
log core.sql

age author description
2010-10-31 jbe Comments for columns of table "ignored_issue" changed
2010-10-31 jbe Removed "auto_support" stub
2010-10-29 jbe Merged planned changes for version 1.3.0 with latest bugfix for version 1.2.9
2010-10-26 jbe Bugfix: "autoreject" only taken into account, when member is "active"v1.2.9
2010-10-18 jbe Allow to disable delegations (trustee_id = NULL) and to ignore issues
2010-10-16 jbe Backed out changesets dfa8e6a1f1e7, ca13b2614d10, and partly 0758a2e02620
2010-10-16 jbe Changed version number to 1.2.9 in core.sql
2010-10-08 Daniel Poelzleithner add usefull index
2010-10-08 Daniel Poelzleithner better be safe :-)
2010-10-07 Daniel Poelzleithner implement auto_support and delegation checks
2010-09-07 jbe Renamed "delegation_global_truster_id_trustee_id_unique_idx" to "delegation_global_truster_id_unique_idx" in core.sql and update scriptv1.2.8
2010-09-07 jbe Fixed unique constraints in table "delegation"; Update script to v1.2.8
2010-08-30 jbe Removed unintentionally inserted extra columns in view "global_delegation" in previous commit; Update script from v1.2.5 to v1.2.6 also works with PostgreSQL 8.3 now; Update script from v1.2.6 to v1.2.7 addedv1.2.7
2010-08-30 jbe Removed subqueries which are unneccessary since last bugfix; Update scriptv1.2.6
2010-08-30 jbe Important bugfix, affecting correct counting of supporters/votes
2010-08-16 jbe Improved locking to avoid unneccessary delays and possible deadlocksv1.2.5
2010-08-15 jbe lf_update continues on error (but still reports errors)v1.2.4
2010-07-24 jbe Added "rendered_draft" table for cachingv1.2.3
2010-07-20 jbe Save battle data from calls of "clean_issue"("issue"."id")v1.2.2
2010-07-19 jbe New function clean_issue(, which deletes all discussion data and votes of an issuev1.2.1
2010-07-14 jbe Removed "login" name history; Deletion functions delete more datav1.2.0
2010-07-08 jbe Added column "notify_email_lock_expiry"; Corrected "manual_freeze" commentv1.1.0
2010-06-28 jbe Removed column "interest_exists" from table "direct_population_snapshot"; Replaced function "delete_member_data" by function "delete_member"
2010-06-17 jbe Bugfix: Corrected table for index "delegating_voter_member_id_idx"v1.0.3
2010-04-21 jbe Bugfix in "delete_private_data"(); Extended "delete_member_data"(...)v1.0.2
2010-04-20 jbe Function "delete_member_data"(...) deletes outgoing delegationsv1.0.1
2010-04-15 jbe New function "delete_member_data"(...); Added missing index for "member_history"; References fixed to restrict updates
2010-03-25 jbe Save timestamps of last login and member deactivation; Deletion of suggestions with attached opinions now possible (on delete cascade)
2010-03-08 jbe Added missing DELETEs in function "delete_private_data"(); Fixed wrong COMMENT statement for table "member_relation_setting"beta24
2010-03-04 jbe Critical bugfix in function "create_snapshot": Fixed incorrect calculation of opinion count for suggestionsbeta23
2010-02-21 jbe Bugfix: Added missing states in "valid_state" constraint of table "issue"beta22
2010-02-21 jbe Bug in "forbid_changes_on_closed_issue_trigger"() fixed, which caused errors when closing issues under certain circumstancesbeta21
2010-02-20 jbe Better handling of ties (changes in computation of rankings and final winner in certain cases)beta20
2010-02-09 jbe View "liquid_feedback_version" returns version "beta19"beta19
2010-02-06 jbe Close issues when verification time elapsed after revoking last initiative
2010-02-06 jbe Added tables allowing frontends to store member-relation, area, issue and suggestion settings
2010-02-06 jbe Copy admission_, discussion_, verification_ and voting_time values into issue
2010-02-06 jbe New snapshot event 'half_freeze' and renamed 'start_of_voting' to 'full_freeze'
2010-02-06 jbe Triggers ensuring that votes can't be modified by a broken frontend after issues have been frozen
2010-02-06 jbe Changed version to "beta19-dev"; Changed year in LICENSE to "2009-2010"
2010-01-23 jbe Version beta18beta18
2010-01-22 jbe Version beta17beta17
2010-01-13 jbe Version beta16beta16
2010-01-10 jbe Version beta15beta15
2010-01-04 jbe Version beta14beta14
2010-01-02 jbe Version beta13beta13
2010-01-02 jbe Version beta12beta12
2009-12-25 jbe Version beta11beta11
2009-12-10 jbe Version beta10beta10
2009-11-30 jbe Version beta9beta9
2009-11-23 jbe Version beta8beta8
2009-11-18 jbe Version beta7beta7
2009-11-17 jbe Version beta6beta6
2009-11-15 jbe Version beta5beta5
2009-11-15 jbe Version beta4beta4
2009-11-07 jbe Version beta3beta3
2009-11-03 jbe Version beta2beta2
2009-10-27 jbe Version beta1beta1

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