
log Makefile.options

age author description
2015-03-24 jbe Restored accidentally modified Makefile.options file
2015-02-27 jbe Initialize listeners list in framework/bin/mcp.lua
2014-07-31 jbe Restored accidentally modified Makefile.options file
2014-07-30 jbe Limit maximum depth for JSON parser to 500
2014-07-10 jbe Cleanup of Makefile.options; Removed wrong escape character in framework/bin/langtool.lua
2014-07-10 jbe Default to "lua" and "luac" binaries in Makefile.options
2014-07-10 jbe Improved Makefile for lua51/lua52; Updated version number
2012-06-15 jbe Removed wrongly committed include/lib path for testing purposes from Makefile.optionsv1.2.1
2012-04-17 jbe Bugfix regarding compatibility with Lua 5.2:
2010-10-16 jbe Added TODO related to library compilation to Makefile.options
2010-09-15 Daniel Poelzleithner fix crash on eglibc
2009-10-25 jbe/bsw Version 1.0.0v1.0.0

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