

age author description
2022-03-24 bsw Show new suggestion button only during admission and discussion
2022-03-22 bsw Show token weight correctly
2022-03-22 bsw Correctly determine own voting weight
2022-03-22 bsw More efficient algorithm
2022-03-22 bsw Removed debug output
2022-03-22 bsw Added token based voting
2022-02-03 bsw Fixed translations
2022-02-03 bsw Added translations
2022-02-03 bsw Added version numbers
2022-02-03 bsw Incremented css version
2022-02-03 bsw Reworked WYSIWYG editor, added pre formatting
2022-02-03 bsw Set devel version
2022-02-03 jbe merge
2022-02-03 jbe Allow <pre> tag in util.html_is_safe(...)
2022-02-03 jbe Fix Lua error on <ol> or <ul> tag at end of input to util.html_is_safe(...)
2021-04-28 jbe Added tag v4.0.0 for changeset 3be240de942b
2022-02-03 bsw Added missing dependency
2022-02-03 bsw Fixed new suggestion dialog layout and error redirect
2022-02-03 bsw Handle selecting different unit in issue filters
2022-02-03 bsw Reduce white space
2022-02-03 bsw Fixed layout of admin page
2022-02-03 bsw Fixed layout of cancel issue dialog
2022-02-03 bsw Fixed layout of cancel issue dialog
2022-02-03 bsw Show tree depth in unit parent selector
2022-02-03 bsw Do not use args if there are not args
2022-02-03 bsw Align tree childs
2022-02-03 bsw Fix error when creating new user
2022-02-03 bsw Show units as tree in member administration
2022-02-03 bsw Jump to member list after adding member as a contact
2022-02-03 bsw Fixed display of attachments in initiative listing
2022-02-03 bsw Check area configuration only for new issues
2022-02-03 bsw Better handling of new draft in not correctly configured area
2022-02-03 bsw Do not offer to save the member itself as a contact
2022-01-26 bsw Fixed privileges
2022-01-26 bsw Fixed wrong config variable
2022-01-26 bsw Better handling of use terms, added view for privacy policy
2022-01-25 bsw Fixed image path variable in sassc variables
2022-01-04 bsw Final version of survey
2021-12-13 bsw Added validation hook for profile updates
2021-12-03 bsw Delete after updating member data
2021-12-02 bsw Actually handle the unique violation
2021-12-02 bsw Fixed syntax
2021-12-02 bsw Set identification to null if empty string also for creating new accounts
2021-12-02 bsw Better error handling also for creating new accounts
2021-12-02 bsw Added better error handling
2021-12-02 bsw Added missing local statement
2021-12-02 bsw Set identification to null if empty string
2021-11-18 bsw Added stylesheet version
2021-11-18 bsw Fixed layout of checkbox label in survey
2021-11-18 bsw Fixed layout of checkbox label in survey
2021-11-18 bsw Avoid counter overlapping with question text
2021-11-18 bsw Avoid counter overlapping with question text
2021-11-18 bsw Avoid counter overlapping with question text
2021-11-18 bsw Fixed typo
2021-11-18 bsw More space between survey answer options
2021-10-21 bsw Updated spanish translation
2021-10-21 bsw Unified translation string
2021-10-21 bsw Added missing translation
2021-10-21 bsw Removed string 'hint'
2021-10-21 bsw Fixed syntax error

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