
log README.mkd

age author description
2020-11-30 jbe Updated README to fit new version number
2020-02-11 jbe Updated version in README.mkd; Clarification in documentation regarding @> where alias for &&
2020-02-10 jbe Fixed version number in documentation (v0.13)
2018-12-03 jbe Added missing space character in README
2017-12-10 jbe New version 0.12 with same C file (v0009)
2017-11-09 jbe Include system's limits.h to avoid compiler error with PostgreSQL version 10.0v0.11
2017-09-28 jbe Minor fix in documentation regarding GeoJSON_to_ecluster function for GeoJSON indexing
2016-10-31 jbe Added safety margins for distance calculation on index lookups (fixes bug that caused nearest-neighbor search to fail in certain cases); Improved "fair_distance" function
2016-10-25 jbe Use the term "numerical integration" instead of "Monte Carlo simulation" in documentation and comments (since no real randomness is involved)
2016-10-25 jbe Bugfix for type casts to ecluster; New "fair_distance" function
2016-10-21 jbe Removed files for old version 0.7; Updated README, GNUmakefile, and control file to version 0.8v0.8
2016-09-26 jbe Updated README to version 0.7v0.7
2016-09-24 jbe Write Earth with capital E in README
2016-09-24 jbe Moved word in introduction of README files
2016-09-24 jbe Replaced word "geometric" with word "geographic" in README
2016-09-22 jbe Updated README to version 0.6v0.6
2016-09-12 jbe Changed/fixed behavior of "contains" operator regarding perimeters; Added "contains" operator for ebox type; Minor changes in README
2016-09-09 jbe Added more operators for clusters (including polygons); Bugfix regarding missing entries in ecluster_ops operator class (index was not used for nearest-neighbor searches)
2016-09-02 jbe Updated manual installation instructions in README files to match version 0.3v0.3
2016-09-02 jbe Introduced lossy overlap operator (&&+) and fixed ecircle overlap searches on GiST-indexed ecluster columns
2016-08-22 jbe Remove version 0.1 files (but keep update script from 0.1 to 0.2); Updated version number in manual installation instructions and include extension update script in manual instructions
2016-08-21 jbe Minor change in introduction of README file
2016-08-21 jbe Version 0.1 (initial commit)v0.1

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