
view framework/bin/mcp.lua @ 231:2eda136b0394

Replace global environment as soon as possible in mcp.lua
author jbe
date Sat Feb 28 23:04:43 2015 +0100 (2015-02-28)
parents bf690b4be420
children 82cc171e8510
line source
1 #!/usr/bin/env moonbridge
3 WEBMCP_VERSION = "2.0.0_devel"
5 -- allow control of global environment
6 local _G = _G
7 local global_metatable = {
8 __index = _G,
9 __newindex = function(self, key, value)
10 _G[key] = value
11 end
12 }
13 _ENV = setmetatable({}, global_metatable)
15 -- check if interactive mode
16 if listen then -- defined by moonbridge
17 WEBMCP_MODE = "listen"
18 else
19 WEBMCP_MODE = "interactive"
20 end
22 -- configuration names are provided as 4th, 5th, etc. argument
23 WEBMCP_CONFIG_NAMES = {select(4, ...)}
25 -- determine framework and bath path from command line arguments
26 -- or print usage synopsis (if applicable)
27 do
28 local arg1, arg2, arg3 = ...
29 local helpout
30 if
31 arg1 == "-h" or arg1 == "--help" or
32 arg2 == "-h" or arg2 == "--help" -- if first arg is provided by wrapper
33 then
34 helpout = io.stdout
35 elseif
37 (WEBMCP_MODE == "interactive") ~= (arg3 == "INTERACTIVE")
38 then
39 helpout = io.stderr
40 end
41 if helpout then
42 helpout:write("Usage: moonbridge -- <framework path>/bin/mcp.lua <framework path> <app base path> <app name> <config name> [<config name> ...]\n")
43 helpout:write(" or: lua -i <framework path>/bin/mcp.lua <framework path> <app base path> INTERACTIVE <config name> [<config name> ...]\n")
44 if helpout == io.stderr then
45 return 1
46 else
47 return 0
48 end
49 end
50 local function append_trailing_slash(str)
51 return string.gsub(str, "([^/])$", function(last) return last .. "/" end)
52 end
53 WEBMCP_FRAMEWORK_PATH = append_trailing_slash(arg1)
54 WEBMCP_BASE_PATH = append_trailing_slash(arg2)
55 if WEBMCP_MODE == "listen" then
57 end
58 end
60 -- setup search paths for libraries
61 do
62 if string.match(package.path, "^[^;]") then
63 package.path = ";" .. package.path
64 end
65 package.path = WEBMCP_FRAMEWORK_PATH .. "lib/?.lua" .. package.path
66 -- find out which file name extension shared libraries have
67 local slib_exts = {}
68 for ext in string.gmatch(package.cpath, "%?%.([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)") do
69 if not slib_exts[ext] then
70 slib_exts[#slib_exts+1] = ext
71 slib_exts[ext] = true
72 end
73 end
74 local paths = {}
75 for i, ext in ipairs(slib_exts) do
76 paths[#paths+1] = WEBMCP_FRAMEWORK_PATH .. "accelerator/?." .. ext
77 end
78 for i, ext in ipairs(slib_exts) do
79 paths[#paths+1] = WEBMCP_FRAMEWORK_PATH .. "lib/?." .. ext
80 end
81 paths[#paths+1] = package.cpath
82 package.cpath = table.concat(paths, ";")
83 end
85 -- autoloader system for WebMCP environment "$WEBMCP_FRAMEWORK_PATH/env/",
86 -- application environment extensions "$WEBMCP_BASE_PATH/env/"
87 -- and models "$WEBMCP_BASE_PATH/model/"
88 do
89 local weakkey_mt = { __mode = "k" }
90 local autoloader_category = setmetatable({}, weakkey_mt)
91 local autoloader_path = setmetatable({}, weakkey_mt)
92 local autoloader_mt = {}
93 local function install_autoloader(self, category, path_fragment)
94 autoloader_category[self] = category
95 autoloader_path[self] = path_fragment
96 setmetatable(self, autoloader_mt)
97 end
98 local function try_exec(filename)
99 local file = io.open(filename, "r")
100 if file then
101 local filedata = file:read("*a")
102 io.close(file)
