
view framework/env/request/handler.lua @ 480:e09654c4a042

Allow main handlers to use a poll function that indicates when process termination is requested
author jbe
date Tue Jun 06 16:14:33 2017 +0200 (2017-06-06)
parents c72f4cde498b
children 7a7770297ae8
line source
1 --[[--
2 success = -- false if an error occurred, true otherwise
3 request.handler(
4 http_request -- HTTP request object
5 )
7 Called by mcp.lua to process an HTTP request. Calls request.router() and handles the request. Note: request initializers (see request.initialize()) are to be executed by mcp.lua before this function is invoked by mcp.lua.
9 --]]--
11 function request.handler(http_request)
13 request._http_request = http_request
14 local path = http_request.path
15 if path then
16 local relative_baseurl_elements = {}
17 for match in string.gmatch(path, "/") do
18 relative_baseurl_elements[#relative_baseurl_elements+1] = "../"
19 end
20 if #relative_baseurl_elements > 0 then
21 request._relative_baseurl = table.concat(relative_baseurl_elements)
22 else
23 request._relative_baseurl = "./"
24 end
25 else
26 request._relative_baseurl = nil
27 end
29 local success, error_info = xpcall(
30 function()
32 local function require_method(errmsg, ...)
33 for i = 1, select("#", ...) do
34 if http_request.method == select(i, ...) then return end
35 end
36 request.set_status("405 Method Not Allowed")
37 request.add_header("Allow", table.concat({...}, ", "))
38 error(errmsg)
39 end
41 request._route = request.router()
42 do
43 local post_id = http_request.post_params["_webmcp_id"]
44 if post_id then
45 request._route.id = post_id
46 end
47 end
48 local options_handler = loadcached(encode.file_path(
49 WEBMCP_BASE_PATH, 'app', WEBMCP_APP_NAME, 'http_options.lua'
50 ))
51 if options_handler then
52 options_handler()
53 end
54 if http_request.method == "OPTIONS" then
55 return
56 end
58 if not request._route then
59 request._route = {}
60 if request.get_404_route() then
61 request.set_status("404 Not Found")
62 request.forward(request.get_404_route())
63 else
64 error("Could not route request URL")
65 end
66 end
68 if request._route.static then
69 local subpath = request._route.static
70 for element in string.gmatch(subpath, "[^/]+") do
71 if element == "." or element == ".." then
72 subpath = nil
73 break
74 end
75 end
76 local fstat, f, errmsg
77 if subpath then
78 local filename = WEBMCP_BASE_PATH .. "static/" .. subpath
79 fstat, errmsg = extos.stat(filename)
80 if fstat then
81 if fstat.isdir then
82 errmsg = "Is a directory"
83 elseif not fstat.isreg then
84 errmsg = "Not a regular file"
85 else
86 f, errmsg = io.open(filename, "r")
87 end
88 end
89 end
90 if not f then
91 if request.get_404_route() then
92 request.set_status("404 Not Found")
93 request.forward(request.get_404_route())
94 else
95 error('Could not open static file "' .. subpath .. '": ' .. errmsg)
96 end
97 else
98 require_method(
99 "Invalid HTTP method for static file",
100 "HEAD", "GET", "POST"
101 )
102 local d = assert(f:read("*a"))
103 f:close()
104 slot.put_into("data", d)
105 local filename_extension = string.match(subpath, "%.([^.]+)$")
106 slot.set_layout(nil, request._mime_types[filename_extension] or "application/octet-stream")
107 request.allow_caching()
108 return
109 end
110 end
112 -- restore slots if coming from http redirect
113 do
114 local tempstore_value = http_request.get_params["_tempstore"]
115 if tempstore_value then
116 trace.restore_slots{}
117 local blob = tempstore.pop(tempstore_value)
118 if blob then slot.restore_all(blob) end
119 end
120 end
122 if request.get_action() then
123 trace.request{
124 module = request.get_module(),
125 action = request.get_action()
126 }
127 if
128 not execute.action{
129 module = request.get_module(),
130 action = request.get_action(),
131 test_existence = true
132 } and
133 request.get_404_route()
134 then
135 request.set_status("404 Not Found")
136 request.forward(request.get_404_route())
137 else
138 require_method(
139 "Invalid HTTP method for action (POST request required)",
140 "POST"
141 )
142 local action_status = execute.filtered_action{
143 module = request.get_module(),
144 action = request.get_action(),
145 }
146 if not request.is_rerouted() then
147 local routing_mode, routing_module, routing_view, routing_anchor
148 routing_mode = http_request.post_params["_webmcp_routing." .. action_status .. ".mode"]
149 routing_module = http_request.post_params["_webmcp_routing." .. action_status .. ".module"]
150 routing_view = http_request.post_params["_webmcp_routing." .. action_status .. ".view"]
151 routing_anchor = http_request.post_params["_webmcp_routing." .. action_status .. ".anchor"]
152 if not (routing_mode or routing_module or routing_view) then
153 action_status = "default"
154 routing_mode = http_request.post_params["_webmcp_routing.default.mode"]
155 routing_module = http_request.post_params["_webmcp_routing.default.module"]
156 routing_view = http_request.post_params["_webmcp_routing.default.view"]
157 routing_anchor = http_request.post_params["_webmcp_routing.default.anchor"]
158 end
159 assert(routing_module, "Routing information has no module.")
