jbe/bsw@0: --[[-- jbe/bsw@0: param.restore() jbe/bsw@0: jbe/bsw@0: Calling this function reverts the changes of param.exchange(...). It should not be called explicitly, but is used implicitly, if you pass an 'id' or 'params' option to execute.view{...} or execute.action{...}. jbe/bsw@0: jbe/bsw@0: --]]-- jbe/bsw@0: jbe/bsw@0: function param.restore() jbe/bsw@0: local saved = param._saved jbe/bsw@0: local previous = saved[#saved] jbe/bsw@0: saved[#saved] = nil jbe/bsw@0: if previous == nil then jbe/bsw@0: error("Tried to restore id and params without having exchanged it before.") jbe/bsw@0: end jbe/bsw@0: param._exchanged = previous jbe/bsw@0: end