

age author description
2015-12-13 bsw Fixed wrong variable name in lf4rcs push_grace_period handler
2015-12-13 bsw Fixed file name of lf4rcs module init
2015-12-13 bsw Fixed another syntax error in lf4rcs.update_references
2015-12-13 bsw Fixed syntax error in lf4rcs.update_references
2015-12-13 bsw Going to version 3.1.0
2015-12-13 bsw Fixed wrong field name for new max_admission_time in view
2015-12-04 bsw Added push grace period for verification phase to lf4rcs
2015-12-04 bsw Added support for min_admission_time and max_admission_time
2015-12-01 bsw Fixed layout of email address confirmation dialog
2015-12-01 jbe Local function secret_token() in model/member.lua to create secret tokens for several purposes
2015-12-01 bsw Refactored password reset functionality
2015-12-01 bsw Added correct use of WEBMCP_BASE_PATH instead of request.get_app_basepath()
2015-12-01 bsw Removed code which is not used
2015-12-01 bsw Removed developer settings
2015-12-01 bsw Removed code not used anymore (outdated feature "discussion url")
2015-12-01 jbe Minor code cleanup in app/main/draft/diff.lua
2015-12-01 jbe Removed exhaustive GROUP BY list in Issue:get_search_selector(...) due to PRIMARY KEY (PostgreSQL 9.1 feature)
2015-12-01 bsw Removed Initiative:get_search_selector(...) which is not used
2015-12-01 jbe Do not disable garbage collection for WebMCP acceleration
2015-12-01 bsw Removed support for old WebMCP 1.x and clean up of example configuration
2015-12-01 jbe Use -f switch for git-checkout in lf4rcs example config
2015-12-01 jbe Avoid executing commands after error in lf4rcs.commit(...)
2015-11-30 bsw Added lf4rcs module and example configuration
2015-07-27 bsw Fixed syntax error in unit sidebar occured after last bug fix again again
2015-07-27 bsw Fixed syntax error in unit sidebar occured after last bug fix again
2015-07-27 bsw Fixed syntax error in unit sidebar occured after last bug fix
2015-07-27 bsw Order units by name in unit sidebar
2015-07-27 bsw Fixed error when display profile page publically
2015-07-18 jbe Added tag v3.0.9 for changeset e62f8add2490
2015-07-18 jbe mergev3.0.9

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