

age author description
2016-09-10 bsw Bugfix in try_destroy function regarding primary keys in JSON documents
2016-07-26 jbe Bugfix (again) in method check
2016-07-26 jbe Bugfix in method check
2016-07-26 jbe Support of HTTP OPTIONS requests; Error handling in router
2016-07-25 jbe Bugfix in request.get_header(...)
2016-07-25 jbe Improved function request.get_header{...}
2016-07-25 jbe Added request.get_header{...} function
2016-07-21 jbe Improved include_tempstore argument to request.redirect{...}
2016-07-21 jbe Do not include _tempstore by default for external URLs
2016-07-21 jbe Fixed typo in previous commit
2016-07-21 jbe Fixed behavior of encode.url{...} when mixing "external" and "params" arguments
2016-07-21 jbe Fixed wrong documentation (no leading slash in request.get_path)
2016-07-21 jbe Fixed error in error creation in execute._create_sorted_execution_list when two initializers have the same name
2016-07-21 jbe Pass error string of coroutine in execute._initializers
2016-06-01 jbe Use snprintf instead of sprintf as a precautionary measure for security
2016-05-16 jbe Added tag v2.1.0 for changeset 0221836a9db5
2016-05-16 jbe Changed version number to 2.1.0v2.1.0
2016-05-16 jbe Do not use luaL_addchar unless Lua string buffer is on top of stack (possible segmentation fault)
2016-02-28 jbe Added net.configure_mail{...} function to allow other mail interfaces than sendmail
2016-02-16 jbe merge
2016-02-16 bsw Added correct use of attr arguments to ui.submit()
2016-02-13 jbe Bugfix for integer decoder in JSON library
2016-02-09 jbe Allow <db_handle>:create_list(...) to create a non-empty list by passing a table as argument (needed for references)
2016-02-05 jbe Updated documentation
2016-01-20 jbe Another change to make <db_object>:try_save() work properly with "document_column"
2016-01-20 jbe Make <db_object>:try_save() work properly with "document_column" being set (by using "_col" proxy)
2016-01-20 jbe Methods :create_object() and :create_list() ignore any additional table argument; "_class" attribute is always set; "_col" proxy respects foreign keys
2016-01-16 jbe Added a (currently unused) pure Lua version of extos.pfilter(...)
2016-01-16 jbe Fixed autodoc documentation of extos.pfilter(...)
2016-01-15 jbe Removed exception rule for encoding certain floats
2016-01-14 jbe json.export(...): avoid exponential notation for integers fitting into lua_Integer represented as float
2016-01-14 jbe json.export(...): also avoid exponential notation for unsigned 64 bit integers represented as float
2016-01-14 jbe json.export(...): Avoid exponential representation for integral floats when they could fit into a 64 bit integer
2016-01-14 jbe Handle special corner case for integral floats in json.export(...)
2016-01-14 jbe Fixed minor glitch regarding floating point numbers (e.g. 0.009) in JSON encoder; Distinguish between integers and floats in JSON encoder if Lua version >= 5.3
2016-01-14 jbe Decode some JSON numbers (those without decimal point or exponential notation) as Lua integers
2016-01-14 jbe Lua 5.3 compatibility: do not use luaL_checkint
2016-01-12 jbe Stack traceback for "coro" (initializers/finalizers)
2016-01-12 jbe Fixed bug which was introduced during code-cleanup of <db_handle>:quote_string(...) function
2016-01-12 jbe Bugfix regarding emergency memory cleanup (missing memory initialization)
2016-01-12 jbe Bugfix in mondelefant.connect{...}
2016-01-12 jbe Added downward-compatibility code for mondelefant.connect{engine='postgresql', ...} call
2016-01-12 jbe Fixed invalid key to next bug
2016-01-12 jbe Bugfix in mondelefant_atom_connector: Properly handle big numbers (integer and non-integer)
2016-01-09 jbe Removed excessive line
2016-01-09 jbe Renamed "columns" property to "_col"
2016-01-09 jbe Proxy table to directly access column-values of a database row (e.g. if document_column is set or for reserved method names)
2016-01-09 jbe Changed mondelefant_result_index C-function: lookup in _data table (regular columns) is done last; lookup in _data table is omitted if "document_column" attribute of class is set
2016-01-09 jbe Always write to document when "document_column" is set in class
2016-01-09 jbe Removed some line-breaks
2016-01-08 jbe Improved memory cleanup in case of out-of-memory errors (PQnotifies and PQunescapeBytea)
2016-01-07 jbe Updated Makefile.options to use pg_config binary and included /usr/include/lua5.2 (for Debian)
2016-01-07 jbe Replaced mondelefant_cleanup function with local cleanup code
2016-01-07 jbe Added missing mondelefant_cleanup(conn) call for previous commit in __gc metamethod
2016-01-07 jbe Hack to avoid cumulating memory leaks in case of (caught) out-of-memory errors
2016-01-06 jbe Some code-cleanup and fixed comments; Better behavior on out-of-memory errors in certain cases
2016-01-06 jbe Further fixes in mondelefant.connect{...} (including proper handling of garbage collection in case of memory allocation errors); Code cleanup (use luaL_setmetatable, which is available since Lua 5.2)
2016-01-06 jbe Updated year of copyright notice
2016-01-06 jbe Fixed syntax error in autodoc documentation of mondelefant.connect{...}
2016-01-06 jbe Updated mondelefant.connect{...} documentation
2016-01-06 jbe Do not require "engine" field to be set for mondelefant.connect{...}; Fixed bugs in mondelefant.connect{...} that could have crashed Lua; Shortened Lua registry key for mondelefant library
2016-01-04 jbe Quick fix to avoid problems on document creation
2016-01-04 jbe Bugfix in "document_column" write mechanism: write to document field when column does NOT exist
2016-01-03 jbe Bug in <db_handle>:try_query(...) fixed, which caused errors when result contains more than two columns (bug introduced by changeset fb98b17056e5)
2015-12-10 jbe Dropped compatibility code for Lua 5.1 (assume LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502)
2015-12-10 jbe Improved error handling in mondelefant_native.c; Fixed bug in error handling when PQsendQuery returned 0
2015-12-09 jbe Use uservalues rather than ephemeron tables in mondelefant
2015-12-09 jbe Fixed error in autodoc documentation of <db_handle>:quote_binary(...)
