jbe/bsw@0: --[[-- jbe/bsw@0: request.set_csrf_secret( jbe/bsw@0: secret -- secret random string jbe/bsw@0: ) jbe/bsw@0: jbe/bsw@0: Sets a secret string to be used as protection against cross-site request forgery attempts. This string will be transmitted to each action via a hidden form field named "_webmcp_csrf_secret". If this function is called during an action, and there is no CGI GET/POST parameter "_webmcp_csrf_secret" already being set to the given secret, then an error will be thrown to prohibit execution of the action. jbe/bsw@0: jbe/bsw@0: --]]-- jbe/bsw@0: jbe/bsw@0: function request.set_csrf_secret(secret) jbe/bsw@0: if jbe/bsw@0: request.get_action() and jbe/bsw@0: cgi.params._webmcp_csrf_secret ~= secret jbe/bsw@0: then jbe/bsw@0: error("Cross-Site Request Forgery attempt detected"); jbe/bsw@0: end jbe/bsw@0: request._csrf_secret = secret jbe/bsw@0: end