
annotate update/core-update.v3.1.0-v3.2.0.sql @ 503:986d8f3a6895

Exclude revoked initiatives from updated/featured/leading initiatives in notification system
author jbe
date Tue Apr 05 00:19:33 2016 +0200 (2016-04-05)
parents f39c673420cb
children d07e6a046d41
rev   line source
jbe@478 1 BEGIN;
jbe@478 2
jbe@478 3 CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "liquid_feedback_version" AS
jbe@478 4 SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('3.2.0', 3, 2, 0))
jbe@478 5 AS "subquery"("string", "major", "minor", "revision");
jbe@478 6
jbe@499 7 -- TODO: preliminary script
jbe@499 8
jbe@478 9 ALTER TABLE "member" ADD COLUMN "disable_notifications" BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE;
jbe@492 10 ALTER TABLE "member" ADD COLUMN "notification_counter" INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 1;
jbe@492 11 ALTER TABLE "member" ADD COLUMN "notification_sample_size" INT4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 3;
jbe@492 12 ALTER TABLE "member" ADD COLUMN "notification_dow" INT4 CHECK ("notification_dow" BETWEEN 0 AND 6);
jbe@492 13 ALTER TABLE "member" ADD COLUMN "notification_hour" INT4 CHECK ("notification_hour" BETWEEN 0 AND 23);
jbe@478 14
jbe@478 15 UPDATE "member" SET "disable_notifications" = TRUE WHERE "notify_level" = 'none';
jbe@499 16
jbe@500 17 DROP VIEW "selected_event_seen_by_member";
jbe@500 18 DROP VIEW "event_seen_by_member";
jbe@499 19 ALTER TABLE "member" DROP COLUMN "notify_level";
jbe@499 20 DROP TYPE "notify_level";
jbe@478 21
jbe@478 22 CREATE TABLE "subscription" (
jbe@478 23 PRIMARY KEY ("member_id", "unit_id"),
jbe@478 24 "member_id" INT4 REFERENCES "member" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
jbe@478 25 "unit_id" INT4 REFERENCES "unit" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE );
jbe@478 26 CREATE INDEX "subscription_unit_id_idx" ON "subscription" ("unit_id");
jbe@492 27
jbe@492 28 COMMENT ON TABLE "subscription" IS 'An entry in this table denotes that the member wishes to receive notifications regardless of his/her privileges in the given unit';
jbe@492 29
jbe@492 30 CREATE TABLE "ignored_area" (
jbe@492 31 PRIMARY KEY ("member_id", "area_id"),
jbe@492 32 "member_id" INT4 REFERENCES "unit" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
jbe@492 33 "area_id" INT4 REFERENCES "area" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE );
jbe@492 34 CREATE INDEX "ignored_area_area_id_idx" ON "ignored_area" ("area_id");
jbe@492 35
jbe@492 36 COMMENT ON TABLE "ignored_area" IS 'An entry in this table denotes that the member does not wish to receive notifications for the given subject area unless he/she declared interested in a particular issue';
jbe@492 37
jbe@492 38 CREATE TABLE "initiative_notification_sent" (
jbe@492 39 PRIMARY KEY ("member_id", "initiative_id"),
jbe@492 40 "member_id" INT4 REFERENCES "member" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
