
view app/main/index/reset_password.lua @ 1800:b87997219042

Updated spanish translation
author bsw
date Thu Oct 21 15:22:29 2021 +0200 (2021-10-21)
parents c007666de290
line source
2 ui.title(_"Reset password")
4 ui.container{ attr = { class = "mdl-grid" }, content = function()
5 ui.container{ attr = { class = "mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col" }, content = function()
6 execute.view{ module = "index", view = "_lang_chooser" }
8 ui.heading{ level = 1, content = _"Forgot password?" }
10 local secret = param.get("secret")
12 if not secret then
13 ui.tag{
14 tag = 'p',
15 content = _'Please enter your login name. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password.'
16 }
17 ui.form{
18 attr = { class = "vertical" },
19 module = "index",
20 action = "reset_password",
21 routing = {
22 default = {
23 mode = "redirect",
24 module = "index",
25 view = "login", params = {
26 redirect_module = param.get("redirect_module"),
27 redirect_view = param.get("redirect_view"),
28 redirect_id = param.get("redirect_id"),
29 redirect_params = param.get("redirect_params")
30 }
31 }
32 },
33 content = function()
34 ui.field.text{
35 container_attr = { class = "mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield mdl-textfield--floating-label" },
36 attr = { id = "lf-login__username", class = "mdl-textfield__input" },
37 label_attr = { class = "mdl-textfield__label", ["for"] = "lf-login__username" },
38 label = _'Login name',
39 name = 'login',
40 value = ''
41 }
42 slot.put("<br />")
44 slot.put("<br /><br />")
45 ui.tag{
46 tag = "input",
47 attr = {
48 type = "submit",
49 class = "mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised mdl-button--colored",
50 value = _"Request password reset link"
51 }
52 }
53 slot.put(" &nbsp; ")
55 attr = { class = "mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised mdl-js-ripple-effect" },
56 module = "index", view = "login", text = _"Cancel", params = {
57 redirect_module = param.get("redirect_module"),
58 redirect_view = param.get("redirect_view"),
59 redirect_id = param.get("redirect_id"),
60 redirect_params = param.get("redirect_params")
61 }
62 }
63 slot.put("<br /><br />")
65 attr = { class = "mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--underlined" },
66 module = "index", view = "send_login", text = _"Forgot login name?", params = {
67 redirect_module = param.get("redirect_module"),
68 redirect_view = param.get("redirect_view"),
69 redirect_id = param.get("redirect_id"),
70 redirect_params = param.get("redirect_params")
71 }
72 }
73 end
74 }
76 else
78 ui.form{
79 attr = { class = "vertical" },
80 module = "index",
81 action = "reset_password",
82 routing = {
83 ok = {
84 mode = "redirect",
85 module = "index",
86 view = "index"
87 }
88 },
89 content = function()
90 ui.tag{
91 tag = 'p',
92 content = _'Please enter the email reset code you have received:'
93 }
94 ui.field.text{
95 label = _"Reset code",
96 name = "secret",
97 value = secret
98 }
99 ui.tag{
100 tag = 'p',
101 content = _'Please enter your new password twice.'
102 }
103 ui.field.password{
104 label = _"New password",
105 name = "password1"
106 }
107 ui.field.password{
108 label = _"Repeat new password",
109 name = "password2"
110 }
112 ui.container { attr = { class = "actions" }, content = function()
113 ui.tag{
114 tag = "input",
115 attr = {
116 type = "submit",
117 class = "btn btn-default",
118 value = _"Save new password"
119 },
120 content = ""
121 }
122 slot.put("<br />")
123 slot.put("<br />")
126 content = function()
127 slot.put(_"Cancel")
128 end,
129 module = "index",
130 view = "login"
131 }
132 end }
133 end
134 }
136 end
137 end }
138 end }

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