
view libraries/mondelefant/mondelefant_atom_connector.lua @ 53:a1c77838c2e5

Documentation for "attr", "a_attr" and "form_attr" arguments to function ui.link{...}
author jbe
date Fri Jun 10 15:32:29 2011 +0200 (2011-06-10)
parents 985024b16520
children 3d43a5cf17c1
line source
1 #!/usr/bin/env lua
3 local _G = _G
5 local assert = assert
6 local collectgarbage = collectgarbage
7 local dofile = dofile
8 local error = error
9 local getfenv = getfenv
10 local getmetatable = getmetatable
11 local ipairs = ipairs
12 local load = load
13 local loadfile = loadfile
14 local loadstring = loadstring
15 local module = module
16 local next = next
17 local pairs = pairs
18 local pcall = pcall
19 local print = print
20 local rawequal = rawequal
21 local rawget = rawget
22 local rawset = rawset
23 local require = require
24 local select = select
25 local setfenv = setfenv
26 local setmetatable = setmetatable
27 local tonumber = tonumber
28 local tostring = tostring
29 local type = type
30 local unpack = unpack
31 local xpcall = xpcall
33 local coroutine = coroutine
34 local debug = debug
35 local io = io
36 local math = math
37 local os = os
38 local package = package
39 local string = string
41 local mondelefant = require("mondelefant")
42 local atom = require("atom")
44 module(...)
47 input_converters = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" })
49 input_converters["boolean"] = function(conn, value)
50 if value then return "TRUE" else return "FALSE" end
51 end
53 input_converters["number"] = function(conn, value)
54 local str = tostring(value)
55 if string.find(str, "^[0-9%.e%-]+$") then
56 return str
57 else
58 return "'NaN'"
59 end
60 end
62 input_converters[atom.fraction] = function(conn, value)
63 if value.invalid then
64 return "'NaN'"
65 else
66 local n, d = tostring(value.numerator), tostring(value.denominator)
67 if string.find(n, "^%-?[0-9]+$") and string.find(d, "^%-?[0-9]+$") then
68 return "(" .. n .. "::numeric / " .. d .. "::numeric)"
69 else
70 return "'NaN'"
71 end
72 end
73 end
75 input_converters[atom.date] = function(conn, value)
76 return conn:quote_string(tostring(value)) .. "::date"
77 end
79 input_converters[atom.timestamp] = function(conn, value)
80 return conn:quote_string(tostring(value)) -- don't define type
81 end
83 input_converters[atom.time] = function(conn, value)
84 return conn:quote_string(tostring(value)) .. "::time"
85 end
88 output_converters = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" })
90 output_converters.int8 = function(str) return atom.integer:load(str) end
91 output_converters.int4 = function(str) return atom.integer:load(str) end
92 output_converters.int2 = function(str) return atom.integer:load(str) end
94 output_converters.numeric = function(str) return atom.number:load(str) end
95 output_converters.float4 = function(str) return atom.number:load(str) end
96 output_converters.float8 = function(str) return atom.number:load(str) end
98 output_converters.bool = function(str) return atom.boolean:load(str) end
100 output_converters.date = function(str) return atom.date:load(str) end
102 local timestamp_loader_func = function(str)
103 local year, month, day, hour, minute, second = string.match(
104 str,
105 "^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])%-([0-9][0-9])%-([0-9][0-9]) ([0-9]?[0-9]):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])"
106 )
107 if year then
108 return atom.timestamp{
109 year = tonumber(year),
110 month = tonumber(month),
111 day = tonumber(day),
112 hour = tonumber(hour),
113 minute = tonumber(minute),
114 second = tonumber(second)
115 }
116 else
117 return atom.timestamp.invalid
118 end
119 end
120 output_converters.timestamp = timestamp_loader_func
121 output_converters.timestamptz = timestamp_loader_func
123 local time_loader_func = function(str)
124 local hour, minute, second = string.match(
125 str,
126 "^([0-9]?[0-9]):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])"
127 )
128 if hour then
129 return atom.time{
130 hour = tonumber(hour),
131 minute = tonumber(minute),
132 second = tonumber(second)
133 }
134 else
135 return atom.time.invalid
136 end
137 end
138 output_converters.time = time_loader_func
139 output_converters.timetz = time_loader_func
141 mondelefant.postgresql_connection_prototype.type_mappings = {
142 int8 = atom.integer,
143 int4 = atom.integer,
144 int2 = atom.integer,
145 bool = atom.boolean,
146 date = atom.date,
147 timestamp = atom.timestamp,
148 time = atom.time,
149 text = atom.string,
150 varchar = atom.string,
151 }
154 function mondelefant.postgresql_connection_prototype.input_converter(conn, value, info)
155 if value == nil then
156 return "NULL"
157 else
158 local converter =
159 input_converters[getmetatable(value)] or
160 input_converters[type(value)]
161 if converter then
162 return converter(conn, value)
163 else
164 return conn:quote_string(tostring(value))
165 end
166 end
167 end
169 function mondelefant.postgresql_connection_prototype.output_converter(conn, value, info)
170 if value == nil then
171 return nil
172 else
173 local converter = output_converters[info.type]
174 if converter then
175 return converter(value)
176 else
177 return value
178 end
179 end
180 end
183 --[[
185 db = assert(mondelefant.connect{engine='postgresql', dbname='test'})
186 result = db:query{'SELECT ? + 1', atom.date{ year=1999, month=12, day=31}}
187 print(result[1][1].year)
189 --]]

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