jbe@492 41 "initiative_id" INT4 REFERENCES "initiative" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
jbe@492 42 "last_draft_id" INT8 NOT NULL,
jbe@495 43 "last_suggestion_id" INT8 );
jbe@492 44 CREATE INDEX "initiative_notification_sent_initiative_idx" ON "initiative_notification_sent" ("initiative_id");
jbe@478 45
jbe@496 46 CREATE TABLE "newsletter" (
jbe@496 47 "id" SERIAL4 PRIMARY KEY,
jbe@496 48 "published" TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL,
jbe@496 49 "unit_id" INT4 REFERENCES "unit" ("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
jbe@496 50 "include_all_members" BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
jbe@496 51 "sent" TIMESTAMPTZ,
jbe@496 52 "subject" TEXT NOT NULL,
jbe@496 53 "content" TEXT NOT NULL );
jbe@496 54 CREATE INDEX "newsletter_unit_id_idx" ON "newsletter" ("unit_id", "published");
jbe@496 55 CREATE INDEX "newsletter_all_units_published_idx" ON "newsletter" ("published") WHERE "unit_id" ISNULL;
jbe@496 56 CREATE INDEX "newsletter_published_idx" ON "newsletter" ("published");
jbe@496 57
jbe@499 58 CREATE VIEW "event_for_notification" AS
jbe@499 59 SELECT
jbe@499 60 "member"."id" AS "recipient_id",
jbe@499 61 "event".*
jbe@499 62 FROM "member" CROSS JOIN "event"
jbe@499 63 JOIN "issue" ON "issue"."id" = "event"."issue_id"
jbe@499 64 JOIN "area" ON "area"."id" = "issue"."area_id"
jbe@499 65 LEFT JOIN "privilege" ON
jbe@499 66 "privilege"."member_id" = "member"."id" AND
jbe@499 67 "privilege"."unit_id" = "area"."unit_id" AND
jbe@499 68 "privilege"."voting_right" = TRUE
jbe@499 69 LEFT JOIN "subscription" ON
jbe@499 70 "subscription"."member_id" = "member"."id" AND
jbe@499 71 "subscription"."unit_id" = "area"."unit_id"
jbe@499 72 LEFT JOIN "ignored_area" ON
jbe@499 73 "ignored_area"."member_id" = "member"."id" AND
jbe@499 74 "ignored_area"."area_id" = "issue"."area_id"
jbe@499 75 LEFT JOIN "interest" ON
jbe@499 76 "interest"."member_id" = "member"."id" AND
jbe@499 77 "interest"."issue_id" = "event"."issue_id"
jbe@499 78 LEFT JOIN "supporter" ON
jbe@499 79 "supporter"."member_id" = "member"."id" AND
jbe@499 80 "supporter"."initiative_id" = "event"."initiative_id"
jbe@499 81 WHERE ("privilege"."member_id" NOTNULL OR "subscription"."member_id" NOTNULL)
jbe@499 82 AND ("ignored_area"."member_id" ISNULL OR "interest"."member_id" NOTNULL)
jbe@499 83 AND (
jbe@499 84 "event"."event" = 'issue_state_changed'::"event_type" OR
jbe@499 85 ( "event"."event" = 'initiative_revoked'::"event_type" AND
jbe@499 86 "supporter"."member_id" NOTNULL ) );
jbe@499 87
jbe@478 88 CREATE VIEW "updated_initiative" AS
jbe@478 89 SELECT
jbe@499 90 "supporter"."member_id" AS "recipient_id",
jbe@478 91 FALSE AS "featured",
jbe@499 92 "supporter"."initiative_id"
jbe@499 93 FROM "supporter"
jbe@499 94 JOIN "initiative" ON "supporter"."initiative_id" = "initiative"."id"
jbe@478 95 JOIN "issue" ON "issue"."id" = "initiative"."issue_id"
