_p" || '-' ||
   1.306 +                "counter_v"      || '-' ||
   1.307 +                "area_id_p"      || '-' ||
   1.308 +                "supporter"."member_id"
   1.309 +              ) AS "seed"
   1.310 +            FROM "supporter"
   1.311 +            JOIN "initiative" ON "initiative"."id" = "supporter"."initiative_id"
   1.312 +            JOIN "issue" ON "issue"."id" = "initiative"."issue_id"
   1.313 +            WHERE "supporter"."member_id" != "recipient_id_p"
   1.314 +            AND "issue"."area_id" = "area_id_p"
   1.315 +            AND "issue"."state" IN ('admission', 'discussion', 'verification')
   1.316 +          ) AS "subquery"
   1.317 +          ORDER BY "seed"
   1.318 +        LOOP
   1.319 +          SELECT "initiative"."id" INTO "initiative_id_v"
   1.320 +            FROM "initiative"
   1.321 +            JOIN "issue" ON "issue"."id" = "initiative"."issue_id"
   1.322 +            JOIN "area" ON "area"."id" = "issue"."area_id"
   1.323 +            JOIN "supporter" ON "supporter"."initiative_id" = "initiative"."id"
   1.324 +            LEFT JOIN "supporter" AS "self_support" ON
   1.325 +              "self_support"."initiative_id" = "initiative"."id" AND
   1.326 +              "self_support"."member_id" = "recipient_id_p"
   1.327 +            LEFT JOIN "privilege" ON
   1.328 +              "privilege"."member_id" = "recipient_id_p" AND
   1.329 +              "privilege"."unit_id" = "area"."unit_id" AND
   1.330 +              "privilege"."voting_right" = TRUE
   1.331 +            LEFT JOIN "subscription" ON
   1.332 +              "subscription"."member_id" = "recipient_id_p" AND
   1.333 +              "subscription"."unit_id" = "area"."unit_id"
   1.334 +            LEFT JOIN "ignored_initiative" ON
   1.335 +              "ignored_initiative"."member_id" = "recipient_id_p" AND
   1.336 +              "ignored_initiative"."initiative_id" = "initiative"."id"
   1.337 +            WHERE "supporter"."member_id" = "member_id_v"
   1.338 +            AND "issue"."area_id" = "area_id_p"
   1.339 +            AND "issue"."state" IN ('admission', 'discussion', 'verification')
   1.340 +            AND "initiative"."revoked" ISNULL
   1.341 +            AND "self_support"."member_id" ISNULL
   1.342 +            AND NOT "initiative_id_ary" @> ARRAY["initiative"."id"]
   1.343 +            AND (
   1.344 +              "privilege"."member_id" NOTNULL OR
   1.345 +              "subscription"."member_id" NOTNULL )
   1.346 +            AND "ignored_initiative"."member_id" ISNULL
   1.347 +            AND NOT EXISTS (
   1.348 +              SELECT NULL FROM "draft"
   1.349 +              JOIN "ignored_member" ON
   1.350 +                "ignored_member"."member_id" = "recipient_id_p" AND
   1.351 +                "ignored_member"."other_member_id" = "draft"."author_id"
   1.352 +              WHERE "draft"."initiative_id" = "initiative"."id"
   1.353 +            )
   1.354 +            ORDER BY md5("seed_v" || '-' || "initiative"."id")
   1.355 +            LIMIT 1;
   1.356 +          IF FOUND THEN
   1.357 +            "match_v" := TRUE;
   1.358 +            RETURN NEXT "initiative_id_v";
   1.359 +            IF array_length("initiative_id_ary", 1) + 1 >= "sample_size_v" THEN
   1.360 +              RETURN;
   1.361 +            END IF;
   1.362 +            "initiative_id_ary" := "initiative_id_ary" || "initiative_id_v";
   1.363 +          END IF;
   1.364 +        END LOOP;
   1.365 +        EXIT WHEN NOT "match_v";
   1.366 +      END LOOP;
   1.367 +      RETURN;
   1.368 +    END;
   1.369 +  $$;
   1.370 +
   1.371 +COMMENT ON FUNCTION "featured_initiative"
   1.372 +  ( "recipient_id_p" "member"."id"%TYPE,
   1.373 +    "area_id_p"      "area"."id"%TYPE )
   1.374 +  IS 'Helper function for view "updated_or_featured_initiative"';
   1.375 +
   1.376 +CREATE VIEW "updated_or_featured_initiative" AS
   1.377 +  SELECT
   1.378 +    "subquery".*,
   1.379 +    NOT EXISTS (
   1.380 +      SELECT NULL FROM "initiative" AS "better_initiative"
   1.381 +      WHERE "better_initiative"."issue_id" = "initiative"."issue_id"
   1.382 +      AND
   1.383 +        ( COALESCE("better_initiative"."supporter_count", -1),
