
view README @ 55:37c2841c6e8c

Added warning regarding nested/repeated loops to README
author jbe
date Wed Aug 27 00:21:04 2014 +0200 (2014-08-27)
parents 92ce3958aca7
children c3976eacc6ab
line source
1 seqlua: Extension for handling sequential data in Lua
2 =====================================================
4 This package is an experimental extension for the Lua 5.2 programming language
5 which:
7 * allows ``ipairs(seq)`` to accept either tables or functions (i.e function
8 iterators) as an argument,
9 * adds a new function ``string.concat(separator, seq)`` that concats either
10 table entries or function return values,
11 * provides auxiliary C functions and macros to simplify iterating over both
12 tables and iterator functions with a generic statement.
14 Existing ``__ipairs`` or ``__index`` (but not ``__len``) metamethods are
15 respected by both the Lua functions and the C functions and macros. The
16 ``__ipairs`` metamethod takes precedence over ``__index``, while the
17 ``__len`` metamethod is never used.
19 Metamethod handling in detail is explained in the last section
20 ("Respected metamethods") at the bottom of this README.
22 In Lua, this extension is loaded by ``require "seqlua"``. In order to use the
23 auxiliary C functions and macros, add ``#include <seqlualib.h>`` to your C file
24 and ensure that the functions implemented in ``seqlualib.c`` are statically or
25 dynamically linked with your C Lua library.
29 Motivation
30 ----------
32 Sequential data (such as arrays or streams) is often represented in two
33 different ways:
35 * as an ordered set of values (usually implemented as an array in other
36 programming languages, or as a sequence in Lua: a table with numeric keys
37 {1..n} associated with a value each),
38 * as some sort of data stream (sometimes implemented as a class of objects
39 providing certain methods, or as an iterator function in Lua: a function that
40 returns the next value with every call, where nil indicates the end of the
41 stream).
43 Quite often, when functions work on sequential data, it shouldn't matter in
44 which form the sequential data is being provided to the function. As an
45 example, consider a function that is writing a sequence of strings to a file.
46 Such function could either be fed with an array of strings (a table with
47 numeric keys in Lua) or with a (possibly infinite) stream of data (an iterator
48 function in Lua).
50 A function in Lua that accepts a table, might look like as follows:
52 function write_lines(lines)
53 for i, line in ipairs(lines) do
54 io.stdout:write(line)
55 io.stdout:write("\n")
56 end
57 end
59 In contrast, a function in Lua that accepts an iterator function would have to
60 be implemented differently:
62 function write_lines(get_next_line)
63 for line in get_next_line do
64 io.stdout:write(line)
65 io.stdout:write("\n")
66 end
67 end
69 If one wanted to create a function that accepts either a sequence in form of a
70 table or an iterator function, then one might need to write:
72 do
73 local function write_line(line)
74 io.stdout:write(line)
75 io.stdout:write("\n")
76 end
77 function write_lines(lines)
78 if type(lines) == "function" then
79 for line in lines do
80 write_line(line)
81 end
82 else
83 for i, line in ipairs(lines) do
84 write_line(line)
85 end
86 end
87 end
88 end
90 Obviously, this isn't something we want to do in every function that accepts
91 sequential data. Therefore, we usually decide for one of the two first forms
92 and thus disallow the other possible representation of sequential data to be
93 passed to the function.
95 This extension, however, modifies Lua's ``ipairs`` statement in such way that
96 it automatically accepts either a table or an iterator function as argument.
97 Thus, the first of the three ``write_lines`` functions above will accept both
98 (table) sequences and (function) iterators.
100 In addition to the modification of ``ipairs``, it also provides C functions and
101 macros to iterate over values in the same manner as a generic loop statement
102 with ``ipairs`` would do.
104 Note that in case of repeated or nested loops, using function iterators may not
105 be feasible:
107 function print_list_twice(seq)
108 for i = 1, 2 do
109 for i, v in ipairs(seq) do
110 print(v)
111 end
112 end
113 end
114 print_list_twice(io.stdin:lines()) -- won't work as expected
116 Also note that this extension doesn't aim to supersede Lua's concept of
117 iterator functions. While metamethods (see section "Respected metamethods"
118 below) may be used to customize iteration behavior on values, this extension
119 isn't thought to replace the common practice to use function closures as
120 iterators. Consider the following example:
122 local result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM actor ORDER BY birthdate")
123 write_lines(result:get_column_entries("name"))
125 The ``get_column_entries`` method can return a simple function closure that
126 returns the next entry in the "name" column (returning ``nil`` to indicate the
127 end). Such a closure can then be passed to another function that iterates
128 through a sequence of values by invoking ``ipairs`` with the general for-loop
129 (as previously shown).