160 assert(routing_view, "Routing information has no view.")
161 if routing_mode == "redirect" then
162 local routing_params = {}
163 for key, value in pairs(request.get_param_strings{ method="POST", include_internal=true }) do
164 local status, stripped_key = string.match(
165 key, "^_webmcp_routing%.([^%.]*)%.params%.(.*)$"
166 )
167 if status == action_status then
168 routing_params[stripped_key] = value
169 end
170 end
171 request.redirect{
172 module = routing_module,
173 view = routing_view,
174 id = http_request.post_params["_webmcp_routing." .. action_status .. ".id"],
175 params = routing_params,
176 anchor = routing_anchor
177 }
178 elseif routing_mode == "forward" then
179 request.forward{ module = routing_module, view = routing_view }
180 else
181 error("Missing or unknown routing mode in request parameters.")
182 end
183 end
184 end
185 else
186 -- no action
187 trace.request{
188 module = request.get_module(),
189 view = request.get_view()
190 }
191 if
192 not execute.view{
193 module = request.get_module(),
194 view = request.get_view(),
195 test_existence = true
196 } and request.get_404_route()
197 then
198 request.set_status("404 Not Found")
199 request.forward(request.get_404_route())
200 end
201 end
203 if not request.get_redirect_data() then
204 request.process_forward()
205 local view = request.get_view()
206 if string.find(view, "^_") then
207 error("Tried to call a private view (prefixed with underscore).")
208 end
209 require_method(
210 "Invalid HTTP method",
211 "HEAD", "GET", "POST"
212 )
213 execute.filtered_view{
214 module = request.get_module(),
215 view = view,
216 }
217 end
219 end,
221 function(errobj)
222 return {
223 errobj = errobj,
224 stacktrace = string.gsub(
225 debug.traceback('', 2),
226 "^\r?\n?stack traceback:\r?\n?", ""
227 )
228 }
229 end
230 )
232 if not success then trace.error{} end
234 slot.select('trace', trace.render) -- render trace information
236 local redirect_data = request.get_redirect_data()
238 -- log error and switch to error layout, unless success
239 if not success then
240 local errobj = error_info.errobj
241 local stacktrace = error_info.stacktrace
242 if not request._status then
243 request._status = "500 Internal Server Error"
244 end
245 http_request:close_after_finish()
246 slot.set_layout('system_error')
247 slot.select('system_error', function()
248 if getmetatable(errobj) == mondelefant.errorobject_metatable then
249 slot.put(
250 "<p>Database error of class <b>",
251 encode.html(errobj.code),
252 "</b> occured:<br/><b>",
253 encode.html(errobj.message),
254 "</b></p>"
255 )
256 else
257 slot.put("<p><b>", encode.html(tostring(errobj)), "</b></p>")
258 end
259 slot.put("<p>Stack trace follows:<br/>")
260 slot.put(encode.html_newlines(encode.html(stacktrace)))
261 slot.put("</p>")
262 end)
263 elseif redirect_data then
264 if
265 redirect_data.include_tempstore == true or (
266 redirect_data.include_tempstore ~= false and
267 not redirect_data.external
268 )
269 then
270 redirect_data = table.new(redirect_data)
271 redirect_data.params = table.new(redirect_data.params)
272 local slot_dump = slot.dump_all()
273 if slot_dump ~= "" then
274 redirect_data.params._tempstore = tempstore.save(slot_dump)
275 end
276 end
277 http_request:send_status("303 See Other")
278 for i, header in ipairs(request._response_headers) do
279 http_request:send_header(header[1], header[2])
280 end
281 http_request:send_header("Location", encode.url(redirect_data))
282 http_request:finish()
283 end
285 if not success or not redirect_data then
287 http_request:send_status(request._status or "200 OK")
288 for i, header in ipairs(request._response_headers) do
289 http_request:send_header(header[1], header[2])
290 end
291 if not request._cache_manual then
292 local cache_time = request._cache_time
293 if request._cache and cache_time and cache_time > 0 then
294 http_request:send_header("Cache-Control", "max-age=" .. cache_time)
295 else
296 http_request:send_header("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
297 end
298 end
299 http_request:send_header("Content-Type", slot.get_content_type())
300 http_request:send_data(slot.render_layout())
301 http_request:finish()
302 end
304 return success
306 end

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