   1.384 +          -"better_initiative"."id" ) >
   1.385 +        ( COALESCE("initiative"."supporter_count", -1),
   1.386 +          -"initiative"."id" )
   1.387 +    ) AS "leading"
   1.388 +  FROM (
   1.389 +    SELECT * FROM "updated_initiative"
   1.390 +    UNION ALL
   1.391 +    SELECT
   1.392 +      "member"."id" AS "recipient_id",
   1.393 +      TRUE AS "featured",
   1.394 +      "featured_initiative_id" AS "initiative_id"
   1.395 +    FROM "member" CROSS JOIN "area"
   1.396 +    CROSS JOIN LATERAL
   1.397 +      "featured_initiative"("member"."id", "area"."id") AS "featured_initiative_id"
   1.398 +    JOIN "initiative" ON "initiative"."id" = "featured_initiative_id"
   1.399 +  ) AS "subquery"
   1.400 +  JOIN "initiative" ON "initiative"."id" = "subquery"."initiative_id";
   1.401 +
   1.402 +COMMENT ON VIEW "updated_or_featured_initiative" IS 'Initiatives to be included in a scheduled notification mail because (a) they have been updated or (b) they are featured';
   1.403 +
   1.404 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "updated_or_featured_initiative"."recipient_id" IS '"id" of the member who receives the notification mail';
   1.405 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "updated_or_featured_initiative"."featured" IS 'TRUE if the initiative has been included because it was selected by the "featured_initiative" algorithm (see source of function "featured_initiative")';
   1.406 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "updated_or_featured_initiative"."initiative_id" IS '"id" of the initiative to be included in the notification mail';
   1.407 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "updated_or_featured_initiative"."leading" IS 'TRUE if the initiative has the highest "supporter_count" in the issue';
   1.408 +
   1.409 +CREATE VIEW "leading_complement_initiative" AS
   1.410 +  SELECT * FROM (
   1.411 +    SELECT DISTINCT ON ("uf_initiative"."recipient_id", "initiative"."issue_id")
   1.412 +      "uf_initiative"."recipient_id",
   1.413 +      FALSE AS "featured",
   1.414 +      "uf_initiative"."initiative_id",
   1.415 +      TRUE AS "leading"
   1.416 +    FROM "updated_or_featured_initiative" AS "uf_initiative"
   1.417 +    JOIN "initiative" AS "uf_initiative_full" ON
   1.418 +      "uf_initiative_full"."id" = "uf_initiative"."initiative_id"
   1.419 +    JOIN "initiative" ON
   1.420 +      "initiative"."issue_id" = "uf_initiative_full"."issue_id"
   1.421 +    WHERE "initiative"."revoked" ISNULL
   1.422 +    ORDER BY
   1.423 +      "uf_initiative"."recipient_id",
   1.424 +      "initiative"."issue_id",
   1.425 +      "initiative"."supporter_count" DESC,
   1.426 +      "initiative"."id"
   1.427 +  ) AS "subquery"
   1.428 +  WHERE NOT EXISTS (
   1.429 +    SELECT NULL FROM "updated_or_featured_initiative" AS "other"
   1.430 +    WHERE "other"."recipient_id" = "subquery"."recipient_id"
   1.431 +    AND "other"."initiative_id" = "subquery"."initiative_id"
   1.432 +  );
   1.433 +
   1.434 +COMMENT ON VIEW "leading_complement_initiative" IS 'Helper view for view "unfiltered_initiative_for_notification" in order to always include the most supported initiative of an issue';
   1.435 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "leading_complement_initiative"."featured" IS 'Always FALSE in this view';
   1.436 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "leading_complement_initiative"."initiative_id" IS '"id" of the initiative to be included in the notification mail';
   1.437 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "leading_complement_initiative"."leading" IS 'Always TRUE in this view';
   1.438 +
   1.439 +CREATE VIEW "unfiltered_initiative_for_notification" AS
   1.440 +  SELECT
   1.441 +    "subquery".*,
   1.442 +    "supporter"."member_id" NOTNULL AS "supported",
   1.443 +    CASE WHEN "supporter"."member_id" NOTNULL THEN
   1.444 +      EXISTS (
   1.445 +        SELECT NULL FROM "draft"
   1.446 +        WHERE "draft"."initiative_id" = "subquery"."initiative_id"
   1.447 +        AND "draft"."id" > "supporter"."draft_id"
   1.448 +      )
   1.449 +    ELSE