131 Where desired, it is also possible to use metamethods to customize iteration
132 behavior:
134 function print_rows(rows)
135 for i, row in ipairs(rows) do
136 print_row(row)
137 end
138 end
139 local result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM actor ORDER BY birthday")
140 assert(type(result) == "userdata")
142 -- we may rely on the ``__index`` or ``__ipairs`` metamethod to
143 -- iterate through all result rows here:
144 print_rows(result) -- no need to use ":rows()" or a similar syntax
146 -- but we can also still pass an individual set of result rows to the
147 -- print_rows function:
148 print_rows{result[1], result[#result]}
150 This extension, however, doesn't respect the ``__len`` metamethod due to the
151 following considerations:
153 * An efficient implementation where ``for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do ... end`` does
154 neither create a closure nor repeatedly evaluate ``#tbl`` seems to be
155 impossible.
156 * Respecting ``__len`` could be used to implement sparse arrays, but this would
157 require iterating functions to expect ``nil`` as a potential value. This may
158 lead to problems because ``nil`` is usually also used to indicate the absence
159 of a value.
161 Though, if such behavior is desired, it can still be implemented through the
162 ``__ipairs`` metamethod.
164 Unless manually done by the user in the ``__ipairs`` metamethod, the ``ipairs``
165 function as well as the corresponding C functions and macros provided by this
166 extension never create any closures or other values that need to be garbage
167 collected.
171 Lua part of the library
172 -----------------------
174 The modified ``ipairs(seq)`` and the new ``string.concat(sep, seq)`` functions
175 accept either a table or a function as ``seq``. This is demonstrated in the
176 following examples:
178 require "seqlua"
180 t = {"a", "b", "c"}
182 for i, v in ipairs(t) do
183 print(i, v)
184 end
185 -- prints:
186 -- 1 a
187 -- 2 b
188 -- 3 c
190 print(string.concat(",", t))
191 -- prints: a,b,c
193 function alphabet()
194 local letter = nil
195 return function()
196 if letter == nil then
197 letter = "a"
198 elseif letter == "z" then
199 return nil
200 else
201 letter = string.char(string.byte(letter) + 1)
202 end
203 return letter
204 end
205 end
207 for i, v in ipairs(alphabet()) do
208 print(i, v)
209 end
210 -- prints:
211 -- 1 a
212 -- 2 b
213 -- 3 c
214 -- ...
215 -- 25 y
216 -- 26 z
218 print(string.concat(",", alphabet()))
219 -- prints: a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
221 function filter(f)
222 return function(seq)
223 return coroutine.wrap(function()
224 for i, v in ipairs(seq) do f(v) end
225 end)
226 end
227 end
229 alpha_beta_x = filter(function(v)
230 if v == "a" then
231 coroutine.yield("alpha")
232 elseif v == "b" then
233 coroutine.yield("beta")
234 elseif type(v) == "number" then
235 for i = 1, v do
236 coroutine.yield("X")
237 end
238 end
239 end)
241 print((","):concat(alpha_beta_x{"a", 3, "b", "c", "d"}))
242 -- prints: alpha,X,X,X,beta
244 print((","):concat(alpha_beta_x(alphabet())))
245 -- prints: alpha,beta
249 C part of the library
250 ---------------------
252 In ``seqlualib.h``, the following macro is defined:
254 #define seqlua_iterloop(L, iter, idx) \
255 for ( \
256 seqlua_iterinit((L), (iter), (idx)); \
257 seqlua_iternext(iter); \
258 )
260 and
262 #define seqlua_iterloopauto(L, iter, idx) \
263 for ( \
264 seqlua_iterinit((L), (iter), (idx)); \
265 seqlua_iternext(iter); \
266 lua_pop((L), 1) \
267 )
269 This macro allows iteration over either tables or iterator functions as the
270 following example function demonstrates:
272 int printcsv(lua_State *L) {
273 seqlua_Iterator iter;
274 seqlua_iterloop(L, &iter, 1) {
275 if (seqlua_itercount(&iter) > 1) fputs(",", stdout);
276 fputs(luaL_tolstring(L, -1, NULL), stdout);
277 // two values need to be popped (the value pushed by
278 // seqlua_iternext and the value pushed by luaL_tolstring)
279 lua_pop(L, 2);
280 }
281 fputs("\n", stdout);
282 return 0;
283 }
285 printcsv{"a", "b", "c"}
286 -- prints: a,b,c
288 printcsv(assert("testfile")):lines())
289 -- prints: line1,line2,... of "testfile"
291 NOTE: During iteration using ``seqlua_iterloop``, ``seqlua_iterloopauto``, or
292 ``seqlua_iterinit``, three extra elements are stored on the stack (additionally
293 to the value). These extra elements are removed automatically when the loop ends
294 (i.e. when ``seqlua_iternext`` returns zero). The value pushed onto the stack
295 for every iteration step has to be removed manually from the stack, unless
296 ``seqlua_iterloopauto`` is used.
