
log reference.txt

age author description
2015-04-05 jbe Reverted experimental work on non-blocking I/O with file handles
2015-04-05 jbe Use write instead of fwrite for non-blocking I/O
2015-04-04 jbe Mention testing of file handle buffer test in io.poll(...)
2015-04-04 jbe Updated reference to include xread, xread_nb, write_nb
2015-04-04 jbe Work on non-blocking I/O; Improved efficiency of :readuntil(...)
2015-03-24 jbe New method request:close_after_finish()
2015-03-22 jbe Improvements to reference (idle_time vs timeout)
2015-03-20 jbe Proper handling of I/O errors; Added property "request.faulty"; Removed "io_error_handler" hook; Added documentation for global function "timeout"
2015-03-17 jbe Added io_error_handler; Code cleanup
2015-03-09 jbe Methods :close(), :cancel(), and :readuntil(...) do not throw I/O errors but return error message as second return value after nil
2015-02-27 jbe Support iteration using pairs(...) on request.get_params, request.get_params_list, request.post_params, and request.post_params_list
2015-02-17 jbe Removed method request:send_text_status_response(...); Added helloworld.luav0.3.0
2015-01-29 jbe Alphabetical order in reference.txt
2015-01-29 jbe Include leading question mark in request.query
2015-01-29 jbe Removed request.url; String in request.path does not contain a leading slash anymore; Stricter parsing of request targets
2015-01-29 jbe New method request:send_text_status_response(...) that was previously only available internally as error_response(...) function
2015-01-04 jbe Initial commitv0.1

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