   1.450 +      EXISTS (
   1.451 +        SELECT NULL FROM "draft"
   1.452 +        WHERE "draft"."initiative_id" = "subquery"."initiative_id"
   1.453 +        AND COALESCE("draft"."id" > "sent"."last_draft_id", TRUE)
   1.454 +      )
   1.455 +    END AS "new_draft",
   1.456 +    CASE WHEN "supporter"."member_id" NOTNULL THEN
   1.457 +      ( SELECT count(1) FROM "suggestion"
   1.458 +        LEFT JOIN "opinion" ON
   1.459 +          "opinion"."member_id" = "supporter"."member_id" AND
   1.460 +          "opinion"."suggestion_id" = "suggestion"."id"
   1.461 +        WHERE "suggestion"."initiative_id" = "subquery"."initiative_id"
   1.462 +        AND "opinion"."member_id" ISNULL
   1.463 +        AND COALESCE("suggestion"."id" > "sent"."last_suggestion_id", TRUE)
   1.464 +      )
   1.465 +    ELSE
   1.466 +      ( SELECT count(1) FROM "suggestion"
   1.467 +        WHERE "suggestion"."initiative_id" = "subquery"."initiative_id"
   1.468 +        AND COALESCE("suggestion"."id" > "sent"."last_suggestion_id", TRUE)
   1.469 +      )
   1.470 +    END AS "new_suggestion_count"
   1.471 +  FROM (
   1.472 +    SELECT * FROM "updated_or_featured_initiative"
   1.473 +    UNION ALL
   1.474 +    SELECT * FROM "leading_complement_initiative"
   1.475 +  ) AS "subquery"
   1.476 +  LEFT JOIN "supporter" ON
   1.477 +    "supporter"."member_id" = "subquery"."recipient_id" AND
   1.478 +    "supporter"."initiative_id" = "subquery"."initiative_id"
   1.479 +  LEFT JOIN "notification_initiative_sent" AS "sent" ON
   1.480 +    "sent"."member_id" = "subquery"."recipient_id" AND
   1.481 +    "sent"."initiative_id" = "subquery"."initiative_id";
   1.482 +
   1.483 +COMMENT ON VIEW "unfiltered_initiative_for_notification" IS 'Helper view which simply combines the views "updated_or_featured_initiative" and "leading_complement_initiative" and adds columns "supported", "new_draft", and "new_suggestion_count';
   1.484 +
   1.485 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "unfiltered_initiative_for_notification"."supported"            IS 'TRUE if initiative is supported by the recipient';
   1.486 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "unfiltered_initiative_for_notification"."new_draft"            IS 'TRUE if a new draft exists (using the "draft_id" column of the "supporter" table in case of "supported" initiatives and the "last_draft_id" column of the "notification_initiative_sent" table in all other cases)';
   1.487 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "unfiltered_initiative_for_notification"."new_suggestion_count" IS 'Number of new suggestions (using the "last_suggestion_id" column of the "notification_initiative_sent" table while ignoring suggestions with an "opinion")';
   1.488 +
   1.489 +CREATE VIEW "initiative_for_notification" AS
   1.490 +  SELECT "unfiltered1".*
   1.491 +  FROM "unfiltered_initiative_for_notification" "unfiltered1"
   1.492 +  JOIN "initiative" AS "initiative1" ON
   1.493 +    "initiative1"."id" = "unfiltered1"."initiative_id"
   1.494 +  JOIN "issue" AS "issue1" ON "issue1"."id" = "initiative1"."issue_id"
   1.495 +  WHERE EXISTS (
   1.496 +    SELECT NULL
   1.497 +    FROM "unfiltered_initiative_for_notification" "unfiltered2"
   1.498 +    JOIN "initiative" AS "initiative2" ON
   1.499 +      "initiative2"."id" = "unfiltered2"."initiative_id"
   1.500 +    JOIN "issue" AS "issue2" ON "issue2"."id" = "initiative2"."issue_id"
   1.501 +    WHERE "unfiltered1"."recipient_id" = "unfiltered2"."recipient_id"
   1.502 +    AND "issue1"."area_id" = "issue2"."area_id"
   1.503 +    AND ("unfiltered2"."new_draft" OR "unfiltered2"."new_suggestion_count" > 0 )
   1.504 +  );
   1.505 +
   1.506 +COMMENT ON VIEW "initiative_for_notification" IS 'Initiatives to be included in a scheduled notification mail';
   1.507 +
   1.508 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "initiative_for_notification"."recipient_id"         IS '"id" of the member who receives the notification mail';
   1.509 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "initiative_for_notification"."featured"             IS 'TRUE if the initiative has been included because it was selected by the "featured_initiative" algorithm (see source of function "featured_initiative")';
