
log update/core-update.v1.2.8-v1.2.9.sql

age author description
2010-10-26 jbe Bugfix: "autoreject" only taken into account, when member is "active"v1.2.9
2010-10-17 jbe Added comment on "supporter"."auto_support" also in update file
2010-10-16 jbe Backed out changesets dfa8e6a1f1e7, ca13b2614d10, and partly 0758a2e02620
2010-10-08 Daniel Poelzleithner add usefull index
2010-10-08 Daniel Poelzleithner better be safe :-)
2010-10-07 Daniel Poelzleithner implement auto_support and delegation checks

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