
view app/main/index/email_unconfirmed.lua @ 1858:3d1f0464a3ea

Handle missing ldap.member.allowed function
author bsw
date Tue Sep 20 17:35:29 2022 +0200 (20 months ago)
parents ad1107fc0fbf
line source
1 ui.title(_"Confirm notification address")
3 if app.session.member.notify_email_unconfirmed then
5 ui.grid{ content = function()
6 ui.cell_full{ content = function()
8 ui.container { attr = { class = "mdl-card mdl-shadow--2dp mdl-card__fullwidth" }, content = function()
10 ui.container{ attr = { class = "mdl-card__title mdl-card--border" }, content = function()
11 ui.heading { attr = { class = "mdl-card__title-text" }, level = 2, content = _"Notification address unconfirmed" }
12 end }
13 ui.container{ attr = { class = "mdl-card__content mdl-card--border" }, content = function()
15 local current = Member:new_selector()
16 :add_where{ "id = ?", app.session.member_id }
17 :add_where("notify_email_unconfirmed NOTNULL")
18 :add_where("notify_email_secret_expiry > now()")
19 :optional_object_mode()
20 :exec()
22 if current then
23 ui.tag{
24 tag = "div",
25 content = _("You didn't confirm your email address '#{email}'. You have received an email with an activation link.", { email = app.session.member.notify_email_unconfirmed })
26 }
27 else
28 ui.tag{
29 tag = "div",
30 content = _("You didn't confirm your email address '#{email}' within 7 days.", { email = app.session.member.notify_email_unconfirmed })
31 }
32 end
33 slot.put("<br />")
36 text = _"Change email address",
37 module = "member",
38 view = "settings_email",
39 }
40 slot.put("<br />")
41 slot.put("<br />")
44 text = _("Resend activation email to '#{email}'", { email = app.session.member.notify_email_unconfirmed }),
45 module = "member",
46 action = "update_email",
47 params = {
48 resend = true
49 },
50 routing = {
51 default = {
52 mode = "redirect",
53 module = "index",
54 view = "index"
55 }
56 }
57 }
59 end }
60 end }
61 end }
62 end }
65 end

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