   1.510 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "initiative_for_notification"."initiative_id"        IS '"id" of the initiative to be included in the notification mail';
   1.511 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "initiative_for_notification"."leading"              IS 'TRUE if the initiative has the highest "supporter_count" in the issue';
   1.512 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "initiative_for_notification"."supported"            IS 'TRUE if initiative is supported by the recipient';
   1.513 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "initiative_for_notification"."new_draft"            IS 'TRUE if a new draft exists (using the "draft_id" column of the "supporter" table in case of "supported" initiatives and the "last_draft_id" column of the "notification_initiative_sent" table in all other cases)';
   1.514 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "initiative_for_notification"."new_suggestion_count" IS 'Number of new suggestions (using the "last_suggestion_id" column of the "notification_initiative_sent" table while ignoring suggestions with an "opinion")';
   1.515 +
   1.516 +CREATE VIEW "scheduled_notification_to_send" AS
   1.517 +  SELECT * FROM (
   1.518 +    SELECT
   1.519 +      "id" AS "recipient_id",
   1.520 +      now() - CASE WHEN "notification_dow" ISNULL THEN
   1.521 +        ( "notification_sent"::DATE + CASE
   1.522 +          WHEN EXTRACT(HOUR FROM "notification_sent") < "notification_hour"
   1.523 +          THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
   1.524 +        )::TIMESTAMP + '1 hour'::INTERVAL * "notification_hour"
   1.525 +      ELSE
   1.526 +        ( "notification_sent"::DATE +
   1.527 +          ( 7 + "notification_dow" -
   1.528 +            EXTRACT(DOW FROM
   1.529 +              ( "notification_sent"::DATE + CASE
   1.530 +                WHEN EXTRACT(HOUR FROM "notification_sent") < "notification_hour"
   1.531 +                THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
   1.532 +              )::TIMESTAMP + '1 hour'::INTERVAL * "notification_hour"
   1.533 +            )::INTEGER
   1.534 +          ) % 7 +
   1.535 +          CASE
   1.536 +            WHEN EXTRACT(HOUR FROM "notification_sent") < "notification_hour"
   1.537 +            THEN 0 ELSE 1
   1.538 +          END
   1.539 +        )::TIMESTAMP + '1 hour'::INTERVAL * "notification_hour"
   1.540 +      END AS "pending"
   1.541 +    FROM (
   1.542 +      SELECT
   1.543 +        "id",
   1.544 +        COALESCE("notification_sent", "activated") AS "notification_sent",
   1.545 +        "notification_dow",
   1.546 +        "notification_hour"
   1.547 +      FROM "member"
   1.548 +      WHERE "disable_notifications" = FALSE
   1.549 +      AND "notification_hour" NOTNULL
   1.550 +    ) AS "subquery1"
   1.551 +  ) AS "subquery2"
   1.552 +  WHERE "pending" > '0'::INTERVAL;
   1.553 +
   1.554 +COMMENT ON VIEW "scheduled_notification_to_send" IS 'Set of members where a scheduled notification mail is pending';
   1.555 +
   1.556 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "scheduled_notification_to_send"."recipient_id" IS '"id" of the member who needs to receive a notification mail';
   1.557 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "scheduled_notification_to_send"."pending"      IS 'Duration for which the notification mail has already been pending';
   1.558 +
   1.559 +CREATE VIEW "newsletter_to_send" AS
   1.560 +  SELECT
   1.561 +    "member"."id" AS "recipient_id",
   1.562 +    "newsletter"."id" AS "newsletter_id",
   1.563 +    "newsletter"."published"
   1.564 +  FROM "newsletter" CROSS JOIN "member"
   1.565 +  LEFT JOIN "privilege" ON
   1.566 +    "privilege"."member_id" = "member"."id" AND
   1.567 +    "privilege"."unit_id" = "newsletter"."unit_id" AND
   1.568 +    "privilege"."voting_right" = TRUE
   1.569 +  LEFT JOIN "subscription" ON
   1.570 +    "subscription"."member_id" = "member"."id" AND
   1.571 +    "subscription"."unit_id" = "newsletter"."unit_id"
   1.572 +  WHERE "newsletter"."published" <= now()