2015-12-09 jbe Documentation of return values of <db_handle>:wait(...) call in case of error or timeout
2015-12-09 jbe Added <db_handle>:wait(...) method to wait for NOTIFYs
2015-12-04 jbe Updated framework/webmcp_version file to match current version
2015-12-03 jbe Reset window.location.hash after collapsing/expanding sections in autodoc reference
2015-12-03 jbe Keep track of expanded sections in autodoc reference (and collapse sections on hash change)
2015-12-03 jbe Utilize onhashchange event in autodoc output
2015-12-02 jbe Changed version number to 2.0.4
2015-12-01 jbe Changed version numbers of dependencies in documentation
2015-12-01 jbe Callback of ui.list{...} receives index as second argument
2015-12-01 jbe Added missing parenthesis around gsub call (code cleanup only)
2015-11-16 jbe New implementation of (proxy) write access to fields of JSON object in a special column
2015-11-16 jbe New implementation of (proxy) read access to fields of JSON object in a special column
2015-11-16 jbe Reverted changes to mondelefant_result_index and mondelefant_result_newindex C-functions (proxying of JSON document)
2015-11-16 jbe Anchor (URI fragment) support for autodoc system
2015-11-16 jbe Extended _column_info table to be an associative array as well (in addition to a sequence); Allow direct (proxy) access to fields of JSON object in a special column (completed write access)
2015-11-16 jbe Removed wrongly committed lines
2015-11-16 jbe Preparatory work for proxy write access to "document_column"
2015-11-15 jbe Slightly improved efficiency of (JSON) document proxying in mondelefant_native.c
2015-11-14 jbe Allow direct (proxy) access to fields of JSON object in a special column (set in the model) (write access not implemented yet)
2015-11-14 jbe Proper support for mutable data types (JSON objects/arrays) in table columns
2015-11-14 jbe Added mutability state handlers in mondelefant_atom_connector.lua and prepare its usage in mondelefant_native.c
2015-11-14 jbe Support for primary keys in JSON documents (fixes mistake with extra parenthesis in RETURN clause)
2015-08-22 jbe Workaround for issue with noncompliant (_GNU_SOURCE) strerror_r() implementation
2015-08-07 jbe Added tag v2.0.3 for changeset 35d1b6485145
2015-08-05 jbe Changed version to 2.0.3v2.0.3
2015-08-05 jbe Reverted previous changeset (6ad9f6113c52, Support for primary keys in JSON documents)
2015-07-27 jbe Bugfix in request.set_absolute_baseurl and request.register_mime_type (use request.configure to allow call at configuration time)
2015-06-21 jbe Updated documentation for new Moonbridge version (again)
2015-06-20 jbe Updated documentation for new Moonbridge version
2015-05-22 jbe Support for primary keys in JSON documents
2015-03-29 jbe Added tag v2.0.2 for changeset 1d850c6688b6
2015-03-29 jbe New release of v2.0.2 because tar.gz file of v2.0.1 did not contain Makefile.optionsv2.0.2
2015-03-29 jbe Fixed autodoc comment for auth.openid.verify{...}
2015-03-26 jbe Added tag v2.0.1 for changeset 785ff282af16
2015-03-26 jbe Changed version string to "2.0.1"v2.0.1
2015-03-26 jbe Bugfix in trace.error{}: close all open sections to show timings
2015-03-26 jbe Code cleanup in request.handler(...) and request.default_router(...)
2015-03-26 jbe Bugfix in request.get_param_strings{...} which caused an empty table to be returned
2015-03-26 jbe Bugfix in request.get_param_strings{...} regarding include_internal flag
2015-03-26 jbe Bugfix in request.get_param{...} function regarding metadata
2015-03-26 jbe Fixed comment
2015-03-26 jbe Fixed indentation of autodoc comments
2015-03-26 jbe Code cleanup and performance improvements regarding 404 check; Deprecated encode.action_file_path{...} and encode.view_file_path{...}
2015-03-26 jbe extos.stat(...) returns false (instead of nil) if file does not exist; Added extos.lstat(...) and extos.fstat(...)

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