jbe/bsw@0: # Apache modules cgi_module, env, rewrite and alias must be loaded before jbe/bsw@0: # Take a look in your main apache configuration! jbe/bsw@0: jbe/bsw@0: RewriteEngine on jbe/bsw@0: # do not rewrite static URLs jbe/bsw@0: RewriteRule ^/webmcp-demo/static/(.*)$ /webmcp-demo/static/$1 jbe@93: # dynamic URLs jbe@93: RewriteRule ^/webmcp-demo/([^\?]+)/(\?(.*))?$ /webmcp-demo/webmcp-wrapper.lua?_webmcp_path=$1&$2 jbe/bsw@0: jbe/bsw@0: # Directly serve static files jbe/bsw@0: Alias /webmcp-demo/static /__INSERT_LOCAL_FILE_PATH_TO_DEMO_APPLICATION_HERE__/static jbe/bsw@0: jbe/bsw@0: # Connect extarnal path to the webmcp cgi interface jbe/bsw@0: ScriptAlias /webmcp-demo/ /__INSERT_LOCAL_FILE_PATH_TO_WEBMCP_FRAMEWORK_HERE__/cgi-bin/ jbe/bsw@0: jbe/bsw@0: # Allow CGI execution for the webmcp CGI interface jbe/bsw@0: jbe/bsw@0: AllowOverride None jbe/bsw@0: Options ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch jbe/bsw@0: Order allow,deny jbe/bsw@0: Allow from all jbe/bsw@0: jbe/bsw@0: jbe/bsw@0: # Configure environment for demo application jbe/bsw@0: jbe/bsw@0: SetEnv WEBMCP_APP_BASEPATH '/__INSERT_LOCAL_FILE_PATH_TO_DEMO_APPLICATION_HERE__' jbe/bsw@0: SetEnv WEBMCP_CONFIG_NAME 'demo' jbe/bsw@0: jbe/bsw@0: