

age author description
2013-03-17 jbe Bugfix in "lf_update_suggestion_order" related to floating point error workaround
2013-03-17 jbe Bugfix: Numerical ordering of suggestion_id in "lf_update_suggestion_order"
2013-03-17 jbe In "lf_update_suggestion_order" take ballot weight into account
2013-03-17 jbe Bugfix in "lf_update_suggestion_order": Set candidate_count to zero, also in cases where no tuples are returned
2013-03-17 jbe Fixed errors in function "process_initiative" of "lf_update_suggestion_order", which caused memory access errors
2013-03-17 jbe Bugfix in function "process_initiative" of "lf_update_suggestion_order": Reset old_member_id to NULL
2013-03-17 jbe Added "lf_update_suggestion_order" to clean taget of makefile
2013-03-17 jbe Removed unused variable in "lf_update_suggestion_order"
2013-03-17 jbe Help output of "lf_update" and "lf_update_suggestion_order" either to stdout or stderr, depending on invocation
2013-03-17 jbe Include "final" flag in debug output of "lf_update_suggestion_order"
2013-03-17 jbe Update script to v2.2.1
2013-03-17 jbe Write "final_suggestion_order_calculated" flag in "lf_update_suggestion_order"
2013-03-17 jbe Write ranks to database in "lf_update_suggestion_order"
2013-03-17 jbe Handle out-of-memory errors in "lf_update" when escaping string literals
2013-03-17 jbe Calculation of ranks in "lf_update_suggestion_order"
2013-03-16 jbe Code cleanup in "lf_update_suggestion_order" (own block for preparation of the ballot data)
2013-03-16 jbe Free memory for candidate and ballot structure in "lf_update_suggestion_order"
2013-03-16 jbe Extended "lf_update_suggestion_order" to create a candidate structure
2013-03-16 jbe Support for proportional ordering of suggestions in core.sql; Begin of work on "lf_update_suggestion_order" (a second background job for sorting suggestions based on a proportional preferential voting system)
2013-03-10 jbe Added tag v2.2.0 for changeset 49c25dbc27bc
2013-03-10 jbe Added reminder to make backups before installing updatesv2.2.0
2013-03-09 jbe Bugfix for calculation of harmonic_weight, when there are initiatives without supporters
2013-03-09 jbe Updated LICENSE file
2013-02-21 jbe Execute update script from v2.1.0 to v2.2.0 in isolation level REPEATABLE READ
2013-02-21 jbe Set harmonic_weight for all issues in update script to v2.2.0
2013-02-21 jbe Compatibility for PostgreSQL 8.4 in lf_update.c
2013-02-21 jbe Added comments for functions "require_transaction_isolation"() and "dont_require_transaction_isolation"()
2013-02-21 jbe Changed indentation in "check_issue" function code
2013-02-21 jbe Removed unnecessary code, because multiple phase changes at once are no longer possible
2013-02-21 jbe Write "NOW()" as "now()"
2013-02-21 jbe Code formatting of constraint "valid_state" in table "issue"
2013-02-21 jbe Update script to v2.2.0
2013-02-21 jbe Removed setting of "ranks_available" column in function "clean_issue"
2013-02-20 jbe Removed deprecated timeline views
2013-02-20 jbe Cleanup of new code for allowing "lf_update" to run without extensive locking
2013-02-19 jbe Removed debug code in lf_update.c
2013-02-19 jbe Use different transaction isolation levels in "lf_update" program
2013-02-15 jbe Completely removed table locking in favor of transaction isolation requirements
2013-02-15 jbe Bugfixes for new system to allow the background job (lf_update) run without intensive locking
2013-02-14 jbe Work on new system to allow the background job (lf_update) run without intensive locking (incomplete yet)
2013-02-11 jbe Removed locking system
2013-02-10 jbe Added comment in "clean_issue" function
2013-02-10 jbe Stub (no implementation yet) for "phase_finished" field, allowing calculations to take more time without database locking
2013-02-10 jbe Correct index usage when calculating "harmonic_weight"
2013-02-10 jbe merge
2013-02-10 jbe Bugfix regarding index usage (speeds up lf_update)
2013-02-10 jbe Removed update script to v2.1.1 due to upcoming major changes
2013-02-09 jbe Removed "harmonic_weight" for suggestions, because another proportional ranking algorithm is needed there

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