
view app/main/unit/_sidebar_whatcanido.lua @ 1668:6d75df24e66e

Updated German translation
author bsw
date Sun Mar 07 09:52:36 2021 +0100 (2021-03-07)
parents 52545dba4205
children 58e1e8d6f596
line source
1 local unit = param.get ( "unit", "table" )
2 unit:load_delegation_info_once_for_member_id(app.session.member_id)
4 ui.container{ attr = { class = "mdl-card mdl-card__fullwidth mdl-shadow--2dp" }, content = function()
5 ui.container{ attr = { class = "mdl-card__title mdl-card--border" }, content = function()
6 ui.heading { attr = { class = "mdl-card__title-text" }, level = 2, content = _"What can I do here?" }
7 end }
8 ui.container{ attr = { class = "what-can-i-do-here" }, content = function()
10 if app.session.member and app.session.member:has_voting_right_for_unit_id ( ) then
11 ui.container{ attr = { class = "mdl-card__content mdl-card--border" }, content = function()
12 ui.tag{ content = _"I want to stay informed" }
13 ui.tag { tag = "ul", attr = { class = "ul" }, content = function ()
14 ui.tag { tag = "li", content = function ()
15 ui.tag{ content = _"check your " }
17 module = "member", view = "settings_notification",
18 params = { return_to = "home" },
19 text = _"notifications settings"
20 }
21 end }
22 if not config.voting_only then
23 ui.tag { tag = "li", content = function ()
24 ui.tag{ content = _"subscribe subject areas or add your interested to issues and you will be notified about changes (follow the instruction on the area or issue page)" }
25 end }
26 end
27 end }
28 end }
30 if not config.disable_delegations then
31 ui.container{ attr = { class = "mdl-card__content mdl-card--border" }, content = function()
32 if not unit.delegation_info.first_trustee_id then
33 ui.tag{ content = _"I want to delegate this organizational unit" }
34 ui.tag { tag = "ul", attr = { class = "ul" }, content = function ()
35 ui.tag { tag = "li", content = function ()
36 {
37 module = "delegation", view = "show", params = {
38 unit_id =,
39 },
40 content = _("choose delegatee", {
41 unit_name =
42 })
43 }
44 end }
45 end }
46 else
47 ui.tag{ content = _"You delegated this unit" }
49 ui.tag { tag = "ul", attr = { class = "ul" }, content = function ()
50 ui.tag { tag = "li", content = function ()
51 {
52 module = "delegation", view = "show", params = {
53 unit_id =,
54 },
55 content = _("change/revoke delegation", {
56 unit_name =
57 })
58 }
59 end }
60 end }
61 end
62 end }
63 end
65 ui.container{ attr = { class = "mdl-card__content mdl-card--border" }, content = function()
66 ui.tag{
67 content = _"I want to vote"
68 }
69 ui.tag { tag = "ul", attr = { class = "ul" }, content = function ()
70 ui.tag { tag = "li", content = _"check the issues on the right, and click on 'Vote now' to vote on an issue which is in voting phase." }
71 end }
72 end }
74 else
75 ui.container { attr = { class = "mdl-card__content mdl-card--border" }, content = function ()
76 ui.tag{ content = _"You are not entitled to vote in this unit" }
77 if not app.session.member_id then
78 ui.tag{ tag = "ul", content = function()
79 ui.tag{ tag = "li", content = function()
80{ module = "index", view = "login", content = _"Login" }
81 end }
82 end }
83 end
84 end }
85 end
87 if not config.voting_only and app.session.member_id and app.session.member:has_initiative_right_for_unit_id ( ) then
88 ui.container{ attr = { class = "mdl-card__content mdl-card--border" }, content = function()
89 ui.tag{ content = _"I want to start a new initiative" }
90 ui.tag{ tag = "ul", attr = { class = "ul" }, content = function ()
91 ui.tag { tag = "li", content = _"open the appropriate subject area for your issue and follow the instruction on that page." }
92 end }
93 end }
94 end
96 end }
98 end }

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