
view libraries/luatex/luatex.lua @ 272:a533ab6d7337

Register mondelefant.class_prototype.get_reference(...) and mondelefant.class_prototype.get_foreign_key_reference_name(...) functions in mondelefant_native.c for use through Lua code
author jbe
date Fri Mar 20 16:58:31 2015 +0100 (2015-03-20)
parents 3d43a5cf17c1
line source
1 #!/usr/bin/env lua
3 local _G = _G
5 local assert = assert
6 local error = error
7 local getmetatable = getmetatable
8 local ipairs = ipairs
9 local next = next
10 local pairs = pairs
11 local print = print
12 local rawequal = rawequal
13 local rawget = rawget
14 local rawlen = rawlen
15 local rawset = rawset
16 local select = select
17 local setmetatable = setmetatable
18 local tonumber = tonumber
19 local tostring = tostring
20 local type = type
22 local io = io
23 local math = math
24 local os = os
25 local string = string
26 local table = table
28 local multirand = require("multirand")
30 local _M = {}
31 if _ENV then
32 _ENV = _M
33 else
34 _G[...] = _M
35 setfenv(1, _M)
36 end
38 -- NOTE:
39 -- temp_dir MUST NOT contain any charactes interpreted by system shell
40 -- and has to be set to a private directory (/tmp may be unsafe)
41 temp_dir = false
43 function escape(str)
44 return (
45 string.gsub(
46 str,
47 "[\001-\031\127\\#$&~_^%%{}]",
48 function(char)
49 local b = string.byte(char)
50 if (b > 1 and b < 31) or b == 127 then
51 return " "
52 elseif
53 char == "#" or char == "$" or char == "&" or char == "_" or
54 char == "%" or char == "{" or char == "}"
55 then
56 return "\\" .. char
57 else
58 return "\\symbol{" .. b .. "}"
59 end
60 end
61 )
62 )
63 end
65 document_methods = {}
67 document_mt = {
68 __index = document_methods,
69 __call = function(...) return document_methods.write(...) end
70 }
72 function new_document()
73 return setmetatable({}, document_mt)
74 end
76 function document_methods:write(...)
77 local i = 1
78 while true do
79 local v = select(i, ...)
80 if v == nil then
81 break
82 end
83 self[#self+1] = v
84 i = i + 1
85 end
86 end
88 function document_methods:get_latex()
89 local str = table.concat(self)
90 for i in ipairs(self) do
91 self[i] = nil
92 end
93 self[1] = str
94 return str
95 end
97 function document_methods:get_pdf()
98 -- TODO: proper escaping of shell commands
99 -- (not a security risk, as args are safe)
100 if not temp_dir then
101 error("luatex.temp_dir not set")
102 end
103 local basename = temp_dir .. "/tmp.luatex_" .. multirand.string(16)
104 local latex_file = assert(io.open(basename .. ".tex", "w"))
105 latex_file:write(self:get_latex())
106 latex_file:close()
107 local result1, result2, result3 = os.execute(
108 'latex -output-format=pdf "-output-directory=' .. temp_dir .. '" ' ..
109 basename .. '< /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null'
110 )
111 -- NOTE: use result1 and result3 for lua5.1 and lua5.2 compatibility
112 if not (result1 == 0 or (result2 == "exit" and result3 == 0)) then
113 error('LaTeX failed, see "' .. basename .. '.log" for details.')
114 end
115 local pdf_file = assert(io.open(basename .. ".pdf", "r"))
116 local pdf_data = pdf_file:read("*a")
117 pdf_file:close()
118 os.execute('rm -f "' .. basename .. '.*"')
119 return pdf_data
120 end
122 return _M
124 --[[
126 luatex = require("luatex")
127 luatex.temp_dir = "."
129 local tex = luatex.new_document()
131 tex "\\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article}\n"
132 tex "\\usepackage{german}\n"
133 tex "\\usepackage{amsfonts}\n"
134 tex "\\usepackage{amssymb}\n"
135 tex "\\usepackage{ulem}\n"
136 tex "\\pagestyle{headings}\n"
137 tex "\\begin{document}\n"
138 tex "\\title{Demo}\n"
139 tex "\\author{John Doe}\n"
140 tex "\\date{\\small 25. August 2008}\n"
141 tex "\\maketitle\n"
142 tex "\\end{document}\n"
144 local pdf = tex:get_pdf()
146 --]]

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