jbe@499 96 LEFT JOIN "initiative_notification_sent" AS "sent" ON
jbe@499 97 "sent"."member_id" = "supporter"."member_id" AND
jbe@499 98 "sent"."initiative_id" = "supporter"."initiative_id"
jbe@499 99 LEFT JOIN "ignored_initiative" ON
jbe@499 100 "ignored_initiative"."member_id" = "supporter"."member_id" AND
jbe@499 101 "ignored_initiative"."initiative_id" = "supporter"."initiative_id"
jbe@480 102 WHERE "issue"."state" IN ('admission', 'discussion')
jbe@503 103 AND "initiative"."revoked" ISNULL
jbe@499 104 AND "ignored_initiative"."member_id" ISNULL
jbe@478 105 AND (
jbe@478 106 EXISTS (
jbe@478 107 SELECT NULL FROM "draft"
jbe@499 108 LEFT JOIN "ignored_member" ON
jbe@499 109 "ignored_member"."member_id" = "supporter"."member_id" AND
jbe@499 110 "ignored_member"."other_member_id" = "draft"."author_id"
jbe@499 111 WHERE "draft"."initiative_id" = "supporter"."initiative_id"
jbe@478 112 AND "draft"."id" > "supporter"."draft_id"
jbe@499 113 AND "ignored_member"."member_id" ISNULL
jbe@478 114 ) OR EXISTS (
jbe@478 115 SELECT NULL FROM "suggestion"
jbe@492 116 LEFT JOIN "opinion" ON
jbe@492 117 "opinion"."member_id" = "supporter"."member_id" AND
jbe@492 118 "opinion"."suggestion_id" = "suggestion"."id"
jbe@499 119 LEFT JOIN "ignored_member" ON
jbe@499 120 "ignored_member"."member_id" = "supporter"."member_id" AND
jbe@499 121 "ignored_member"."other_member_id" = "suggestion"."author_id"
jbe@499 122 WHERE "suggestion"."initiative_id" = "supporter"."initiative_id"
jbe@492 123 AND "opinion"."member_id" ISNULL
jbe@499 124 AND COALESCE("suggestion"."id" > "sent"."last_suggestion_id", TRUE)
jbe@499 125 AND "ignored_member"."member_id" ISNULL
jbe@478 126 )
jbe@478 127 );
jbe@478 128
jbe@478 129 CREATE FUNCTION "featured_initiative"
jbe@499 130 ( "recipient_id_p" "member"."id"%TYPE,
jbe@499 131 "area_id_p" "area"."id"%TYPE )
jbe@499 132 RETURNS SETOF "initiative"."id"%TYPE
jbe@478 133 LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' STABLE AS $$
jbe@478 134 DECLARE
jbe@499 135 "counter_v" "member"."notification_counter"%TYPE;
jbe@499 136 "sample_size_v" "member"."notification_sample_size"%TYPE;
jbe@499 137 "initiative_id_ary" INT4[]; --"initiative"."id"%TYPE[]
jbe@499 138 "match_v" BOOLEAN;
jbe@478 139 "member_id_v" "member"."id"%TYPE;
jbe@478 140 "seed_v" TEXT;
jbe@499 141 "initiative_id_v" "initiative"."id"%TYPE;
jbe@478 142 BEGIN
jbe@499 143 SELECT "notification_counter", "notification_sample_size"
jbe@499 144 INTO "counter_v", "sample_size_v"
jbe@499 145 FROM "member" WHERE "id" = "recipient_id_p";
jbe@478 146 "initiative_id_ary" := '{}';
jbe@478 147 LOOP
jbe@478 148 "match_v" := FALSE;
jbe@478 149 FOR "member_id_v", "seed_v" IN
jbe@478 150 SELECT * FROM (
jbe@478 152 "supporter"."member_id",
jbe@499 153 md5(
jbe@499 154 "recipient_id_p" || '-' ||
jbe@499 155 "counter_v" || '-' ||
jbe@499 156 "area_id_p" || '-' ||
jbe@499 157 "supporter"."member_id"
jbe@499 158 ) AS "seed"
