
view app/main/member/edit_images.lua @ 1859:02c34183b6df

Fixed wrong filename in INSTALL file
author bsw
date Tue Nov 28 18:54:51 2023 +0100 (6 months ago)
parents 678c7146f27b
line source
1 ui.titleMember(_"avatar/photo")
3 ui.grid{ content = function()
4 ui.cell_main{ content = function()
6 ui.container{ attr = { class = "mdl-card mdl-card__fullwidth mdl-shadow--2dp" }, content = function()
7 ui.container{ attr = { class = "mdl-card__title mdl-card--border" }, content = function()
8 ui.heading { attr = { class = "mdl-card__title-text" }, level = 2, content = _"Upload avatar/photo" }
9 end }
10 ui.container{ attr = { class = "mdl-card__content mdl-card--border" }, content = function()
12 ui.form{
13 record = app.session.member,
14 attr = {
15 class = "vertical section",
16 enctype = 'multipart/form-data'
17 },
18 module = "member",
19 action = "update_images",
20 routing = {
21 ok = {
22 mode = "redirect",
23 module = "member",
24 view = "settings"
25 }
26 },
27 content = function()
28 execute.view{
29 module = "member_image",
30 view = "_show",
31 params = {
32 class = "float-right",
33 member = app.session.member,
34 image_type = "avatar",
35 force_update = true
36 }
37 }
38 ui.heading { level = 4, content = _"Avatar"}
39 ui.container { content = _"Your avatar is a small photo, which will be shown always next to your name." }
40 slot.put("<br />")
41 ui.field.image{ field_name = "avatar" }
43 execute.view{
44 module = "member_image",
45 view = "_show",
46 params = {
47 class = "float-right",
48 member = app.session.member,
49 image_type = "photo",
50 force_update = true
51 }
52 }
53 ui.heading { level = 4, content = _"Photo"}
54 ui.container { content = _"Your photo will be shown in your profile." }
55 slot.put("<br />")
56 ui.field.image{ field_name = "photo" }
57 slot.put("<br style='clear: right;' />")
58 ui.tag{
59 tag = "input",
60 attr = {
61 type = "submit",
62 class = "mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised mdl-button--colored",
63 value = _"publish avatar/photo"
64 },
65 content = ""
66 }
67 slot.put(" &nbsp; ")
68 {
69 attr = { class = "mdl-button mdl-js-button" },
70 module = "member", view = "show", id = app.session.member_id,
71 content = _"Cancel"
72 }
73 end
74 }
76 end }
77 end }
78 end }
80 ui.cell_sidebar{ content = function()
81 execute.view {
82 module = "member", view = "_sidebar_whatcanido", params = {
83 member = app.session.member
84 }
85 }
86 end }
88 end }

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