
log moonbridge_io.c

age author description
2015-06-22 jbe Avoid compiler warnings on GNU/Linux
2015-06-22 jbe Ensure that socket handles always get closed, even in case of an error while creating the socket handle
2015-06-21 jbe Code cleanup regarding SOCK_CLOEXEC in moonbridge_io.c
2015-06-21 jbe Support asynchronous I/O with stdin/stdout/stderr of executed child processes
2015-06-19 jbe Bugfix in moonbridge_io.c regarding reading without terminator char
2015-05-19 jbe Accept max length of zero for read methods
2015-05-15 jbe Removed; yielding read and write methods do not yield any values
2015-05-08 jbe New function as a "coroutine scheduler"
2015-05-07 jbe Reverted previous commit (but changes to Makefile)
2015-05-07 jbe Do not pass moonbridge_io.block when invoking callback passed to _call I/O methods but only include it for _yield I/O methods
2015-05-07 jbe Proper treatment of zero/negative timeouts to moonbridge_io.poll(...); Make _yield methods yield singleton moonbridge_io.block as first yield value
2015-05-02 jbe Yielding write and flush methods for I/O
2015-05-02 jbe Added new methods drain_call, drain_yield
2015-05-02 jbe Method "read" always returns two return values
2015-05-01 jbe Bugfix regarding detection of read end in "read" method
2015-05-01 jbe Fixed wrong treatment of Lua string buffer in drain mode
2015-05-01 jbe Added methods "read_call" and "read_yield"
2015-04-17 jbe Check if file descriptors are in valid range before using them for select
2015-04-16 jbe Added _GNU_SOURCE #define for Linux; Avoid compiler warning
2015-04-16 jbe Restored Linux compatibility regarding #include section
2015-04-16 jbe Cleanup regarding #include directives
2015-04-16 jbe Proper distinction between AF_* and PF_* constants (and commented where it is not the case)
2015-04-16 jbe Revised flushing behavior of write_nb(...) again
2015-04-16 jbe Revised flushing behavior of write_nb(...)
2015-04-14 jbe Bugfix in close method of moonbridge_io (do not mark as closed before flushing)
2015-04-11 jbe Make moonbridge_io.poll(...) return immediately if there is data pending in read buffers
2015-04-10 jbe Use SO_REUSEADDR for moonbridge_io.tcplisten(...)
2015-04-10 jbe Delete local socket in filesystem before and after listening
2015-04-10 jbe Bugfixes regarding treatment of memory allocation errors and closing file descriptors
2015-04-10 jbe Proper marking I/O handles as closed and finished
2015-04-10 jbe Added helper function moonbridge_io.timeref(...); HTTP module sends 408 Request Timeout
2015-04-09 jbe Moved SIGPIPE ignore from moonbridge.c to moonbridge_io.c
2015-04-09 jbe New function moonbridge_io.locallisten(path) to listen on local (unix domain) sockets
2015-04-09 jbe Added function moonbridge_io.localconnect(pathname) to connect to local (unix domain) socket
2015-04-09 jbe Catching state-related errors properly in moonbridge_io.poll(...)
2015-04-09 jbe Fixes in moonbridge_io.tcpconnect(...); Added moonbridge_io.tcplisten(...)
2015-04-08 jbe Moved local/remote address extraction/formatting to I/O library
2015-04-08 jbe Added moonbridge_io.poll(...)
2015-04-08 jbe Refined buffer model for reading in I/O library
2015-04-08 jbe Some code cleanup in I/O library
2015-04-08 jbe Different buffering model for I/O writer
2015-04-08 jbe Added missing freeaddrinfo() call to moonbridge_io.tcpconnect(...) function; Updated documentation regarding blocking DNS lookups of tcpconnect(...)
2015-04-08 jbe Bugfix in C function moonbr_io_closehandle
2015-04-08 jbe New function moonbridge_io.tcpconnect_nb(...) for nonblocking connects
2015-04-08 jbe Added moonbridge_io.tcpconnect(...) function
2015-04-08 jbe Bugfix regarding TCP PSH
2015-04-08 jbe Allow full write buffer without forcing TCP PSH
2015-04-08 jbe Correctly cache nonblocking status of socket in I/O library; Use TCP_NOPUSH/TCP_CORK when applicable
2015-04-07 jbe Removed timeout option from socket:close(); Simulate shutdown for local sockets (Unix Domain Sockets)
2015-04-07 jbe Always re-fill immediate send buffer in write_nb method
2015-04-07 jbe write_nb returns total number of bytes buffered in case of block; Updated reference
2015-04-07 jbe Proper return values for drain functions
2015-04-07 jbe Extended I/O library; Integrated new I/O library into moonbridge.c and moonbridge_http.lua
2015-04-07 jbe Close and reset method for I/O library
2015-04-07 jbe New I/O methods drain and drain_nb
2015-04-06 jbe Implementation of read and read_nb in I/O module
2015-04-06 jbe Refined interface of I/O library to directly support (previously opened) sockets
2015-04-06 jbe Code cleanup and fixes in optionally non-blocking write/write_nb method; Allow to mark I/O handles as closed
2015-04-06 jbe Non-blocking write methods shall return io handle
2015-04-06 jbe Implementation of write, write_nb, flush, flush_nb with double buffering technique

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