

age author description
2015-03-22 jbe merge
2015-03-22 bsw Improved trace time output
2015-03-22 jbe Added commas to time-triple output of trace system
2015-03-22 jbe Bugfixes regarding time triples in trace._render_sub_tree(...)
2015-03-22 jbe Initialize db_time variable of root node of trace tree
2015-03-22 jbe Fixed wrong variable name in trace._render_sub_tree(...)
2015-03-22 jbe Time triple (cpu/db/total) for trace system
2015-03-22 jbe Removed CPU string from trace output
2015-03-22 jbe Fixed typo in trace._render_sub_tree(...)
2015-03-22 jbe Trace real time and CPU time
2015-03-22 jbe Added factor 1000 to display milliseconds correctly
2015-03-22 jbe Store execution time in trace.sql{...}
2015-03-22 jbe Bugfix: Print execution time of SQL statements also in case when no error occurred
2015-03-22 jbe Always enable SQL tracer (within framework/env/__init.lua); Record execution time of SQL statements
2015-03-22 jbe Documentations of global constants
2015-03-22 jbe Added missing local statement in env/encode/json.lua
2015-03-22 jbe Enable caching for static content
2015-03-22 jbe Cache control; Added documentation for request.add_header(...)
2015-03-22 jbe Removed timeout management (will be part of moonbridge)
2015-03-22 jbe Removed TODO message regarding trace system
2015-03-22 jbe Request/response timeouts
2015-03-22 jbe Adjusted env/trace/__init.lua to deal with forking
2015-03-22 jbe Code cleanup regarding loading of "multirand" library
2015-03-22 jbe encode.json{...} does not support atoms anymore but uses the JSON library
2015-03-22 jbe Fixed documentation for JSON library: __len and __index metamethods are used instead of __ipairs
2015-03-22 jbe Perform relative 301/302 redirects (according to RFC 7231)
2015-03-22 jbe Code cleanup: handle I/O errors while reading template file
2015-03-21 jbe Added multirand library to execution order in documentation
2015-03-21 jbe Use "./" instead of "" as relative baseurl
2015-03-21 jbe Added missing comma in documentation of request.get_param_string{...}
2015-03-21 jbe Updated documentation; Switched version string to "2.0.0"
2015-03-21 jbe Bugfix/code-cleanup regarding initializers/finalizers: correctly detect yield-values and remove finalizers upon execution

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