jbe/bsw@0: --[[-- jbe@353: action_status = -- status code returned by action (a string), or, if "test_existence" == true, a boolean jbe/bsw@0: execute.action{ jbe@352: module = module, -- module name of the action to be executed jbe@352: action = action, -- name of the action to be executed jbe@352: id = id, -- id to be returned by param.get_id(...) during execution jbe@352: params = params, -- parameters to be returned by param.get(...) during execution jbe@352: test_existence = test_existence -- do not execute action but only check if it exists jbe/bsw@0: } jbe/bsw@0: jbe/bsw@0: Executes an action without associated filters. jbe/bsw@0: jbe/bsw@0: --]]-- jbe/bsw@0: jbe/bsw@0: function execute.action(args) jbe/bsw@0: local module = args.module jbe/bsw@0: local action = args.action jbe@352: local test = args.test_existence jbe@352: if not test then jbe@352: trace.enter_action{ module = module, action = action } jbe@352: end jbe/bsw@0: local action_status = execute.file_path{ jbe/bsw@0: file_path = encode.file_path( jbe@206: WEBMCP_BASE_PATH, 'app', WEBMCP_APP_NAME, module, '_action', action .. '.lua' jbe/bsw@0: ), jbe/bsw@0: id = args.id, jbe@352: params = args.params, jbe@352: test_existence = test jbe/bsw@0: } jbe@352: if not test then jbe@352: trace.execution_return{ status = action_status } jbe@352: end jbe/bsw@0: return action_status jbe/bsw@0: end