

age author description
2015-03-23 jbe Root __init.lua function must not set global variables without _G now; Documentation for "_" function added
2015-03-23 jbe Check _MOONBRIDGE_VERSION instead of global "listen" function to identify Moonbridge environment
2015-03-23 jbe Renamed configuration options for listen function
2015-03-23 jbe Updated autodoc comments
2015-03-23 jbe Fixes in autodoc comments
2015-03-23 jbe Fixed typo in error message
2015-03-23 jbe Added missing autodoc end tag in mcp.lua
2015-03-23 jbe Invoke Moonbridge's listen function without delay (requires passing http_options as argument); Code cleanup
2015-03-23 jbe Support intervals; Interactive shell requires application name now
2015-03-22 jbe Added webmcp_version file
2015-03-22 jbe Removed some redundancy from error messages
2015-03-22 jbe Check if framework path is correct in mcp.lua (gives a more helpful error message if the framework path is wrong)

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