

age author description
2013-02-15 jbe Bugfixes for new system to allow the background job (lf_update) run without intensive locking
2013-02-14 jbe Work on new system to allow the background job (lf_update) run without intensive locking (incomplete yet)
2013-02-11 jbe Removed locking system
2013-02-10 jbe Added comment in "clean_issue" function
2013-02-10 jbe Stub (no implementation yet) for "phase_finished" field, allowing calculations to take more time without database locking
2013-02-10 jbe Correct index usage when calculating "harmonic_weight"
2013-02-10 jbe merge
2013-02-10 jbe Bugfix regarding index usage (speeds up lf_update)
2013-02-10 jbe Removed update script to v2.1.1 due to upcoming major changes
2013-02-09 jbe Removed "harmonic_weight" for suggestions, because another proportional ranking algorithm is needed there
2013-02-08 jbe Calculate "harmonc_weight" after all other calculations in an issue (as calculation depends on the "admitted" flag now)
2013-02-08 jbe Require "satisfied" support for "admitted" initiatives when calculating "harmonic_weight"
2013-02-08 jbe Calculate "harmonic_weight" to be used as a secondary sorting key, while the "admitted" flag shall be used as the primary sorting key for initiatives
2013-02-02 jbe Bugfix in view "remaining_harmonic_suggestion_weight_summands"
2013-02-02 jbe Bugfix in view "remaining_harmonic_opinion_weight"
2013-02-02 jbe Count non-fulfilled suggestions with positive opinion and fulfilled suggestions with negative opinion for "harmonic_weight" of suggestions
2013-02-02 jbe Set "harmonic_weight" to zero instead of null, where there are no supporters
2013-02-01 jbe Update script for "harmonic_weight" feature
2013-02-01 jbe Minor fix in comment
2013-02-01 jbe Changed rounding behaviour for "harmonic_weight"
2013-02-01 jbe Added "harmonic_weight" for suggestions; Bugfix in function "set_harmonic_initiative_weights" (clear weights prior calculation)
2013-02-01 jbe Removed debug notice in function "set_harmonic_initiative_weights"
2013-02-01 jbe "harmonic_weight" for initiatives
2012-10-15 jbe Added tag v2.1.0 for changeset 5c98265b39a0
2012-10-06 jbe Added missing DROP FUNCTION "vote_ratio" in update scriptsv2.1.0
2012-10-05 jbe Merged fix from v2.0.12: Removed unwanted (and broken) tie-breaking by approval rate
2012-10-05 jbe Added tag v2.0.12 for changeset a839e7efde9f
2012-10-05 jbe Removed unwanted (and broken) tie-breaking by approval ratev2.0.12

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