
log moonbridge_http.lua

age author description
2015-01-30 jbe Bug in request:finish() method of HTTP module fixed, which caused body-less responses to cause an errorv0.2.1
2015-01-29 jbe Include leading question mark in request.query
2015-01-29 jbe Removed request.url; String in request.path does not contain a leading slash anymore; Stricter parsing of request targets
2015-01-29 jbe New method request:send_text_status_response(...) that was previously only available internally as error_response(...) function
2015-01-11 jbe Forward compatibility with future HTTP versions (accept absolute URLs as target); Always require "Host" header; Renamed request.url to
2015-01-09 jbe Renamed "http" module to "moonbridge_http"

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