300 Respected metamethods
301 ---------------------
303 Regarding the behavior of the Lua functions and the C functions and macros
304 provided by this extension, an existing ``__index`` metamethod will be
305 respected automatically. An existing ``__ipairs`` metamethod, however, takes
306 precedence.
308 If the ``__ipairs`` field of a value's metatable is set, then it must always
309 refer to a function. When starting iteration over a value with such a
310 metamethod being set, then this function is called with ``self`` (i.e. the
311 value itself) passed as first argument. The return values of the ``__ipairs``
312 metamethod may take one of the following 4 forms:
314 * ``return function_or_callable, static_argument, startindex`` causes the three
315 arguments to be returned by ``ipairs`` without further modification. Using
316 the C macros and functions for iteration, the behavior is according to the
317 generic loop statement in Lua:
318 ``for i, v in function_or_callable, static_argument, startindex do ... end``
319 * ``return "raw", table`` will result in iteration over the table ``table``
320 using ``lua_rawgeti``
321 * ``return "index", table_or_userdata`` will result in iteration over the table
322 or userdata while respecting any ``__index`` metamethod of the table or
323 userdata value
324 * ``return "call", function_or_callable`` will use the callable value as
325 (function) iterator where the function is expected to return a single value
326 without any index (the index is inserted automatically when using the
327 ``ipairs`` function for iteration)
329 These possiblities are demonstrated by the following example code:
331 require "seqlua"
333 do
334 local function ipairsaux(t, i)
335 i = i + 1
336 if i <= 3 then
337 return i, t[i]
338 end
339 end
340 custom = setmetatable(
341 {"one", "two", "three", "four", "five"},
342 {
343 __ipairs = function(self)
344 return ipairsaux, self, 0
345 end
346 }
347 )
348 end
349 print(string.concat(",", custom))
350 -- prints: one,two,three
351 -- (note that "four" and "five" are not printed)
353 tbl = {"alpha", "beta"}
355 proxy1 = setmetatable({}, {__index = tbl})
356 for i, v in ipairs(proxy1) do print(i, v) end
357 -- prints:
358 -- 1 alpha
359 -- 2 beta
361 proxy2 = setmetatable({}, {
362 __ipairs = function(self)
363 return "index", proxy1
364 end
365 })
366 for i, v in ipairs(proxy2) do print(i, v) end
367 -- prints:
368 -- 1 alpha
369 -- 2 beta
370 print(proxy2[1])
371 -- prints: nil
373 cursor = setmetatable({
374 "alice", "bob", "charlie", pos=1
375 }, {
376 __call = function(self)
377 local value = self[self.pos]
378 if value == nil then
379 self.pos = 1
380 else
381 self.pos = self.pos + 1
382 end
383 return value
384 end,
385 __ipairs = function(self)
386 return "call", self
387 end
388 })
389 for i, v in ipairs(cursor) do print(i, v) end
390 -- prints:
391 -- 1 alice
392 -- 2 bob
393 -- 3 charlie
394 print(cursor())
395 -- prints: alice
396 for i, v in ipairs(cursor) do print(i, v) end
397 -- prints:
398 -- 1 bob
399 -- 2 charlie
400 -- (note that "alice" has been returned earlier)
402 coefficients = setmetatable({1.25, 3.14, 17.5}, {
403 __index = function(self) return 1 end,
404 __ipairs = function(self) return "raw", self end
405 })
406 for i, v in ipairs(coefficients) do print(i, v) end
407 -- prints:
408 -- 1 1.25
409 -- 2 3.14
410 -- 3 17.5
411 -- (note that iteration terminates even if coefficients[4] == 1)
412 print(coefficients[4])
413 -- prints: 1

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