jbe@478 159 FROM "supporter"
jbe@478 160 JOIN "initiative" ON "initiative"."id" = "supporter"."initiative_id"
jbe@478 161 JOIN "issue" ON "issue"."id" = "initiative"."issue_id"
jbe@499 162 WHERE "supporter"."member_id" != "recipient_id_p"
jbe@478 163 AND "issue"."area_id" = "area_id_p"
jbe@478 164 AND "issue"."state" IN ('admission', 'discussion', 'verification')
jbe@478 165 ) AS "subquery"
jbe@478 166 ORDER BY "seed"
jbe@478 167 LOOP
jbe@499 168 SELECT "initiative"."id" INTO "initiative_id_v"
jbe@478 169 FROM "initiative"
jbe@478 170 JOIN "issue" ON "issue"."id" = "initiative"."issue_id"
jbe@499 171 JOIN "area" ON "area"."id" = "issue"."area_id"
jbe@478 172 JOIN "supporter" ON "supporter"."initiative_id" = "initiative"."id"
jbe@478 173 LEFT JOIN "supporter" AS "self_support" ON
jbe@478 174 "self_support"."initiative_id" = "initiative"."id" AND
jbe@499 175 "self_support"."member_id" = "recipient_id_p"
jbe@499 176 LEFT JOIN "privilege" ON
jbe@499 177 "privilege"."member_id" = "recipient_id_p" AND
jbe@499 178 "privilege"."unit_id" = "area"."unit_id" AND
jbe@499 179 "privilege"."voting_right" = TRUE
jbe@499 180 LEFT JOIN "subscription" ON
jbe@499 181 "subscription"."member_id" = "recipient_id_p" AND
jbe@499 182 "subscription"."unit_id" = "area"."unit_id"
jbe@499 183 LEFT JOIN "ignored_initiative" ON
jbe@499 184 "ignored_initiative"."member_id" = "recipient_id_p" AND
jbe@499 185 "ignored_initiative"."initiative_id" = "initiative"."id"
jbe@478 186 WHERE "supporter"."member_id" = "member_id_v"
jbe@478 187 AND "issue"."area_id" = "area_id_p"
jbe@478 188 AND "issue"."state" IN ('admission', 'discussion', 'verification')
jbe@503 189 AND "initiative"."revoked" ISNULL
jbe@478 190 AND "self_support"."member_id" ISNULL
jbe@478 191 AND NOT "initiative_id_ary" @> ARRAY["initiative"."id"]
jbe@499 192 AND (
jbe@499 193 "privilege"."member_id" NOTNULL OR
jbe@499 194 "subscription"."member_id" NOTNULL )
jbe@499 195 AND "ignored_initiative"."member_id" ISNULL
jbe@499 196 AND NOT EXISTS (
jbe@499 197 SELECT NULL FROM "draft"
jbe@499 198 JOIN "ignored_member" ON
jbe@499 199 "ignored_member"."member_id" = "recipient_id_p" AND
jbe@499 200 "ignored_member"."other_member_id" = "draft"."author_id"
jbe@499 201 WHERE "draft"."initiative_id" = "initiative"."id"
jbe@499 202 )
jbe@478 203 ORDER BY md5("seed_v" || '-' || "initiative"."id")
jbe@478 204 LIMIT 1;
jbe@478 205 IF FOUND THEN
jbe@478 206 "match_v" := TRUE;
jbe@499 207 RETURN NEXT "initiative_id_v";
jbe@499 208 IF array_length("initiative_id_ary", 1) + 1 >= "sample_size_v" THEN
jbe@478 209 RETURN;
jbe@478 210 END IF;
jbe@499 211 "initiative_id_ary" := "initiative_id_ary" || "initiative_id_v";
jbe@478 212 END IF;
jbe@478 213 END LOOP;
jbe@478 214 EXIT WHEN NOT "match_v";
jbe@478 215 END LOOP;
jbe@478 216 RETURN;
jbe@478 217 END;
jbe@478 218 $$;
jbe@478 219
jbe@478 220 CREATE VIEW "updated_or_featured_initiative" AS
jbe@478 221 SELECT
jbe@499 222 "subquery".*,
