
log lf_update.c

age author description
2017-09-12 jbe Bugfix regarding snapshots in admission phase: use correct snapshot_id in lf_update program
2017-03-30 jbe Several changes/additions for upcoming major release
2013-03-17 jbe Added colon in comment in lf_update.c and lf_update_suggestion_order.c
2013-03-17 jbe Help output of "lf_update" and "lf_update_suggestion_order" either to stdout or stderr, depending on invocation
2013-03-17 jbe Handle out-of-memory errors in "lf_update" when escaping string literals
2013-02-21 jbe Compatibility for PostgreSQL 8.4 in lf_update.c
2013-02-19 jbe Removed debug code in lf_update.c
2013-02-19 jbe Use different transaction isolation levels in "lf_update" program
2012-03-13 jbe Delete sessions:
2011-07-29 jbe Member deactivation based on last_activity instead of last_login
2011-07-29 jbe Dropped session table (it is up to frontends to have their own session store)
2011-01-24 jbe Introduced "system_setting" table with "member_ttl" setting
2011-01-22 jbe Introduced "last_login_public" field, which is only updated after each day and does only contain date but not time for privacy reasons
2010-08-15 jbe lf_update continues on error (but still reports errors)v1.2.4
2009-11-15 jbe Version beta5beta5

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