

age author description
2014-07-30 jbe Fixes and documentation in json_setnull and json_length functions of JSON library
2014-07-30 jbe Moved lua_pop(L, 1) call to conditional expression and added documentation in JSON library
2014-07-30 jbe Use lightuserdata directly to store JSON null values in JSON library
2014-07-30 jbe Improved macros for handling Lua registry in JSON library
2014-07-30 jbe Bugfixes in JSON library
2014-07-30 jbe Protect json.import(...) against Lua stack overflows (or integer overflows) due to too many nested levels
2014-07-30 jbe Finished removing all upvalues from JSON library
2014-07-30 jbe Fixed problem with unbalanced stack in json.import(...) function
2014-07-29 jbe Work on JSON library (problem with stack still existent)
2014-07-28 jbe First part of refactoring JSON library (use LUA_REGISTRYINDEX with lightuserdata keys instead of C closures)
2014-07-28 jbe More documentation in JSON library; Implement json.isnull(...) through json.type(...) == "null"
2014-07-28 jbe Some code cleanup and documentation of JSON library
2014-07-28 jbe Added pairs metamethod for (sparse) JSON objects
2014-07-27 jbe Implemented ipairs metamethod for sparse JSON arrays
2014-07-27 jbe Added functions json.object{...} and json.array{...}
2014-07-27 jbe Bugfix in json.type(...) function: Return nil if path is nonexistent, but return string "nil" if only last element is nil

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