

age author description
2018-02-01 jbe Added parameter to waitfunc of asynchronous I/O functions which allows to check whether waitfunc was called for the first time
2018-02-01 jbe Modified non-blocking I/O _call functions to pass certain arguments (socket, mode, module) to wait function
2018-01-27 jbe merge
2018-01-27 jbe Bugfix/workaround: Do not call getpeername() when opening TCP connections in non-blocking mode
2017-12-04 jbe Linux compatibility: do not set sun_len
2017-11-24 jbe Bugfix: Properly set sun_len, sun_family, and addrlen when filling sockaddr_un struct (using maximum possible length)
2017-11-24 jbe Renamed HTTP "header_size_limit" and "body_size_limit" options to "request_header_size_limit" and "request_body_size_limit" (to match documentation in example code)
2017-11-24 jbe Fixed use of INET_ADDRSTRLEN constant (for IPv4)
2017-11-19 jbe Added tag v1.0.2 for changeset e4e1ad8d5ab8
2017-11-16 jbe Code cleanup in moonbr_io_read_cont function (avoid unnecessary lua_pushvalue)v1.0.2
2017-11-16 jbe Bugfix in moonbr_io_read_cont function which caused read chunks to be concatenated in wrong order
2017-11-15 jbe Avoid using WNOWAIT in moonbridge_io.poll(...) for Linux compatibility
2017-06-23 jbe Do not shutdown due to main thread termination when shutdown is already in progress
2017-06-18 jbe Fixed two errors in moonbridge_io.poll(...) regarding child termination
2017-06-18 jbe Code formatting
2017-06-18 jbe Throw error when polling a collected child process
2017-06-18 jbe Fixed wrong treatment of waitpid() return value in moonbridge_io.poll(...)
2017-06-17 jbe Bugfix regarding waiting for child processes in moonbridge_io.poll(...)
2017-06-17 jbe Extend moonbridge_io.poll(...) to support waiting for child process termination
2017-06-17 jbe Make moonbridge_io.poll(...) check for SIGTERM also when wakeup is forced due to TLS negotiation or closed local socket
2017-06-12 jbe Code-cleanup: removed redundancy in moonbr_initiate_shutdown()
2017-06-12 jbe Do not reuse child workers that have been SIGTERM'ed
2017-06-12 jbe Bugfix in moonbridge_io.c: Do not restore sigmask if not changed
2017-06-12 jbe Bugfix in moonbridge.c: Do not use killpg but only terminate each child
2017-06-11 jbe Changed error messages for moonbridge_io.poll(...)
2017-06-11 jbe Fixed documentation of moonbridge_io.poll(...)
2017-06-11 jbe Changed behavior of moonbridge_io.poll(...); Renamed moonbridge_io.sigterm_setup() to moonbridge_io.catch_sigterm(); Removed moonbridge_io.sigterm_received()
2017-06-11 jbe Use new sigterm handling in moonbridge_http
2017-06-11 jbe Minor fixes in reference.txt
2017-06-11 jbe Removed moonbridge_io.signals table
2017-06-11 jbe New implementation of SIGTERM handling
2017-06-09 jbe Removed colon from stderr output

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