   1.573 +  AND "newsletter"."sent" ISNULL
   1.574 +  AND "member"."locked" = FALSE
   1.575 +  AND (
   1.576 +    "member"."disable_notifications" = FALSE OR
   1.577 +    "newsletter"."include_all_members" = TRUE )
   1.578 +  AND (
   1.579 +    "newsletter"."unit_id" ISNULL OR
   1.580 +    "privilege"."member_id" NOTNULL OR
   1.581 +    "subscription"."member_id" NOTNULL );
   1.582 +
   1.583 +COMMENT ON VIEW "newsletter_to_send" IS 'List of "newsletter_id"s for each member that are due to be sent out';
   1.584 +COMMENT ON COLUMN "newsletter"."published" IS 'Timestamp when the newsletter was supposed to be sent out (can be used for ordering)';
   1.585 +
   1.586 +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "require_transaction_isolation"()
   1.587 +  RETURNS VOID
   1.588 +  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE AS $$
   1.589 +    BEGIN
   1.590 +      IF
   1.591 +        current_setting('transaction_isolation') NOT IN
   1.592 +        ('repeatable read', 'serializable')
   1.593 +      THEN
   1.594 +        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Insufficient transaction isolation level' USING
   1.596 +      END IF;
   1.597 +      RETURN;
   1.598 +    END;
   1.599 +  $$;
   1.600 + 
   1.601 +CREATE FUNCTION "get_initiatives_for_notification"
   1.602 +  ( "recipient_id_p" "member"."id"%TYPE )
   1.603 +  RETURNS SETOF "initiative_for_notification"
   1.604 +  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE AS $$
   1.605 +    DECLARE
   1.606 +      "result_row"           "initiative_for_notification"%ROWTYPE;
   1.607 +      "last_draft_id_v"      "draft"."id"%TYPE;
   1.608 +      "last_suggestion_id_v" "suggestion"."id"%TYPE;
   1.609 +    BEGIN
   1.610 +      PERFORM "require_transaction_isolation"();
   1.611 +      PERFORM NULL FROM "member" WHERE "id" = "recipient_id_p" FOR UPDATE;
   1.612 +      FOR "result_row" IN
   1.613 +        SELECT * FROM "initiative_for_notification"
   1.614 +        WHERE "recipient_id" = "recipient_id_p"
   1.615 +      LOOP
   1.616 +        SELECT "id" INTO "last_draft_id_v" FROM "draft"
   1.617 +          WHERE "draft"."initiative_id" = "result_row"."initiative_id"
   1.618 +          ORDER BY "id" DESC LIMIT 1;
   1.619 +        SELECT "id" INTO "last_suggestion_id_v" FROM "suggestion"
   1.620 +          WHERE "suggestion"."initiative_id" = "result_row"."initiative_id"
   1.621 +          ORDER BY "id" DESC LIMIT 1;
   1.622 +        /* compatibility with PostgreSQL 9.1 */
   1.623 +        DELETE FROM "notification_initiative_sent"
   1.624 +          WHERE "member_id" = "recipient_id_p"
   1.625 +          AND "initiative_id" = "result_row"."initiative_id";
   1.626 +        INSERT INTO "notification_initiative_sent"
   1.627 +          ("member_id", "initiative_id", "last_draft_id", "last_suggestion_id")
   1.628 +          VALUES (
   1.629 +            "recipient_id_p",
   1.630 +            "result_row"."initiative_id",
   1.631 +            "last_draft_id_v",
   1.632 +            "last_suggestion_id_v" );
   1.633 +        /* TODO: use alternative code below, requires PostgreSQL 9.5 or higher
   1.634 +        INSERT INTO "notification_initiative_sent"
   1.635 +          ("member_id", "initiative_id", "last_draft_id", "last_suggestion_id")
   1.636 +          VALUES (
   1.637 +            "recipient_id_p",
   1.638 +            "result_row"."initiative_id",
   1.639 +            "last_draft_id_v",
   1.640 +            "last_suggestion_id_v" )
   1.641 +          ON CONFLICT ("member_id", "initiative_id") DO UPDATE SET
   1.642 +            "last_draft_id" = "last_draft_id_v",
   1.643 +            "last_suggestion_id" = "last_suggestion_id_v";
   1.644 +        */
   1.645 +        RETURN NEXT "result_row";
   1.646 +      END LOOP;
   1.647 +      DELETE FROM "notification_initiative_sent"
   1.648 +        USING "initiative", "issue"
   1.649 +        WHERE "notification_initiative_sent"."member_id" = "recipient_id_p"
   1.650 +        AND "initiative"."id" = "notification_initiative_sent"."initiative_id"
   1.651 +        AND "issue"."id" = "initiative"."issue_id"
