

age author description
2015-04-08 jbe Added missing freeaddrinfo() call to moonbridge_io.tcpconnect(...) function; Updated documentation regarding blocking DNS lookups of tcpconnect(...)
2015-04-08 jbe Convert local and remote IP address to human readable string
2015-04-08 jbe Bugfix in C function moonbr_io_closehandle
2015-04-08 jbe New function moonbridge_io.tcpconnect_nb(...) for nonblocking connects
2015-04-08 jbe Added moonbridge_io.tcpconnect(...) function
2015-04-08 jbe Bugfix regarding TCP PSH
2015-04-08 jbe Allow full write buffer without forcing TCP PSH
2015-04-08 jbe Correctly cache nonblocking status of socket in I/O library; Use TCP_NOPUSH/TCP_CORK when applicable
2015-04-07 jbe Removed timeout option from socket:close(); Simulate shutdown for local sockets (Unix Domain Sockets)
2015-04-07 jbe Removed excess linebreak in reference.txt
2015-04-07 jbe Always re-fill immediate send buffer in write_nb method
2015-04-07 jbe write_nb returns total number of bytes buffered in case of block; Updated reference
2015-04-07 jbe Proper return values for drain functions
2015-04-07 jbe Register I/O library as moonbridge_io (and not mapping functions into io)
2015-04-07 jbe Extended I/O library; Integrated new I/O library into moonbridge.c and moonbridge_http.lua

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