
view doc/lighttpd.sample.conf @ 114:6c4a5b136074

allow access to cgi.post_data for usual requests
author jbe
date Mon Feb 10 20:52:21 2014 +0100 (2014-02-10)
parents c92bd1ec1130
line source
1 # Lighttpd modules needed by WebMCP
2 server.modules += (
3 "mod_cgi",
4 "mod_alias",
5 "mod_setenv",
6 "mod_rewrite",
7 "mod_redirect",
8 )
10 # Enable CGI-Execution of *.lua files through lua binary
11 cgi.assign += ( ".lua" => "/__INSERT_LOCAL_FILE_PATH_TO_LUA_BINARY_HERE__/lua" )
13 # Connect external URLs to server static files and the webmcp cgi interface
14 alias.url += (
15 "/webmcp-demo/static/" => "/__INSERT_LOCAL_FILE_PATH_TO_DEMO_APPLICATION_HERE__/static/",
16 "/webmcp-demo/" => "/__INSERT_LOCAL_FILE_PATH_TO_WEBMCP_FRAMEWORK_HERE__/cgi-bin/" )
18 # Configure environment for demo application
19 $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/webmcp-demo/" {
20 setenv.add-environment += (
22 "WEBMCP_CONFIG_NAME" => "demo")
23 }
25 # URL beautification
26 url.rewrite-once += (
28 # do not rewrite static URLs
29 "^/webmcp-demo/static/(.*)$" =>
30 "/webmcp-demo/static/$1",
32 # dynamic URLs
33 "^/webmcp-demo/([^\?]*)(\?(.*))?$" =>
34 "/webmcp-demo/webmcp-wrapper.lua?_webmcp_path=$1&$3",
36 )
38 # Redirects for URLs without trailing slashes
39 url.redirect += (
40 # base URL without trailing slash
41 "^/webmcp-demo$" => "/webmcp-demo/",
42 # module base URL without trailing slash
43 "^/webmcp-demo/([^/\?]+)$" => "/webmcp-demo/$1/",
44 )

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