

age author description
2017-06-06 jbe Allow main handlers to use a poll function that indicates when process termination is requested
2017-06-06 jbe Added log output for terminating main handlers
2017-06-06 jbe merge
2017-06-06 bsw Removed json sub attribute support for form element
2017-06-06 bsw Added json sub attribute support for form element
2017-06-06 bsw Added attr support for value container
2017-06-06 jbe Added documentation for listen{{proto = "main", ...}, ...}
2017-06-06 jbe Support proto = "main" in listen{...} call
2017-05-28 jbe Provide "__tostring" meta-method for database error objects
2017-05-25 jbe New function format.file_path_element(...)
2017-05-24 jbe Added documentation for listen{...} regarding interval handlers
2017-05-24 jbe Changed Lua version from 5.2 to 5.3 in Makefile.options
2017-04-21 jbe Fixed inline documentation of encode.file_path(...)
2016-11-07 jbe Keep upsert mode after saving
2016-11-07 jbe Minor efficiency enhancement in <db_object>:try_save() method
2016-11-07 jbe Code cleanup for UPSERT code
2016-11-07 jbe Work on UPSERT support for mondelefant
2016-09-10 jbe Bugfix in JSON library: length of array is an integer, not a float (Lua 5.3 distinguishes them)
2016-09-10 bsw Bugfix in try_destroy function regarding primary keys in JSON documents
2016-07-26 jbe Bugfix (again) in method check
2016-07-26 jbe Bugfix in method check
2016-07-26 jbe Support of HTTP OPTIONS requests; Error handling in router
2016-07-25 jbe Bugfix in request.get_header(...)
2016-07-25 jbe Improved function request.get_header{...}
2016-07-25 jbe Added request.get_header{...} function
2016-07-21 jbe Improved include_tempstore argument to request.redirect{...}
2016-07-21 jbe Do not include _tempstore by default for external URLs
2016-07-21 jbe Fixed typo in previous commit
2016-07-21 jbe Fixed behavior of encode.url{...} when mixing "external" and "params" arguments
2016-07-21 jbe Fixed wrong documentation (no leading slash in request.get_path)
2016-07-21 jbe Fixed error in error creation in execute._create_sorted_execution_list when two initializers have the same name
2016-07-21 jbe Pass error string of coroutine in execute._initializers
2016-06-01 jbe Use snprintf instead of sprintf as a precautionary measure for security
2016-05-16 jbe Added tag v2.1.0 for changeset 0221836a9db5
2016-05-16 jbe Changed version number to 2.1.0v2.1.0
2016-05-16 jbe Do not use luaL_addchar unless Lua string buffer is on top of stack (possible segmentation fault)
2016-02-28 jbe Added net.configure_mail{...} function to allow other mail interfaces than sendmail
2016-02-16 jbe merge
2016-02-16 bsw Added correct use of attr arguments to ui.submit()
2016-02-13 jbe Bugfix for integer decoder in JSON library
2016-02-09 jbe Allow <db_handle>:create_list(...) to create a non-empty list by passing a table as argument (needed for references)
2016-02-05 jbe Updated documentation
2016-01-20 jbe Another change to make <db_object>:try_save() work properly with "document_column"
2016-01-20 jbe Make <db_object>:try_save() work properly with "document_column" being set (by using "_col" proxy)
2016-01-20 jbe Methods :create_object() and :create_list() ignore any additional table argument; "_class" attribute is always set; "_col" proxy respects foreign keys
2016-01-16 jbe Added a (currently unused) pure Lua version of extos.pfilter(...)
2016-01-16 jbe Fixed autodoc documentation of extos.pfilter(...)
2016-01-15 jbe Removed exception rule for encoding certain floats
2016-01-14 jbe json.export(...): avoid exponential notation for integers fitting into lua_Integer represented as float
2016-01-14 jbe json.export(...): also avoid exponential notation for unsigned 64 bit integers represented as float
2016-01-14 jbe json.export(...): Avoid exponential representation for integral floats when they could fit into a 64 bit integer
2016-01-14 jbe Handle special corner case for integral floats in json.export(...)
2016-01-14 jbe Fixed minor glitch regarding floating point numbers (e.g. 0.009) in JSON encoder; Distinguish between integers and floats in JSON encoder if Lua version >= 5.3
2016-01-14 jbe Decode some JSON numbers (those without decimal point or exponential notation) as Lua integers
2016-01-14 jbe Lua 5.3 compatibility: do not use luaL_checkint
2016-01-12 jbe Stack traceback for "coro" (initializers/finalizers)

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