

age author description
2010-09-20 jorges voting result also with percent values
2010-09-20 jorges setting <title> tag. fallback: take class="title"-contents
2010-09-19 jorges static links allow only one tab opened at the same time
2010-09-20 Daniel Poelzleithner add initiator support in delegation
2010-09-19 Daniel Poelzleithner add custom js code in dev config to auto open tracer
2010-09-19 Daniel Poelzleithner add custom script slot
2010-09-19 Daniel Poelzleithner add hgignore file
2010-09-19 Daniel Poelzleithner add comand line admin tool
2010-09-24 jorges initiative/show also calls issue/show -- thus fixed html_title setting
2010-09-20 jorges fixing html title (totally forgot to add new filter before!)
2010-09-20 jorges voting result also with percent values
2010-09-20 jorges setting <title> tag. fallback: take class="title"-contents
2010-09-19 jorges static links allow only one tab opened at the same time
2010-08-31 bsw Changed version to beta28
2010-08-31 bsw Added tag beta28 for changeset ae5fbdbc1758
2010-08-31 bsw Fixed hard error in initiative APIbeta28
2010-08-30 bsw Added tag beta27 for changeset b3a3d734cc8d
2010-08-30 bsw Fixed broken emoticon iconsbeta27
2010-08-30 bsw Added tag beta27 for changeset 6a12fb7e4963
2010-08-30 bsw Suggestion API, draft preview, word based diff, multiple fixes
2010-08-19 bsw Added tag beta26 for changeset e401012af093
2010-08-19 bsw Changed version to beta26beta26
2010-08-19 bsw Fixed locking in add/remove interest action
2010-08-19 bsw Security related fix of locking during registration process
2010-08-05 bsw Added tag beta25 for changeset d68d16371b88
2010-08-05 bsw Changed version to beta25beta25
2010-08-05 bsw Added optional html footer (defined by config.footer_html)
2010-07-29 bsw Added tag beta24 for changeset 1f1f8c78ba3a
2010-07-29 bsw Voting form: Added missing text label and changed buttons to submit buttonsbeta24
2010-07-28 bsw Added tag beta23 for changeset 1f06b1f97c60
2010-07-28 bsw Changed version to beta23beta23
2010-07-28 bsw Trace timestamp when user accepts a use term checkbox
2010-07-24 bsw Added tag beta22 for changeset 134fce4bede3
2010-07-24 bsw Cache for rendered wiki texts; Accountless API keys; Reverse id order for initiative APIbeta22
2010-07-15 jbe Added tag beta21 for changeset 26c8177ef348
2010-07-15 bsw Support for multiple usage terms accept checkboxesbeta21
2010-07-14 jbe Added tag beta20 for changeset 07177cd8c256
2010-07-14 bsw Member history: Show active flag changes, internal changes for core v1.2.0beta20
2010-07-08 jbe Added tag beta19 for changeset 733f65c0c0a0
2010-07-08 bsw Bugfixes, feature enhancements, code-cleanup, and major work on APIbeta19
2010-05-26 Thomas Wuerfel Old sentence part deleted.
2010-05-26 Thomas Wuerfel Serveral correction of typos and mistranslations to Esperanto.
2010-05-26 Thomas Wuerfel Initial translation to Esperanto from the German help files.
2010-05-05 Dinu Gherman Added six Esperanto translations
2010-04-23 jbe Added tag beta18 for changeset c553898f64cb
2010-04-23 bsw Moved motd from locale/motd/*-files to configuration settingbeta18
2010-04-22 jbe Added tag beta17 for changeset 8e11fb45c688
2010-04-22 bsw Fixed wrong count of not voted issuesbeta17
2010-04-22 bsw Fixed wrong forward after logout
2010-04-22 bsw Added missing "_" function call in app/main/draft/_show.lua
2010-04-22 bsw Bug when creating alternative initiatives fixed; Policy list link only shown when creating new issue
2010-04-22 bsw German translations and help text added
2010-04-22 bsw Show motd only if available
2010-04-22 jbe merge
2010-04-22 bsw Optionally show configuration specific head over issues in public access mode
2010-04-20 Dinu Gherman Added English help texts
2010-04-18 bsw Icon static/icons/16/bell.png added
2010-04-17 bsw Listing of updated drafts on start page; Code cleanup; Minor bugfix
2010-04-16 Dinu Gherman Translated new entries to EO, fixed two typos.
2010-04-15 jbe Added tag beta16 for changeset 2cb85f9210b8

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