

age author description
2016-08-18 jbe New PostgreSQL extension "pgLatLon" for geospatial operations and indexing in LiquidFeedback
2016-05-29 jbe Work on new issue admission system (replacing current approach of 1st quorum); Added support for geo-tagging and spatial indexing
2016-05-27 jbe Updated LICENSE file (year 2016)
2016-05-06 jbe Merged experimental work on alternative mechanism to the first (issue) quorum
2016-05-06 jbe Added tag v3.2.2 for changeset bc6d9dc60ca4
2016-05-05 jbe Require members to be "activated" in order to receive messages/notifications; New views "member_eligible_to_be_notified" and "member_to_notify"v3.2.2

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