jbe@478 223 NOT EXISTS (
jbe@478 224 SELECT NULL FROM "initiative" AS "better_initiative"
jbe@499 225 WHERE "better_initiative"."issue_id" = "initiative"."issue_id"
jbe@484 226 AND
jbe@502 227 ( COALESCE("better_initiative"."supporter_count", -1),
jbe@484 228 -"better_initiative"."id" ) >
jbe@502 229 ( COALESCE("initiative"."supporter_count", -1),
jbe@485 230 -"initiative"."id" )
jbe@499 231 ) AS "leading"
jbe@499 232 FROM (
jbe@499 233 SELECT * FROM "updated_initiative"
jbe@499 234 UNION ALL
jbe@499 235 SELECT
jbe@499 236 "member"."id" AS "recipient_id",
jbe@499 237 TRUE AS "featured",
jbe@499 238 "featured_initiative_id" AS "initiative_id"
jbe@499 239 FROM "member" CROSS JOIN "area"
jbe@499 241 "featured_initiative"("member"."id", "area"."id") AS "featured_initiative_id"
jbe@499 242 JOIN "initiative" ON "initiative"."id" = "featured_initiative_id"
jbe@499 243 ) AS "subquery"
jbe@499 244 JOIN "initiative" ON "initiative"."id" = "subquery"."initiative_id";
jbe@478 245
jbe@478 246 CREATE VIEW "leading_complement_initiative" AS
jbe@478 247 SELECT * FROM (
jbe@499 248 SELECT DISTINCT ON ("uf_initiative"."recipient_id", "initiative"."issue_id")
jbe@499 249 "uf_initiative"."recipient_id",
jbe@478 250 FALSE AS "featured",
jbe@499 251 "uf_initiative"."initiative_id",
jbe@499 252 TRUE AS "leading"
jbe@492 253 FROM "updated_or_featured_initiative" AS "uf_initiative"
jbe@499 254 JOIN "initiative" AS "uf_initiative_full" ON
jbe@499 255 "uf_initiative_full"."id" = "uf_initiative"."initiative_id"
jbe@492 256 JOIN "initiative" ON
jbe@499 257 "initiative"."issue_id" = "uf_initiative_full"."issue_id"
jbe@503 258 WHERE "initiative"."revoked" ISNULL
jbe@478 259 ORDER BY
jbe@499 260 "uf_initiative"."recipient_id",
jbe@478 261 "initiative"."issue_id",
jbe@502 262 "initiative"."supporter_count" DESC,
jbe@478 263 "initiative"."id"
jbe@478 264 ) AS "subquery"
jbe@478 265 WHERE NOT EXISTS (
jbe@478 266 SELECT NULL FROM "updated_or_featured_initiative" AS "other"
jbe@499 267 WHERE "other"."recipient_id" = "subquery"."recipient_id"
jbe@499 268 AND "other"."initiative_id" = "subquery"."initiative_id"
jbe@478 269 );
jbe@478 270
jbe@492 271 CREATE VIEW "unfiltered_initiative_for_notification" AS
jbe@499 272 SELECT
jbe@499 273 "subquery".*,
jbe@499 274 "supporter"."member_id" NOTNULL AS "supported",
jbe@499 275 CASE WHEN "supporter"."member_id" NOTNULL THEN
jbe@499 276 EXISTS (
jbe@499 277 SELECT NULL FROM "draft"
jbe@499 278 WHERE "draft"."initiative_id" = "subquery"."initiative_id"
jbe@499 279 AND "draft"."id" > "supporter"."draft_id"
jbe@499 280 )
jbe@499 281 ELSE
jbe@499 282 EXISTS (
jbe@499 283 SELECT NULL FROM "draft"
jbe@499 284 WHERE "draft"."initiative_id" = "subquery"."initiative_id"
jbe@499 285 AND COALESCE("draft"."id" > "sent"."last_draft_id", TRUE)
jbe@499 286 )
jbe@499 287 END AS "new_draft",
jbe@499 288 CASE WHEN "supporter"."member_id" NOTNULL THEN
jbe@499 289 ( SELECT count(1) FROM "suggestion"