   1.652 +        AND ( "issue"."closed" NOTNULL OR "issue"."fully_frozen" NOTNULL );
   1.653 +      UPDATE "member" SET
   1.654 +        "notification_counter" = "notification_counter" + 1,
   1.655 +        "notification_sent" = now()
   1.656 +        WHERE "id" = "recipient_id_p";
   1.657 +      RETURN;
   1.658 +    END;
   1.659 +  $$;
   1.660 +
   1.661 +COMMENT ON FUNCTION "get_initiatives_for_notification"
   1.662 +  ( "member"."id"%TYPE )
   1.663 +  IS 'Returns rows from view "initiative_for_notification" for a given recipient while updating table "notification_initiative_sent" and columns "notification_counter" and "notification_sent" of "member" table';
   1.664 +
   1.665 +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "delete_member"("member_id_p" "member"."id"%TYPE)
   1.666 +  RETURNS VOID
   1.667 +  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE AS $$
   1.668 +    BEGIN
   1.669 +      UPDATE "member" SET
   1.670 +        "last_login"                   = NULL,
   1.671 +        "last_delegation_check"        = NULL,
   1.672 +        "login"                        = NULL,
   1.673 +        "password"                     = NULL,
   1.674 +        "authority"                    = NULL,
   1.675 +        "authority_uid"                = NULL,
   1.676 +        "authority_login"              = NULL,
   1.677 +        "locked"                       = TRUE,
   1.678 +        "active"                       = FALSE,
   1.679 +        "notify_email"                 = NULL,
   1.680 +        "notify_email_unconfirmed"     = NULL,
   1.681 +        "notify_email_secret"          = NULL,
   1.682 +        "notify_email_secret_expiry"   = NULL,
   1.683 +        "notify_email_lock_expiry"     = NULL,
   1.684 +        "disable_notifications"        = NULL,
   1.685 +        "notification_counter"         = NULL,
   1.686 +        "notification_sample_size"     = NULL,
   1.687 +        "notification_dow"             = NULL,
   1.688 +        "notification_hour"            = NULL,
   1.689 +        "login_recovery_expiry"        = NULL,
   1.690 +        "password_reset_secret"        = NULL,
   1.691 +        "password_reset_secret_expiry" = NULL,
   1.692 +        "organizational_unit"          = NULL,
   1.693 +        "internal_posts"               = NULL,
   1.694 +        "realname"                     = NULL,
   1.695 +        "birthday"                     = NULL,
   1.696 +        "address"                      = NULL,
   1.697 +        "email"                        = NULL,
   1.698 +        "xmpp_address"                 = NULL,
   1.699 +        "website"                      = NULL,
   1.700 +        "phone"                        = NULL,
   1.701 +        "mobile_phone"                 = NULL,
   1.702 +        "profession"                   = NULL,
   1.703 +        "external_memberships"         = NULL,
   1.704 +        "external_posts"               = NULL,
   1.705 +        "statement"                    = NULL
   1.706 +        WHERE "id" = "member_id_p";
   1.707 +      -- "text_search_data" is updated by triggers
   1.708 +      DELETE FROM "setting"            WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.709 +      DELETE FROM "setting_map"        WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.710 +      DELETE FROM "member_relation_setting" WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.711 +      DELETE FROM "member_image"       WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.712 +      DELETE FROM "contact"            WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.713 +      DELETE FROM "ignored_member"     WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.714 +      DELETE FROM "session"            WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.715 +      DELETE FROM "area_setting"       WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.716 +      DELETE FROM "issue_setting"      WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.717 +      DELETE FROM "ignored_initiative" WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.718 +      DELETE FROM "initiative_setting" WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.719 +      DELETE FROM "suggestion_setting" WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.720 +      DELETE FROM "membership"         WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.721 +      DELETE FROM "delegation"         WHERE "truster_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.722 +      DELETE FROM "non_voter"          WHERE "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.723 +      DELETE FROM "direct_voter" USING "issue"
