
view config/example.lua @ 953:3b74187efaa3

Added missing html encoding to diff output
author bsw
date Mon Dec 10 19:59:30 2012 +0100 (2012-12-10)
parents e3887fea39fa
children 2141aef04ad7
line source
1 -- ========================================================================
3 -- ========================================================================
5 -- Name of this instance, defaults to name of config file
6 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 config.instance_name = "Instance name"
10 -- Information about service provider (HTML)
11 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 config.app_service_provider = "Snake Oil<br/>10000 Berlin<br/>Germany"
15 -- A rocketwiki formatted text the user has to accept while registering
16 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 config.use_terms = "=== Terms of Use ==="
20 -- Checkbox(es) the user has to accept while registering
21 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 config.use_terms_checkboxes = {
23 {
24 name = "terms_of_use_v1",
25 html = "I accept the terms of use.",
26 not_accepted_error = "You have to accept the terms of use to be able to register."
27 },
28 -- {
29 -- name = "extra_terms_of_use_v1",
30 -- html = "I accept the extra terms of use.",
31 -- not_accepted_error = "You have to accept the extra terms of use to be able to register."
32 -- }
33 }
36 -- Absolute base url of application
37 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 config.absolute_base_url = ""
41 -- Connection information for the LiquidFeedback database
42 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 config.database = { engine='postgresql', dbname='liquid_feedback' }
46 -- Location of the rocketwiki binaries
47 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 config.formatting_engine_executeables = {
49 rocketwiki= "/opt/rocketwiki-lqfb/rocketwiki-lqfb",
50 compat = "/opt/rocketwiki-lqfb/rocketwiki-lqfb-compat"
51 }
54 -- Public access level
55 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 -- Available options:
57 -- "none"
58 -- -> Closed user group, no public access at all
59 -- (except login/registration/password reset)
60 -- "anonymous"
61 -- -> Shows only initiative/suggestions texts and aggregated
62 -- supporter/voter counts
63 -- "authors_pseudonymous"
64 -- -> Like anonymous, but shows screen names of authors
65 -- "all_pseudonymous"
66 -- -> Show everything a member can see, except profile pages
67 -- "everything"
68 -- -> Show everything a member can see, including profile pages
69 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 config.public_access = "none"
74 -- ========================================================================
76 -- Remove leading -- to use a option
77 -- ========================================================================
79 -- List of enabled languages, defaults to available languages
80 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
81 -- config.enabled_languages = { 'en', 'de', 'eo', 'el', 'hu', 'it', 'nl', 'zh-Hans', 'zh-TW' }
83 -- Default language, defaults to "en"
84 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
85 -- config.default_lang = "en"
87 -- after how long is a user considered inactive and the trustee will see warning,
88 -- notation is according to postgresql intervals, default: no warning at all
89 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 -- config.delegation_warning_time = '6 months'
92 -- Prefix of all automatic mails, defaults to "[Liquid Feedback] "
93 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
94 -- config.mail_subject_prefix = "[LiquidFeedback] "
96 -- Sender of all automatic mails, defaults to system defaults
97 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 -- config.mail_envelope_from = ""
99 -- config.mail_from = { name = "LiquidFeedback", address = "" }
100 -- config.mail_reply_to = { name = "Support", address = "" }
102 -- Configuration of password hashing algorithm (defaults to "crypt_sha512")
103 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
104 -- config.password_hash_algorithm = "crypt_sha512"
105 -- config.password_hash_algorithm = "crypt_sha256"
106 -- config.password_hash_algorithm = "crypt_md5"
108 -- Number of rounds for crypt_sha* algorithms, minimum and maximum
109 -- (defaults to minimum 10000 and maximum 20000)
110 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
111 -- config.password_hash_min_rounds = 10000
112 -- config.password_hash_max_rounds = 20000
115 -- Supply custom url for avatar/photo delivery
116 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
117 -- config.fastpath_url_func = nil
119 -- Local directory for database dumps offered for download
120 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
121 -- config.download_dir = nil
123 -- Special use terms for database dump download
124 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
125 -- config.download_use_terms = "=== Download use terms ===\n"
127 -- Use custom image conversion, defaults to ImageMagick's convert
128 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
129 --config.member_image_content_type = "image/jpeg"
130 --config.member_image_convert_func = {
131 -- avatar = function(data) return extos.pfilter(data, "convert", "jpeg:-", "-thumbnail", "48x48", "jpeg:-") end,
132 -- photo = function(data) return extos.pfilter(data, "convert", "jpeg:-", "-thumbnail", "240x240", "jpeg:-") end
133 --}
135 -- Display a public message of the day
136 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
137 -- config.motd_public = "===Message of the day===\nThe MOTD is formatted with rocket wiki"
139 -- Automatic issue related discussion URL
140 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 -- config.issue_discussion_url_func = function(issue)
142 -- return "" .. tostring(
143 -- end
145 -- Integration of Etherpad, disabled by default
146 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 --config.etherpad = {
148 -- base_url = "",
149 -- api_base = "http://localhost:9001/",
150 -- api_key = "mysecretapikey",
151 -- group_id = "mygroupname",
152 -- cookie_path = "/"
153 --}
155 -- WebMCP accelerator
156 -- uncomment the following two lines to use C implementations of chosen
157 -- functions and to disable garbage collection during the request, to
158 -- increase speed:
159 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
160 -- require 'webmcp_accelerator'
161 -- if cgi then collectgarbage("stop") end
163 -- Trace debug
164 -- uncomment the following line to enable debug trace
165 -- config.enable_debug_trace = true
167 -- ========================================================================
168 -- Do main initialisation (DO NOT REMOVE FOLLOWING SECTION)
169 -- ========================================================================
171 execute.config("init")

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