jbe@499 290 LEFT JOIN "opinion" ON
jbe@499 291 "opinion"."member_id" = "supporter"."member_id" AND
jbe@499 292 "opinion"."suggestion_id" = "suggestion"."id"
jbe@499 293 WHERE "suggestion"."initiative_id" = "subquery"."initiative_id"
jbe@499 294 AND "opinion"."member_id" ISNULL
jbe@499 295 AND COALESCE("suggestion"."id" > "sent"."last_suggestion_id", TRUE)
jbe@499 296 )
jbe@499 297 ELSE
jbe@499 298 ( SELECT count(1) FROM "suggestion"
jbe@499 299 WHERE "suggestion"."initiative_id" = "subquery"."initiative_id"
jbe@499 300 AND COALESCE("suggestion"."id" > "sent"."last_suggestion_id", TRUE)
jbe@499 301 )
jbe@499 302 END AS "new_suggestion_count"
jbe@499 303 FROM (
jbe@499 304 SELECT * FROM "updated_or_featured_initiative"
jbe@499 305 UNION ALL
jbe@499 306 SELECT * FROM "leading_complement_initiative"
jbe@499 307 ) AS "subquery"
jbe@499 308 LEFT JOIN "supporter" ON
jbe@499 309 "supporter"."member_id" = "subquery"."recipient_id" AND
jbe@499 310 "supporter"."initiative_id" = "subquery"."initiative_id"
jbe@499 311 LEFT JOIN "initiative_notification_sent" AS "sent" ON
jbe@499 312 "sent"."member_id" = "subquery"."recipient_id" AND
jbe@499 313 "sent"."initiative_id" = "subquery"."initiative_id";
jbe@478 314
jbe@492 315 CREATE VIEW "initiative_for_notification" AS
jbe@499 316 SELECT "unfiltered1".*
jbe@499 317 FROM "unfiltered_initiative_for_notification" "unfiltered1"
jbe@499 318 JOIN "initiative" AS "initiative1" ON
jbe@499 319 "initiative1"."id" = "unfiltered1"."initiative_id"
jbe@499 320 JOIN "issue" AS "issue1" ON "issue1"."id" = "initiative1"."issue_id"
jbe@492 321 WHERE EXISTS (
jbe@492 322 SELECT NULL
jbe@499 323 FROM "unfiltered_initiative_for_notification" "unfiltered2"
jbe@499 324 JOIN "initiative" AS "initiative2" ON
jbe@499 325 "initiative2"."id" = "unfiltered2"."initiative_id"
jbe@499 326 JOIN "issue" AS "issue2" ON "issue2"."id" = "initiative2"."issue_id"
jbe@499 327 WHERE "unfiltered1"."recipient_id" = "unfiltered2"."recipient_id"
jbe@492 328 AND "issue1"."area_id" = "issue2"."area_id"
jbe@499 329 AND ("unfiltered2"."new_draft" OR "unfiltered2"."new_suggestion_count" > 0 )
jbe@492 330 );
jbe@492 331
jbe@497 332 CREATE VIEW "newsletter_to_send" AS
jbe@497 333 SELECT
jbe@499 334 "member"."id" AS "recipient_id",
jbe@499 335 "newsletter"."id" AS "newsletter_id"
jbe@497 336 FROM "newsletter" CROSS JOIN "member"
jbe@497 337 LEFT JOIN "privilege" ON
jbe@497 338 "privilege"."member_id" = "member"."id" AND
jbe@497 339 "privilege"."unit_id" = "newsletter"."unit_id" AND
jbe@497 340 "privilege"."voting_right" = TRUE
jbe@497 341 LEFT JOIN "subscription" ON
jbe@497 342 "subscription"."member_id" = "member"."id" AND
jbe@497 343 "subscription"."unit_id" = "newsletter"."unit_id"
jbe@498 344 WHERE "newsletter"."published" <= now()
jbe@497 345 AND "newsletter"."sent" ISNULL
jbe@497 346 AND "member"."locked" = FALSE
jbe@497 347 AND (
jbe@497 348 "member"."disable_notifications" = FALSE OR
