
view framework/env/auth/openid/verify.lua @ 268:599b8463b985

Added missing file libraries/extos/extos.autodoc.lua (accidentally not been tracked)
author jbe
date Fri Mar 20 15:47:36 2015 +0100 (2015-03-20)
parents 32ec28229bb5
children b66d446226af
line source
1 --[[--
2 claimed_identifier, -- identifier owned by the user
3 errmsg, -- error message in case of failure
4 errcode = -- error code in case of failure (TODO: not implemented yet)
5 auth.openid.verify(
6 force_https = force_https, -- only allow https
7 curl_options = curl_options -- options passed to "curl" binary, when performing discovery
8 )
10 --]]--
12 function auth.openid.verify(args)
13 local args = args or {}
14 if request.get_param{name="openid.ns"} ~= "http://specs.openid.net/auth/2.0" then
15 return nil, "No indirect OpenID 2.0 message received."
16 end
17 local mode = request.get_param{name="openid.mode"}
18 if mode == "id_res" then
19 local return_to_url = request.get_param{name="openid.return_to"}
20 if not return_to_url then
21 return nil, "No return_to URL received in answer."
22 end
23 if return_to_url ~= encode.url{
24 base = request.get_absolute_baseurl(),
25 module = request.get_module(),
26 view = request.get_view()
27 } then
28 return nil, "return_to URL not matching."
29 end
30 local discovery_args = table.new(args)
31 local claimed_identifier = request.get_param{name="openid.claimed_id"}
32 if not claimed_identifier then
33 return nil, "No claimed identifier received."
34 end
35 local cropped_identifier = string.match(claimed_identifier, "[^#]*")
36 local normalized_identifier = auth.openid._normalize_url(
37 cropped_identifier
38 )
39 if not normalized_identifier then
40 return nil, "Claimed identifier could not be normalized."
41 end
42 if normalized_identifier ~= cropped_identifier then
43 return nil, "Claimed identifier was not normalized."
44 end
45 discovery_args.user_supplied_identifier = cropped_identifier
46 local dd, errmsg, errcode = auth.openid.discover(discovery_args)
47 if not dd then
48 return nil, errmsg, errcode
49 end
50 if not dd.claimed_identifier then
51 return nil, "Identifier is an OpenID Provider."
52 end
53 if dd.claimed_identifier ~= cropped_identifier then
54 return nil, "Claimed identifier does not match."
55 end
56 local nonce = request.get_param{name="openid.response_nonce"}
57 if not nonce then
58 return nil, "Did not receive a response nonce."
59 end
60 local year, month, day, hour, minute, second = string.match(
61 nonce,
62 "^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])%-([0-9][0-9])%-([0-9][0-9])T([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])Z"
63 )
64 if not year then
65 return nil, "Response nonce did not contain a parsable date/time."
66 end
67 local ts = atom.timestamp{
68 year = tonumber(year),
69 month = tonumber(month),
70 day = tonumber(day),
71 hour = tonumber(hour),
72 minute = tonumber(minute),
73 second = tonumber(second)
74 }
75 -- NOTE: 50 hours margin allows us to ignore time zone issues here:
76 if math.abs(ts - atom.timestamp:get_current()) > 3600 * 50 then
77 return nil, "Response nonce contains wrong time or local time is wrong."
78 end
79 local params = {}
80 for key, value in pairs(cgi.params) do
81 local trimmed_key = string.match(key, "^openid%.(.+)")
82 if trimmed_key then
83 params[key] = value
84 end
85 end
86 params["openid.mode"] = "check_authentication"
87 local options = table.new(args.curl_options)
88 for key, value in pairs(params) do
89 options[#options+1] = "--data-urlencode"
90 options[#options+1] = key .. "=" .. value
91 end
92 local status, headers, body = auth.openid._curl(dd.op_endpoint, options)
93 if status ~= 200 then
94 return nil, "Authorization could not be verified."
95 end
96 local result = {}
97 for key, value in string.gmatch(body, "([^\n:]+):([^\n]*)") do
98 result[key] = value
99 end
100 if result.ns ~= "http://specs.openid.net/auth/2.0" then
101 return nil, "No OpenID 2.0 message replied."
102 end
103 if result.is_valid == "true" then
104 return claimed_identifier
105 else
106 return nil, "Signature invalid."
107 end
108 elseif mode == "cancel" then
109 return nil, "Authorization failed according to OpenID provider."
110 else
111 return nil, "Unexpected OpenID mode."
112 end
113 end

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