103 local func, errmsg = load(filedata, "=" .. filename)
104 if func then
105 func()
106 return true
107 else
108 error(errmsg, 0)
109 end
110 else
111 return false
112 end
113 end
114 function autoloader_mt.__index(self, key)
115 local category, base_path, merge_base_path, file_key
116 local merge = false
117 if
118 string.find(key, "^[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$") and
119 not string.find(key, "^__")
120 then
121 category = "env"
122 base_path = WEBMCP_FRAMEWORK_PATH .. "env/"
123 merge = true
124 merge_base_path = WEBMCP_BASE_PATH .. "env/"
125 file_key = key
126 elseif string.find(key, "^[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*$") then
127 category = "model"
128 base_path = WEBMCP_BASE_PATH .. "model/"
129 local first = true
130 file_key = string.gsub(key, "[A-Z]",
131 function(c)
132 if first then
133 first = false
134 return string.lower(c)
135 else
136 return "_" .. string.lower(c)
137 end
138 end
139 )
140 else
141 return
142 end
143 local required_category = autoloader_category[self]
144 if required_category and required_category ~= category then return end
145 local path_fragment = autoloader_path[self]
146 local path = base_path .. path_fragment .. file_key
147 local merge_path
148 if merge then
149 merge_path = merge_base_path .. path_fragment .. file_key
150 end
151 local function try_dir(dirname)
152 local dir = io.open(dirname)
153 if dir then
154 io.close(dir)
155 local obj = {}
156 install_autoloader(obj, category, path_fragment .. file_key .. "/")
157 rawset(self, key, obj)
158 try_exec(path .. "/__init.lua")
159 if merge then try_exec(merge_path .. "/__init.lua") end
160 return true
161 else
162 return false
163 end
164 end
165 if merge and try_exec(merge_path .. ".lua") then
166 elseif merge and try_dir(merge_path .. "/") then
167 elseif try_exec(path .. ".lua") then
168 elseif try_dir(path .. "/") then
169 else end
170 return rawget(self, key)
171 end
172 install_autoloader(_G, nil, "")
173 try_exec(WEBMCP_FRAMEWORK_PATH .. "env/__init.lua")
174 try_exec(WEBMCP_BASE_PATH .. "env/__init.lua")
175 end
177 -- replace Moonbridge listen function
178 local moonbridge_listen = listen
179 local listeners = {}
180 function listen(args)
181 listeners[#listeners+1] = args
182 end
184 -- prohibit (unintended) definition of new global variables
185 function global_metatable.__newindex()
186 error("Setting of global variable prohibited")
187 end
189 -- execute configurations and pre-fork initializers
190 for i, config_name in ipairs(WEBMCP_CONFIG_NAMES) do
191 execute.config(config_name)
192 end
193 execute.prefork_initializers()
195 -- interactive console mode
196 if WEBMCP_MODE == "interactive" then
197 _G.multirand = require "multirand" -- TODO: cleaner solution
198 execute.postfork_initializers()
199 trace.disable() -- avoids memory leakage (TODO: needs general solution for moonbridge?)
200 end
202 -- invoke moonbridge
203 if WEBMCP_MODE == "listen" then
204 local http = require("moonbridge_http")
205 for i, listener in ipairs(listeners) do
206 --listener.prepare = execute.postfork_initializers
207 listener.prepare = function()
208 _G.multirand = require "multirand"
209 execute.postfork_initializers()
210 end
211 listener.connect = http.generate_handler(
212 request.handler,
213 request.get_http_options()
214 )
215 listener.finish = execute.finalizers
216 moonbridge_listen(listener)
217 end
218 end

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