jbe@497 349 "newsletter"."include_all_members" = TRUE )
jbe@497 350 AND (
jbe@497 351 "newsletter"."unit_id" ISNULL OR
jbe@497 352 "privilege"."member_id" NOTNULL OR
jbe@497 353 "subscription"."member_id" NOTNULL );
jbe@497 354
jbe@492 355 CREATE FUNCTION "get_initiatives_for_notification"
jbe@501 356 ( "recipient_id_p" "member"."id"%TYPE )
jbe@492 357 RETURNS SETOF "initiative_for_notification"
jbe@492 358 LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE AS $$
jbe@492 359 DECLARE
jbe@492 360 "result_row" "initiative_for_notification"%ROWTYPE;
jbe@492 361 "last_draft_id_v" "draft"."id"%TYPE;
jbe@492 362 "last_suggestion_id_v" "suggestion"."id"%TYPE;
jbe@492 363 BEGIN
jbe@492 364 PERFORM "require_transaction_isolation"();
jbe@501 365 PERFORM NULL FROM "member" WHERE "id" = "recipient_id_p" FOR UPDATE;
jbe@492 366 FOR "result_row" IN
jbe@492 367 SELECT * FROM "initiative_for_notification"
jbe@501 368 WHERE "recipient_id" = "recipient_id_p"
jbe@492 369 LOOP
jbe@492 370 SELECT "id" INTO "last_draft_id_v" FROM "draft"
jbe@499 371 WHERE "draft"."initiative_id" = "result_row"."initiative_id"
jbe@492 372 ORDER BY "id" DESC LIMIT 1;
jbe@492 373 SELECT "id" INTO "last_suggestion_id_v" FROM "suggestion"
jbe@499 374 WHERE "suggestion"."initiative_id" = "result_row"."initiative_id"
jbe@492 375 ORDER BY "id" DESC LIMIT 1;
jbe@492 376 INSERT INTO "initiative_notification_sent"
jbe@492 377 ("member_id", "initiative_id", "last_draft_id", "last_suggestion_id")
jbe@492 378 VALUES (
jbe@501 379 "recipient_id_p",
jbe@499 380 "result_row"."initiative_id",
jbe@493 381 "last_draft_id_v",
jbe@493 382 "last_suggestion_id_v" )
jbe@492 383 ON CONFLICT ("member_id", "initiative_id") DO UPDATE SET
jbe@492 384 "last_draft_id" = CASE
jbe@494 385 WHEN "initiative_notification_sent"."last_draft_id" > "last_draft_id_v"
jbe@494 386 THEN "initiative_notification_sent"."last_draft_id"
jbe@492 387 ELSE "last_draft_id_v"
jbe@492 388 END,
jbe@492 389 "last_suggestion_id" = CASE
jbe@494 390 WHEN "initiative_notification_sent"."last_suggestion_id" > "last_suggestion_id_v"
jbe@494 391 THEN "initiative_notification_sent"."last_suggestion_id"
jbe@492 392 ELSE "last_suggestion_id_v"
jbe@492 393 END;
jbe@492 394 RETURN NEXT "result_row";
jbe@492 395 END LOOP;
jbe@492 396 DELETE FROM "initiative_notification_sent"
jbe@492 397 USING "initiative", "issue"
jbe@501 398 WHERE "initiative_notification_sent"."member_id" = "recipient_id_p"
jbe@492 399 AND "initiative"."id" = "initiative_notification_sent"."initiative_id"
jbe@492 400 AND "issue"."id" = "initiative"."issue_id"
jbe@492 401 AND ( "issue"."closed" NOTNULL OR "issue"."fully_frozen" NOTNULL );
jbe@492 402 UPDATE "member" SET "notification_counter" = "notification_counter" + 1
jbe@501 403 WHERE "id" = "recipient_id_p";
jbe@492 404 RETURN;
jbe@492 405 END;
jbe@492 406 $$;
jbe@492 407
jbe@478 408 COMMIT;

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