   1.724 +        WHERE "direct_voter"."issue_id" = "issue"."id"
   1.725 +        AND "issue"."closed" ISNULL
   1.726 +        AND "member_id" = "member_id_p";
   1.727 +      RETURN;
   1.728 +    END;
   1.729 +  $$;
   1.730 +
   1.731 +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "delete_private_data"()
   1.732 +  RETURNS VOID
   1.733 +  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE AS $$
   1.734 +    BEGIN
   1.735 +      DELETE FROM "temporary_transaction_data";
   1.736 +      DELETE FROM "member" WHERE "activated" ISNULL;
   1.737 +      UPDATE "member" SET
   1.738 +        "invite_code"                  = NULL,
   1.739 +        "invite_code_expiry"           = NULL,
   1.740 +        "admin_comment"                = NULL,
   1.741 +        "last_login"                   = NULL,
   1.742 +        "last_delegation_check"        = NULL,
   1.743 +        "login"                        = NULL,
   1.744 +        "password"                     = NULL,
   1.745 +        "authority"                    = NULL,
   1.746 +        "authority_uid"                = NULL,
   1.747 +        "authority_login"              = NULL,
   1.748 +        "lang"                         = NULL,
   1.749 +        "notify_email"                 = NULL,
   1.750 +        "notify_email_unconfirmed"     = NULL,
   1.751 +        "notify_email_secret"          = NULL,
   1.752 +        "notify_email_secret_expiry"   = NULL,
   1.753 +        "notify_email_lock_expiry"     = NULL,
   1.754 +        "disable_notifications"        = NULL,
   1.755 +        "notification_counter"         = NULL,
   1.756 +        "notification_sample_size"     = NULL,
   1.757 +        "notification_dow"             = NULL,
   1.758 +        "notification_hour"            = NULL,
   1.759 +        "login_recovery_expiry"        = NULL,
   1.760 +        "password_reset_secret"        = NULL,
   1.761 +        "password_reset_secret_expiry" = NULL,
   1.762 +        "organizational_unit"          = NULL,
   1.763 +        "internal_posts"               = NULL,
   1.764 +        "realname"                     = NULL,
   1.765 +        "birthday"                     = NULL,
   1.766 +        "address"                      = NULL,
   1.767 +        "email"                        = NULL,
   1.768 +        "xmpp_address"                 = NULL,
   1.769 +        "website"                      = NULL,
   1.770 +        "phone"                        = NULL,
   1.771 +        "mobile_phone"                 = NULL,
   1.772 +        "profession"                   = NULL,
   1.773 +        "external_memberships"         = NULL,
   1.774 +        "external_posts"               = NULL,
   1.775 +        "formatting_engine"            = NULL,
   1.776 +        "statement"                    = NULL;
   1.777 +      -- "text_search_data" is updated by triggers
   1.778 +      DELETE FROM "setting";
   1.779 +      DELETE FROM "setting_map";
   1.780 +      DELETE FROM "member_relation_setting";
   1.781 +      DELETE FROM "member_image";
   1.782 +      DELETE FROM "contact";
   1.783 +      DELETE FROM "ignored_member";
   1.784 +      DELETE FROM "session";
   1.785 +      DELETE FROM "area_setting";
   1.786 +      DELETE FROM "issue_setting";
   1.787 +      DELETE FROM "ignored_initiative";
   1.788 +      DELETE FROM "initiative_setting";
   1.789 +      DELETE FROM "suggestion_setting";
   1.790 +      DELETE FROM "non_voter";
   1.791 +      DELETE FROM "direct_voter" USING "issue"
   1.792 +        WHERE "direct_voter"."issue_id" = "issue"."id"
   1.793 +        AND "issue"."closed" ISNULL;
   1.794 +      RETURN;
   1.795 +    END;
   1.796 +  $$;
   1.797 +
   1.798 +COMMIT;

Impressum / About Us