
view app/main/initiative/_list_element.lua @ 1858:3d1f0464a3ea

Handle missing ldap.member.allowed function
author bsw
date Tue Sep 20 17:35:29 2022 +0200 (20 months ago)
parents 8d36c14128d4
line source
1 local initiative = param.get("initiative", "table")
2 local for_event = param.get("for_event", atom.boolean)
3 local for_member = param.get("for_member", "table")
5 local issue = initiative.issue
7 local position = param.get("position", atom.number)
9 local class = "initiative mdl-list__item-primary-content"
10 if initiative.rank == 1 then
11 class = class .. " rank1"
12 end
13 if initiative.revoked then
14 class = class .. " revoked"
15 end
17 ui.container{
18 attr = { class = class },
19 content = function ()
20 if position == 1 and not for_member and (
21 initiative.issue.state == "finished_with_winner"
22 or initiative.issue.state == "finished_without_winner"
23 ) then
24 util.initiative_pie(initiative)
25 end
26 ui.container {
27 attr = { class = "initiative_name" },
28 content = function()
29 if initiative.vote_grade ~= nil then
30 if initiative.vote_grade > 0 then
31 local text = _"voted yes"
32 ui.container{ attr = { class = "mdl-list__item-avatar positive" }, content = function()
33 ui.tag{ tag = "i", attr = { class = "material-icons", title = text }, content = "thumb_up" }
34 end }
35 elseif initiative.vote_grade == 0 then
36 elseif initiative.vote_grade < 0 then
37 local text = _"voted no"
38 ui.container{ attr = { class = "mdl-list__item-avatar negative" }, content = function()
39 ui.tag{ tag = "i", attr = { class = "material-icons", title = text }, content = "thumb_down" }
40 end }
41 end
42 end
43 if not for_member and app.session.member then
44 if initiative.member_info.supported then
45 if initiative.member_info.satisfied then
46 ui.tag{ tag = "i", attr = { id = "lf-initiative__support-" .., class = "material-icons material-icons-small" }, content = "thumb_up" }
47 --ui.container { attr = { class = "mdl-tooltip", ["for"] = "lf-initiative__support-" .. }, content = _"You are supporter of this initiative" }
48 else
49 ui.tag{ tag = "i", attr = { id = "lf-initiative__support-" .., class = "material-icons material-icons-small mdl-color-text--orange-500" }, content = "thumb_up" }
50 --ui.container { attr = { class = "mdl-tooltip", ["for"] = "lf-initiative__support-" .. }, content = _"supporter with restricting suggestions" }
51 end
52 slot.put(" ")
53 end
54 end
55 {
56 text = initiative.display_name,
57 module = "initiative", view = "show", id =
58 }
59 end
60 }
61 ui.container{ attr = { class = "mdl-list__item-text-body" }, content = function()
62 local draft_content = initiative.current_draft.content
63 if config.initiative_abstract then
64 local abstract = string.match(draft_content, "(.+)<!%--END_OF_ABSTRACT%-->")
65 if abstract then
66 slot.put(abstract)
67 end
68 end
69 if not config.voting_only then
70 if app.session:has_access("authors_pseudonymous") then
71 local initiator_members = initiative:get_reference_selector("initiating_members")
72 :add_field("initiator.accepted", "accepted")
73 :add_order_by("")
74 :add_where("initiator.accepted")
75 :exec()
77 local initiators = {}
78 for i, member in ipairs(initiator_members) do
79 if member.accepted then
80 initiators[#initiators+1] =
81 end
82 end
83 ui.tag{ content = _"by" }
84 slot.put(" ")
85 ui.tag{ content = table.concat(initiators, ", ") }
86 slot.put("<br />")
87 end
88 end
89 if initiative.rank ~= 1 and (issue.voter_count == nil or issue.voter_count > 0) and not for_event then
90 if not config.voting_only or issue.closed then
91 execute.view {
92 module = "initiative", view = "_bargraph", params = {
93 initiative = initiative,
94 battled_initiative = issue.initiatives[1]
95 }
96 }
98 slot.put(" &nbsp; ")
100 ui.supporter_count(initiative)
101 end
102 end
104 if initiative.positive_votes ~= nil then
106 local result_text = ""
108 if issue.voter_count == 0 then
109 result_text = _("No votes (0)", { result = result })
111 elseif initiative.rank == 1 and not for_event then
112 local result = ""
113 if initiative.eligible then
114 result = _("Reached #{sign}#{num}/#{den}", {
115 sign = issue.policy.direct_majority_strict and ">" or "≥",
116 num = issue.policy.direct_majority_num,
117 den = issue.policy.direct_majority_den
118 })
119 else
120 result = _("Failed #{sign}#{num}/#{den}", {
121 sign = issue.policy.direct_majority_strict and ">" or "≥",
122 num = issue.policy.direct_majority_num,
123 den = issue.policy.direct_majority_den
124 })
125 end
126 local neutral_count = issue.voter_count - initiative.positive_votes - initiative.negative_votes
128 result_text = _("#{result}: #{yes_count} Yes (#{yes_percent}), #{no_count} No (#{no_percent}), #{neutral_count} Abstention (#{neutral_percent})", {
129 result = result,
130 yes_count = initiative.positive_votes,
131 yes_percent = format.percent_floor(initiative.positive_votes, issue.voter_count),
132 neutral_count = neutral_count,
133 neutral_percent = format.percent_floor(neutral_count, issue.voter_count),
134 no_count = initiative.negative_votes,
135 no_percent = format.percent_floor(initiative.negative_votes, issue.voter_count)
136 })
138 end
140 ui.container { attr = { class = "result" }, content = result_text }
142 end
144 end }
145 end
146 }
148 if config.attachments and config.attachments.preview_in_listing then
150 local file = File:new_selector()
151 :left_join("draft_attachment", nil, "draft_attachment.file_id =")
152 :add_where{ "draft_attachment.draft_id = ?", }
153 :reset_fields()
154 :add_field("")
155 :add_field("draft_attachment.title")
156 :add_field("draft_attachment.description")
157 :add_order_by("")
158 :limit(1)
159 :optional_object_mode()
160 :exec()
162 if file then
163 ui.image{ attr = { class = "attachment" }, module = "file", view = "show.jpg", id =, params = { preview = true } }
164 end
165 end

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