
log moonbridge.c

age author description
2017-06-23 jbe Do not shutdown due to main thread termination when shutdown is already in progress
2017-06-12 jbe Code-cleanup: removed redundancy in moonbr_initiate_shutdown()
2017-06-12 jbe Do not reuse child workers that have been SIGTERM'ed
2017-06-12 jbe Bugfix in moonbridge.c: Do not use killpg but only terminate each child
2017-06-11 jbe Changed behavior of moonbridge_io.poll(...); Renamed moonbridge_io.sigterm_setup() to moonbridge_io.catch_sigterm(); Removed moonbridge_io.sigterm_received()
2017-06-11 jbe New implementation of SIGTERM handling
2017-06-09 jbe Removed colon from stderr output
2017-06-09 jbe Shortened stderr output in logfile
2017-06-06 jbe Ignore SIGTERM once after sending it to own process group
2017-06-06 jbe Undo last commit (Avoid duplicate shutdown)
2017-06-06 jbe Avoid duplicate shutdown
2017-06-06 jbe Allow "main threads" to be named; main threads also use MOONBR_PROTO_INTERVAL as listener type now
2017-06-04 jbe Use SIGTERM to terminate child processes gracefully
2017-06-04 jbe Backup and restore errno in signal handler
2017-06-04 jbe Added missing "do" statement in while(0) macro workaround
2015-08-17 jbe Added missing termination in structure passed to getopt_long() call
2015-07-12 jbe Set version string to "1.0.1"v1.0.1
2015-06-23 jbe Remove SIGUSR1 mechanism to terminate children gracefully (incomplete yet)
2015-06-23 jbe Changed version number to 1.0.0
2015-06-22 jbe Use accept() only on Linux and only if _GNU_SOURCE is not set
2015-06-22 jbe Safety catch for noncompliant strerror_r() implementation on GNU/Linux systems
2015-06-22 jbe Avoid use of accept4() function in favor of accept() to avoid using _GNU_SOURCE on GNU/Linux
2015-06-22 jbe Avoid use of asprintf function
2015-06-20 jbe Send SIGUSR1 to all child processes on termination via SIGTERM
2015-04-16 jbe Restored Linux compatibility regarding #include section
2015-04-16 jbe Cleanup regarding #include directives
2015-04-16 jbe Proper distinction between AF_* and PF_* constants (and commented where it is not the case)
2015-04-15 jbe Example application uses new "main" protocol; Handler for "main" gets table with "main" set to true
2015-04-15 jbe Modified termination sequence handling
2015-04-14 jbe Moved functions in source code to avoid necessity of forward declaration
2015-04-14 jbe Introduced new proto "main" to allow for a main thread
2015-04-14 jbe Removed <file>:readuntil(...) function
2015-04-14 jbe Code cleanup; Allow binding to specific interfaces
2015-04-12 jbe Do not announce socket/listener type when communicating with the child process
2015-04-10 jbe Fixed bug regarding testing of valid file descriptor in moonbr_child_run function
2015-04-10 jbe Added helper function moonbridge_io.timeref(...); HTTP module sends 408 Request Timeout
2015-04-09 jbe Moved SIGPIPE ignore from moonbridge.c to moonbridge_io.c
2015-04-09 jbe Fixed bug regarding length check of addess of local (unix domain) socket
2015-04-08 jbe Moved local/remote address extraction/formatting to I/O library
2015-04-08 jbe Convert local and remote IP address to human readable string
2015-04-08 jbe Bugfix in C function moonbr_io_closehandle
2015-04-07 jbe Removed timeout option from socket:close(); Simulate shutdown for local sockets (Unix Domain Sockets)
2015-04-07 jbe Register I/O library as moonbridge_io (and not mapping functions into io)
2015-04-07 jbe Extended I/O library; Integrated new I/O library into moonbridge.c and moonbridge_http.lua
2015-04-05 jbe Stub for new non-blocking I/O library
2015-04-05 jbe Reverted experimental work on non-blocking I/O with file handles
2015-04-05 jbe Use write instead of fwrite for non-blocking I/O
2015-04-05 jbe Work on write_nb method
2015-04-04 jbe Proper handling of out-of-memory errors in xread_nb method
2015-04-04 jbe Another initialization to avoid (wrong) compiler warning
2015-04-04 jbe Add initialization to avoid compiler warning
2015-04-04 jbe Fixed io.poll(...) function
2015-04-04 jbe Work on io.poll(...) and file handle methods "xread", "xread_nb", "write_nb"
2015-04-04 jbe Extended io.poll(...) to check FILE buffers; Replaced method "readuntil" with "xread"
2015-04-04 jbe Fixed typo in moonbridge.c
2015-04-04 jbe Work on non-blocking I/O; Improved efficiency of :readuntil(...)
2015-04-04 jbe Second table to io.poll(...) is optional
2015-04-04 jbe Work on support for non-blocking I/O
2015-03-24 jbe Set default fork delay to 0.25 secondsv0.4.0
2015-03-23 jbe Set _MOONBRIDGE_VERSION variable for Lua machine

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