

age author description
2015-06-20 jbe Bugfix in HTTP module regarding extra yield in read_body()
2015-06-20 jbe Initialize request.get_params correctly in HTTP module
2015-06-20 jbe Avoid hang-up on empty/nonexistent body in moonbridge_http.lua
2015-06-20 jbe Set post_params also in case of GET requests
2015-06-20 jbe Do not read whole request body unless necessary in HTTP module (extra yield)
2015-06-20 jbe Send SIGUSR1 to all child processes on termination via SIGTERM
2015-06-20 jbe Removed example chat application
2015-06-19 jbe Bugfix in moonbridge_io.c regarding reading without terminator char
2015-06-19 jbe Added request:consume_input() call to example_application.lua
2015-06-19 jbe Signal request body EOF in HTTP module
2015-06-19 jbe Use rawget in __index metamethod in HTTP module
2015-06-19 jbe Avoid resuming dead coroutine in HTTP module (set consume = nil)
2015-06-19 jbe Removed wrong socket:write call in send call in HTTP module
2015-06-19 jbe Fixed mistake with additional local state variable in HTTP module

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